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Regulars of grandiose parties and other entertainment events often give their preference to the spectacular and positive emotions-inducing cocktail Depth Charge, or, as it is also called, Deep Water Bomb. The uniqueness of this drink lies in the fact that in the process of tasting the "depth bomb" manages to "explode" three times: the first time during production, the second - in the mouth during tasting, the third - in the skull.

The used components of such a mix cause a storm of emotions in the body, which turn into a seething cycle, instantly providing a festive mood. I invite you to consider several recipes for such an amazing alcoholic drink, which delights not only with a special curious taste, but also with an incredibly effective presentation.

Such a mix will no doubt be to the taste of consumers who do not mind knocking over a couple of glasses of beer and who want to enhance the effect of drinking it. As a result of mixing drinks of different strengths, you will quickly cheer yourself up and will be able to experience an unusual exciting feeling when the blast wave passes through you and leaves only pleasant emotions. Already after the first sip of this bomb mix, you will feel an indescribable aftertaste of sweetish beer, which is difficult to describe in words, but can be felt in real life.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. First of all, fill the beer glass with chilled light beer.
  2. We take a small glass and fill it with golden tequila.
  3. Gently lower a glass of strong alcohol into a glass of beer.
  4. Using a bar spoon or a knife with a thick blade, gently add Blue Curacao liqueur along the wall of the stack.
  5. Next, we create the next layer of Cointreau, and on top of it we lay a layer of strawberry liqueur.
  6. We drink the drink in large sips or, if we have enough strength and capabilities, in one gulp.

Simplified version

The presented version of the Depth Charge cocktail is to the liking of those who do not favor sweet additives, but respect non-standard mixing of classic spirits. Since this recipe does not include ingredients that can dilute a high degree of strong alcohol, be vigilant about the amount you drink, otherwise after the second explosive portion you will not be able to be responsible for your own actions.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We fill a large glass with a wide neck with chilled light beer.
  2. Fill a small glass with ice-cold tequila.
  3. We take a glass with the contents by the edges and carefully lower the glass of beer to the bottom.
  4. We take a big breath and on the second breath we drink the mix in one gulp. Do not make too sudden movements, otherwise the glass may hit your teeth.

Women's version

Enterprising bartenders have developed a special version of the Depth Charge cocktail that will appeal to the fair sex. The drink has a charming magical note and gives a sweet long aftertaste.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. Fill a small glass with a volume of no more than 60 ml with grenadine.
  2. Using the blade of a knife, create a second layer of the mix, adding Blue Curacao.
  3. Then we create a third layer of orange transparent alcohol.
  4. Fill a beer glass with light beer and add lemon juice to it.
  5. Then carefully lower the glass with the prepared sweet mix into the beer mixture.
  6. We observe a beautiful plume, and then we drink the drink in large sips.

Male version

Representatives of the strong half of society will certainly like the domestic version of the Depth Charge cocktail. The effect of mixing an intoxicating drink with strong alcohol will not take long, and the desired cheerful mood will be provided in a few minutes.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We fill the glass with high-quality vodka and send it to the microwave for about 10 seconds.
  2. In the meantime, pour cold light beer into a beer glass and salt it.
  3. We take out a glass of strong alcohol from the microwave and set fire to the vodka.
  4. We count to ten and throw the stack with the contents into a glass of intoxicating drink.
  5. We drink alcohol in one breath, in one gulp.

Cocktail recipe Irish car bomb

Oddly enough, but the piquancy of this mix lies in the fact that it is quite risky to order it in Irish bars. Among the locals, this alcoholic drink is associated with real bombs that were planted in cars during the conflicts in Northern Ireland. Americans call this cocktail Irish only for the reason that only Irish spirits are used in its composition.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. Beer glass filled with cold Irish beer Guinness.
  2. Half fill a standard shot glass with Jamison Irish Whiskey.
  3. We fill the second part of the glass with Baileys.
  4. After lowering the glass with the contents to the bottom of the beer glass.
  5. We immediately drink a cocktail in one gulp, without waiting for the drinks to mix. Otherwise, after a few seconds after mixing, the Baileys will curl up, and it will become difficult to drink the cocktail.

Video recipes for making a cocktail Depth charge

The depth charge is a unique cocktail that allows you not only to improvise with its ingredients, but also to change the ways of serving. To better understand the possibilities that this drink offers, I advise you to watch a few videos in which professional bartenders will present their own preparation variations.

On the presented video you can see the whole process of making such an original cocktail as the Depth Charge. The wizard will demonstrate step-by-step instructions and give many useful tips.

Here, the master of his craft will present you with his version of the Irish Car Bomb. After making the drink, the taster will taste the finished strong drink and share his own conclusions regarding its qualities.

An experienced bartender will show you how to make this explosive cocktail at home, and will introduce you to his proportions and the ingredients used.

Helpful information

Bar art is famous for allowing people to discover new talents in themselves and create wonderful drinks with their own hands that will decorate and enrich any party or any other entertainment event, improving the mood of the audience with its amazing appearance alone.

  • If you decide to improve your skills in creating delicious mixes, I advise you to study the list - orange juice cocktails -.
  • I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the opportunities that will provide the taster - cocktails with liquor -.
  • If you are a beginner and do not know where to start your training in the bar business, try the most basic and very tasty cola cocktails that do not require expensive ingredients from you.
  • If there is a desire to brighten up the morning of a person dear to you, then study curious mixtures that will certainly make a favorable impression and fill you with vital energy for the whole day.

Depending on your imagination and desire, you can easily change the nature and taste of the Depth Charge mix. However, keep in mind that no matter what combinations you use, mixing liquids of different strengths almost always produces a real time bomb effect on the consumer. Write in the comments which version of this cocktail you liked the most and tell us why. I will also be very grateful for new ideas and successful combinations in the manufacture of the Depth Charge. Thank you for your time and good luck with your experiments!

Irish car bomb is truly one of the worst drinks you could ever imagine ordering in Ireland - or anywhere else for that matter. However, the drink is still popular among young drinkers in the US who don't seem to know why the name is offensive.

The reason why you should never order a short beer has a lot to do with Ireland's history. Car bombs were a terrible reality for people of all ages in Ireland in the not too distant past.

There's no faster way to be labeled as a clueless young American than to walk into an Irish pub, walk up to the bar thinking you know what you're doing, and then order some "Irish car bombs".

First of all, almost no one in Ireland knows that a drink called "Irish Car Bomb" exists anywhere. Then because you will either confuse the bar staff or quickly say "we don't serve here" and you might be asked to leave.

What is an "Irish car bomb"?

The "Irish Car Bomb" is a drink that is popularized in the United States of America, although it's better described as a perfect waste of three good drinks. Officially referred to as an American beer cocktail (although beer is not usually included in most standard cocktails), an "Irish car bomb" is, more accurately, a "bomb blast" like a cauldron.

To make an Irish car bomb, you first take a glass of Irish fat (most often Guinness, though not necessarily) and pour it just over half way.

Then you fill a shot glass with a measure of Irish cream (like Bailey's) and you place a shot of Irish whiskey on top of the cream liqueur.

Once strong, whiskey and cream are mixed, the whole mixture will curdle (which, by the way, does not worsen or improve the taste, but may offend your sensibilities in other ways).

Thus, the whole purpose of the "Irish car bomb" is to drink a mixture of beer and liquor as quickly as possible. This makes the drink very popular among people who don't really care what they drink, but who want to make the most out of their drink and get drunk in the shortest amount of time.

And although the drink is quite popular in the US, it is practically unknown in Ireland. There have been several instances where trendy English bars have tried to introduce it, receiving serious complaints. Read on to find out why the name of the drink is such a terrible and insensitive idea.

What an Irish car bomb really is...

Imagine yourself on a shopping trip when a "safety signal" is announced and you drive past a red car. Which actually explodes while you are still near it. Your hearing was gone, flying glass cut your back, you were thrown onto the pavement and abrasions to prove it.

This is not a scenario to be imagined in Ireland - it was the harsh reality of life for decades during a period commonly referred to as "The Troubles".

Think of Omaha in 1998, when several "dissident Republicans" parked on the city's main shopping street were killed by a car bomb over two dozen people - women, men, children, pensioners, British, Irish and Spaniards.

Or, for example, Dublin and Monaghan in 1974, when concerted car bombs planted by loyalists killed 33 people (34 if not counting the unborn child) - the highest death toll of any day during the "troubles". For some US visitors, it might also help to think about Oklahoma City in 1995 when 168 people were killed - what if someone creates a cocktail named after a US national tragedy?

Ireland has had its fair share of car bombs and other IEDs ('improvised explosive devices') north and south of the border planted on both sides of the political and sectarian divide, with the death toll still threatening to rise due to some misconceptions." freedom fighters are "trying to make their point by planting another horrific device with full knowledge of the risk to innocent lives.

That's why "Irish Car Bomb" is a terrible, insulting and insulting name for a drink in Ireland.

Asking for this in a country that has dozens of people killed by real Irish car bombs quickly becomes undesirable.

Just stop and think!

Now that you know the history of the drink's name and why it's an incredibly sensitive topic in Ireland (both Northern Ireland and the Republic), it's easy to see why you should never ask for a drink as a tourist.

They may not be a daily occurrence in Ireland anymore, but global news is still full of violence around the world every day. This all means that what might seem like a funny name for a drink is not at all - and certainly not very smart.

And, overall, it's a waste of good drinks.

If you want to order a real Irish drink, just ask for a decent Irish whiskey, neat, no ice, and then a beer driver - much nicer, giving you time to enjoy them.

Bar art is famous for allowing people to discover new talents in themselves and create wonderful drinks with their own hands that will decorate and enrich any party or any other entertainment event, improving the mood of the audience with its amazing appearance alone.

  • If you decide to improve your skills in creating delicious mixes, I advise you to study the list of -cocktails with orange juice-.
  • I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the opportunities that will provide the taster - cocktails with liquor -.
  • If you are a beginner and do not know where to start your training in the bar business, try the most basic and very tasty cola cocktails that do not require expensive ingredients from you.
  • If there is a desire to brighten up the morning of a person dear to you, then study curious mixtures that will certainly make a favorable impression and fill you with vital energy for the whole day.

Depending on your imagination and desire, you can easily change the nature and taste of the Depth Charge mix. However, keep in mind that no matter what combinations you use, mixing liquids of different strengths almost always produces a real time bomb effect on the consumer. Write in the comments which version of this cocktail you liked the most and tell us why. I will also be very grateful for new ideas and successful combinations in the manufacture of the Depth Charge. Thank you for your time and good luck with your experiments!

The Depth Charge cocktail recipe contains the following ingredients

  • Chilled beer (150 ml)
  • Vodka (50 ml)
  • Orange (1 pc)
  • Sugar (2 teaspoons)

History of the Depth Charge Cocktail Recipe:

The recipe for the Depth Charge cocktail is also known as the boilermarker. He was the founder of American bar culture. It can rightly be called the grandfather of cocktails, as it has been made since the 1930s. You may have seen this cocktail in some of the popular Hollywood movies like Bad Bears, The Nutty Professor and Brawl. The recipe for the Depth Charge cocktail is very easy to make, which is very convenient for the bartender. The depth charge is notable for being a beer cocktail sipped with a shot of whiskey or tequila. You can drink tequila in a big gulp and then drink beer or do it in another way, pour it into a glass and drown it in a glass of beer, undoubtedly the second option is more artistic. Well, in conclusion of the story, I would like to say that the cocktail has always been prepared from the most expensive strong alcohol drinks, tequila or vodka.

December 31 is the day when even those who usually do not drink drink. And those who usually drink are thinking about how to do it in an unusual way. However, refraining from unnecessary experiments in this case will be the best choice. Scientists and narcologists explain why.

The Daily Mail website published a new study by Hal Sosabowski, a scientist from the University of Brighton in the UK, according to which the use of such exotic drinks as sherry and port wine can lead to severe hangovers.

In his opinion, medium-strength drinks - about 20% alcohol content - are easily absorbed by the body, which is why they carry the greatest danger in the form of a hangover. Strong alcohol is absorbed more slowly, suppressing the work of the stomach, and light drinks, in turn, will also prevent you from getting drunk quickly due to the relatively low degree.

However, this fact does not apply to carbonated drinks, especially sparkling wines: the carbon dioxide contained in them helps the alcohol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The same goes for beer.

It is also worth considering that if you drink strong alcohol with water or other soft drinks, this will lead to the very “easily digestible” alcohol concentration of 20% and rapid intoxication.

For the same reason, you should not mix strong alcohol with low-alcohol drinks.

The myth that if you do not lower the degree, you can avoid serious consequences, has long been debunked. But there is one more useful advice from experts: you should not mix drinks from different raw materials in one evening - this is stated on the Hangover.Rf portal, created by toxicologists, hepatologists and narcologists.

This means that if you drink drinks from grain alcohol - and this is vodka, whiskey, schnapps, gorilka and other strong drinks, then they do not need to be accompanied by derivatives from grape alcohol - this is wine, port wine, cognac, sherry, grappa and so on. With rum, gin, absinthe and tequila, you should be more careful and look at the compositions, since they can be produced from different, and sometimes initially mixed, raw materials.

Expert opinions differ, but if you collect all the above tips, it turns out that cocktails will be the most dangerous, since they often mix alcohol from different raw materials, sugar syrups and soda, as a result of which the average strength of the drink may well be dangerous 20 degrees. Based on these criteria, we have made a selection of the most insidious cocktails that are definitely not worth drinking on New Year's Eve. And never at all.

Deadly classic

Even if you don't drink cocktails, you probably know about the Northern Lights, because those who have tried it usually do not forget this. According to the recipe for it, you need to mix vodka with sparkling wine in a 1: 2 ratio, add ice, honey, lemon juice and a sprig of rosemary to smooth out the taste.

The combination of grain alcohol with grape alcohol, as well as carbon dioxide, will do the trick.

There is another equally aggressive variation from this category - "Striking Hammer", which is made from vodka and red wine.

Irish Madness

Irish cocktails are quite specific. Take, for example, the Irish Car Bomb, a cocktail made up of stout, cream liqueur and Irish whiskey.

The strange name is a reference to the car bombs stuffed with IRA fighters that went up in the air in Northern Ireland in the 70s.

Another example of a killer alcoholic invention from Ireland is Johnny's Hopper. Everything is simple here: a shot of whiskey is thrown into 1/2 pint of cider. You can experiment with varieties of ingredients for taste, but the effect, if anything, will be the same.

Sailors are bad jokes

According to legend, the Captain's Sea cocktail was invented by a Seattle bartender named Harry Porter more than half a century ago: the bulk of his customers were sailors who liked rather hard drinks. This cocktail contains whiskey, dry champagne, bitters and absinthe. For its effect, the drink was even nicknamed "distilled dynamite."

Cocktail Irish car bomb is remembered for its chocolate-milk flavor with hints of sweetness. The drink will appeal to lovers of stout beer. Fortress - about 8% vol.

Historical reference. The "Irish car bomb" refers to a group that appeared in the 1930s in the United States. The idea is simple - drop a stack of hard liquor into a glass of beer and drink in one gulp. The author of the recipe and the origin of the Irish version are unknown.

According to one version, the name was given because of the quick intoxication caused by the cocktails of this group.

Attention! The Irish Car Bomb cocktail is not recommended in bars in Ireland and Britain, as it is believed to be associated with the Irish Republican Army (IRA), a terrorist organization that aims to achieve the independence of Northern Ireland from Great Britain.

Composition and proportions:

  • stout beer (Guinness) - 300 ml;
  • cream liqueur (Baileys) - 20 ml;
  • Irish whiskey (Jameson) - 20 ml.

Each of the brands of alcohol indicated in the ingredients has analogues. For example, instead of Guinness, you can take Murphy’s, Baileys can be replaced with Carolans, and Jameson with Bushmills. The main idea is that all drinks are Irish.

Cocktail recipe Irish car bomb

1. Pour beer into a glass, wait until the foam settles at least half.

2. Pour into a glass (shot) Baileys, then whiskey. You can not stack drinks in layers.

3. In the center of the beer glass, carefully, so as not to break through the bottom, lower the glass with liquor and whiskey.

4. Drink quickly in one gulp, because after 20-30 seconds the cream liqueur will curdle and the cocktail will become cloudy with flakes.

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