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Not every product covered in mold is considered edible. Blue cheese is not just edible, but useful products. Gourmets appreciated the original, incomparable taste of Roquefort, Dor Blue, Bavarian blue cheese and Cambozola.

The benefits of cheese aristocrats will manifest themselves with moderate use.

The benefits of blue cheese

Not every mold covering cheese is edible. Do not compare Roquefort and blue cheese stale in the refrigerator, the benefits of which are doubtful. For the preparation of blue cheese, special types of cheese mold are used, which differ from poisonous ones in appearance, smell and properties.

To obtain Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Stilton, Dor Blue, spores of Penicillium roqueforti, or blue mold, are added to the cheese substrate. On the surface of Camembert and Brie, a white delicate down of fungi Penicillium camemberti or white mold grows, which is not found anywhere in nature and appeared in the process of human activity due to repeated artificial selection.

It is impossible to obtain cheese with white mold in natural conditions without the intentional introduction of porcini spores. The same applies to blue cheeses. Although some strains of blue mold are found on trees, only domesticated and evolved spores are used to make blue mold cheese.

Reduces the negative effects of UV rays

Cheese sprouted with noble mold contains substances that stimulate the production of melanin in human skin. These natural dark pigments block UV rays from penetrating the skin's dermis, preventing sunburn.

Enriches the body with proteins

A piece of moldy cheese will supply the body with more protein than the same piece of meat or fish. Protein is involved in building muscle tissue in the body.

Prevents dysbacteriosis and fermentation in the intestines

Cheese fungi from the Penicillium family, getting into the intestines, create a favorable environment for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. They suppress the process of splitting undigested products and eliminate their fermentation and decomposition.

Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system

People who regularly consume gourmet varieties with mold are less prone to heart attacks and strokes. In addition, Penicillium roqueforti thins the blood, which prevents the formation of clots and improves its flow.

Improves hormones and relieves stress

Cheese mold has an increased content of pantothenic acid, or a vitamin that is responsible for the production of glucocorticoids, hormones produced by the adrenal glands. With a lack of vitamin B5 in the body, fatigue, rapid fatigue, sleep disturbance and depressive disorders develop.

Accelerates wound healing

Penicillium contains the amino acids valine and histidine, the main property of which is to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues and organs. These amino acids cannot be produced by the body on its own.

Harm of blue cheese

Despite the arguments about the benefits of the product, other reasonable arguments are opposed. Three factors are taken into account: to whom, when and in what quantities you can eat blue cheese. Harm to the body will be caused if such cheeses are consumed more than 50 grams per day. Otherwise, spores of Penicillium fungi will suppress their own intestinal microflora, cause dysbacteriosis and disturbances in the functioning of the organ.

Any mold contains substances that cause allergies. With fungal diseases and individual intolerance to penicillin, the cheese delicacy will aggravate the situation.

During pregnancy and lactation, exclude white and blue cheeses from the diet: Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Brie, Dor Blue. The benefits and harms of gourmet varieties are not on the same level, since soft moldy cheese is the habitat of Listeria. These bacteria cause infectious diseases. If a healthy person survives listeriosis without severe symptoms, then a pregnant woman will develop a high fever, fever, and vomiting. Due to such a load on the immune system, disastrous consequences can occur: miscarriage, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, premature birth.

Rules for selection and use

To prepare a real soft blue cheese, it will take a lot of time and certain conditions. The raw material for real Roquefort is sheep cheese, and the cooking technology is kept secret. Roquefort, made in the old way traditional recipe, can only be found in the French province of Rouergue. This cheese, manufactured under industrial conditions, is supplied to the world market. The mold inside Roquefort matures on oak racks in lime cellars from three to nine months.

Saint-Marcellin cheese will be covered with an orange-white bloom and will acquire an exquisite taste after 6 weeks of aging. Only employees of Kezerey Champignon, a company from the small town of Lauben in Germany, know how German blue cheese is prepared. The complex recipe, time and conditions required for the preparation of blue and white cheeses have become the reason for a considerable price and rarity on store shelves.

To choose a good quality blue cheese, you need to study the features:

  1. Soft blue cheese is delicate in structure, but does not fall apart.
  2. Blue homemade cheese with mold differs from the factory one in the uniformity of mold growth inside. In home bluish blotches in one place are frequent, in another they are rare.
  3. If there is more mold in the cheese body than the cheese itself, then a lot of time has passed since the product was made, and the mold has eaten the cheese mass.
  4. Fresh white cheeses Camembert and Brie have a pleasant smell of mushrooms, and the aroma is barely perceptible.
  5. Young cheeses with white mold are covered with a delicate white fluff. A yellowish or orange coating appears on mature and old ones.

In order for Roquefort, Dor Blue, Bavarian blue cheese, Cambozola, Stilton and Brie to fully reveal their taste qualities, you need to know approach to exquisite and rare varieties:

  1. Spicy, spicy with hints of mushroom taste of Camembert wins in combination with champagne, sweet desserts and fruits. It is traditionally eaten with jelly, grapes and honey.
  2. On a plate with Brie next to it, it is better to put pieces of melon or pineapple, almonds, white shrimp. Dip tender cheese in honey or apple jam. If you cut off the moldy crust from Brie, then it will become an ingredient for soups, sauces and toppings for puff pastries.
  3. Italian Gorgonzola with a pronounced concentrated taste will be set off by neutral products: bread and potatoes. Cheese will add flavor to traditional German dishes, mushroom casseroles, ice cream and pies. Cheese with a specific smell and taste is served as a separate snack with strong red wine, unsweetened white or red wine and beer.
  4. Dor Blue harmonizes with dried fruits, nuts, grapes, fresh white bread. It is added to pizza, pies, seafood dishes. From alcoholic drinks, sweet red wine is suitable for a slightly salty taste of Blue.
  5. Salty creamy taste Roquefort, reminiscent of a hazelnut, will open to the fullest in combination with confiture, honey, sweet fruits. Vegetables, herbs, peppers and olive oil are good companions for the king of moldy cheeses. As drinks, it is competent to serve Cahors with Roquefort, fortified wines - ports or white dessert wines, for example, Sauternes.

Today, blue cheese is sold in every supermarket, and it is necessary to understand what varieties of blue cheese are in order to extract from this delicious delicacy maximum benefit. As a rule, at home, blue cheese is served as an appetizer for wine, but you can also come up with some interesting one for a festive feast. So, let's look at the main types of blue cheeses:


French blue cheese made from sheep's milk. It is the most famous and widespread soft blue cheese. Roquefort cheese is aged for three months in limestone caves, with a special microclimate, where all year round low temperature and high humidity. For the formation of blue mold, in the production of Roquefort cheese, they use Rye bread. In order to blue mold evenly grew over the cheese head, during ripening, the cheese is pierced with needles. Roquefort cheese has a piquant and pronounced taste, which goes well with many fruits, and is preferably used as an appetizer for wine.


The Italian analogue of Roquefort, which is made from cow's milk. Like most types of blue cheese, Gorgonzola is aged in caves with high humidity, and the mold is grown from rye bread. Gorgonzola cheese matures from two to four months, and when ready, it has a sharp and rich taste.


A Danish blue cheese made from cow's milk. Danablo cheese is produced on an industrial scale and is one of the oldest cheeses in Europe. Initially, Danable was created as an analogue of Roquefort, therefore, according to palatability little different from it.

Fourmes d'Amber

French blue cheese based on cow's milk. Fourmes d'Amber is rightfully considered one of the most delicate and delicate blue cheeses. Has a spicy aroma piquant taste. If you decide to try blue cheese with mold for the first time, then Fourme d'Amber should be preferred. It is also a universal option for making a salad with blue cheese and will also great snack to wine, in the circle of a large company, where not everyone likes cheeses with a pronounced and rich taste.

Bleu d'Auvergne

A French blue cheese that has won a record number of European quality awards. Bleu d'Auvergne blue cheese has been produced since the beginning of the 19th century exclusively from the milk of cows that live in the Santal Mountains. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese matures in wet cellars for three months. This cheese is not very salty, and has a strong aroma with a spicy taste.

Bleu de Cosse

This blue cheese is another relative of Roquefort cheese. As well as Bleu d'Auvergne, Bleu de Cosse blue cheese has received a number of European quality awards. The maturation period of Bleu de Cosse cheese takes from three to six months, and it is traditionally stored in specialized cheese cellars with a special microclimate. The taste and aroma of Bleu de Cosse cheese can vary from fresh to intensely spicy.

Bleu de Bresse

This french cheese with blue mold, which is made from cow's milk, cannot be attributed to traditional blue cheese varieties. Bleu de Bresse belongs to the newest varieties of cheese in this group, since it appeared on the market relatively recently - in the 50s of the 20th century. Blue cheese Bleu de Bresse is not made from fresh milk, but from pasteurized, so the taste of this cheese is very soft and delicate, and not as sharp and salty as other blue cheeses. As well as Fourmes d'Amber, this cheese goes well with blue cheese salad.


German blue cheese, which was created especially for connoisseurs of moderately spicy, spicy and rich blue cheeses. The secret to making blue cheese. Dorblu has been kept secret since the beginning of the 20th century. Dorblu cheese is made from unpasteurized cow's milk using the blue mold penicillium roqueforti. Cheese with blue mold Dorblu is the most popular cheese in the CIS countries.

Not every product on which molds have settled is edible. A completely different matter is blue cheese. Few people know the benefits and harms of such an exquisite dish, and therefore our demand for it is low. Not everyone decides to purchase this delicacy. Some scare him away appearance and cost. It's time to get acquainted with this exclusive.

In the world of delicacies: about the benefits of blue cheese

For their production, cow or goat milk is used. Although the collection of these cheeses includes many varieties, they all contain milk cheese (30 g per 100 g), protein (20 g), essential amino acids (arginine, valine, tryptophan, histidine). They contain large amounts of the most important trace elements - phosphorus, calcium. They are presented in such a combination that allows them to be fully absorbed.

This product itself has many health-promoting properties, and specially grown mold adds additional therapeutic and prophylactic qualities to it.

The value of elite varieties of cheese for human health:

  • have an anti-inflammatory effect (due to the presence of penicillin);
  • normalize digestion;
  • supply calcium to the body, and mold improves its absorption;
  • normalize the balance of hormones;
  • relieve chronic fatigue, eliminate insomnia - this important property is provided by the presence of pantothenic acid;
  • have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state: the use of blue cheeses causes an increased synthesis of serotonin (it is called the "hormone of happiness"), because they contain tryptophan and histidine;
  • contribute to the formation of melanin in the skin: this substance provides protection from harmful UV radiation;
  • put in order the work of the intestines, prevent bloating: Penicillium cheese fungi form favorable conditions for the reproduction of "good" bacteria, and also eliminate the processes of fermentation and decay;
  • support the heart, have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, increase blood flow (this action is associated with the presence of vitamin K in their composition);
  • thin the blood;
  • protect against heart attack, stroke;
  • saturate the body with proteins: a piece of “moldy” cheese contains more protein than a similar portion of fish or meat;
  • have a rejuvenating effect, have a regenerating and wound-healing effect.

Important! Even if funds allow, such a dish should not be eaten daily and in large quantities. The recommended norm for a relatively healthy person is 50 g per day, and in no case on an empty stomach!

Why are aristocratic cheeses dangerous?

In our minds, mold is associated with a spoiled product. But in the states where blue cheese comes from, its benefits are discussed, and no one even remembers the harm. Such a product is considered a masterpiece. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. There is still a danger in using it.

Side effects of cheeses with "cultural" mold:

  • violation of the intestinal microflora: dysbacteriosis can occur if you eat more than 50 g of cheese per day;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergies: with individual intolerance to penicillin, a moldy delicacy will provoke rashes and other allergic symptoms.

It is strongly not recommended to indulge in such delicacies for pregnant and lactating women. Soft, moldy cheeses are inhabited by listeria, bacteria that provoke infectious diseases. In the expectant mother, they will cause fever, vomiting, fever. This can turn into a real disaster - there will be pathologies in the development of the baby or a miscarriage will occur.

On the special medicinal properties of different varieties

When spores of Penicillium roqueforti are added to the cheese substance, blue cheese is obtained. Its benefits and harms are due to the fact that it contains a lot of protein and calcium. The greenish bluish mold is found inside these cheeses rather than covering their surface.

The most famous representatives in the collection of "blue" cheeses:

This is the famous green mold cheese, the benefits and harms of which require a separate discussion. It is made from sheep's milk, populated by a fungus. It is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it alleviates the condition with arthritis, gout, inflammation of the joints. Such cheese reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies, slows down the aging process and prevents cellulite from appearing. Its calorie content is 337 kcal per 100 g.

This is blue cheese. Its benefits and harms are no less multifaceted. Thanks to peptides, it has an antithrombotic effect. This cheese is a powerful aphrodisiac. It has a positive effect on the immune system, helps bone growth, and has antioxidant properties. Its minus is caloric content 351 Kcal.

Fights stress, improves blood clotting, protects against carcinogens. Contains 354 kcal.

Normalizes cholesterol, metabolism, improves blood composition, prevents dehydration. It has 353 kcal.

Penicillium fungi are not found in the "wild" nature, they were invented and grown by man as a result of a long and painstaking artificial selection. Such fungi are grown on the walls of special cellars, where cheese with white mold ripens. Its benefits and harms are also specific.

The mold of such cheese contains amino acids that accelerate the recovery of affected organs and tissues. The range of these delicacies is not too wide. It includes Brie and Camembert. A white fluff of mold covers the top of the cheeses.

Important! For the first sample, it is better to take Brie cheese.

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What is blue cheese? This special varieties cheese, which are produced with the addition of types of food mold that are safe for the body. As a rule, this is a mold from the genus Penicillium (It has a specific smell and taste, it is used in the production of expensive varieties of cheese such as Brie, Camambe? R (French camembert) - a variety of soft, fatty cheese made from cow's milk). The color of the mold can be different: blue, light blue, greenish, white, etc. Mold can only cover the top of the cheese "head" or be inside the cheese mass in the form of spectacular veins. Most noble mold cheeses are made from cow's milk. An exception is the famous Roquefort cheese, for the manufacture of which sheep's milk is used.

Cheeses can be conditionally classified into blue cheeses and soft cheeses. Most of these cheeses belong to the elite category. Their maturation period is from 2 to 6 weeks. Shades of taste and aroma can be very diverse - depending on the method of preparation. There are several types of soft cheeses. Some go on sale immediately after production, others require a short exposure and, depending on this, they can be divided into two groups:

1) white cheeses- cheeses, on the surface of which a thin white crust forms with a touch of mold, which is specially cultivated by spraying with penicillin.
As a result, cheeses acquire a spicy, peculiar taste and smell - slightly ammonia, mushroom or spicy pepper. The most popular cheese of this group is Camembert. It has a dense oily texture and a characteristic smell of damp earth, moss and mushrooms.

2) blue cheeses— Cheeses that ripen from the inside, resulting in the formation of a bluish mold on the surface. It is to this group that the famous Roquefort belongs. It is aged in deep cellars, and its taste depends on the length of maturation. A white or slightly yellow dough, streaked with blue-green mold, gives the impression marble color. Blue cheeses have a buttery or grainy texture and have a pungent or salty-spicy flavor and mushroom aroma. They are made using a very simple, but time-consuming technology. Milk for cheeses is curdled at 30 degrees. The cheese mass is not pressed, but suspended in gauze, and the whey drains naturally. After two weeks, the cheese is salted and pierced with long needles with mold fungi. Thus, blue streaks spread throughout the volume of the cheese mass.

Soft cheeses can be further divided into two groups:

With washed edges;
. with natural edges.

Washed-rimmed cheeses have a strong smell of hay, mushrooms, hazelnuts, and mold, and their flavor ranges from mild to very strong. As a result of regular washing of cheese circles in brine, wine, beer or whey, ordinary mold does not appear (or appears, but then disappears), and therefore red mold bacteria develop. It stays on the edges so that the crust becomes creamy orange or Brown color. cheese dough most often it turns out yellow. The recognized birthplace of soft cheeses with a washed rind is Burgundy. Typical varieties of this group include Epoisse, Maroy, Aivaro, Munster, Remudu. Cheeses with natural edges are made from sheep and goat milk. Due to special processing, they have slightly wrinkled edges. Over time, wrinkles increase, and a bluish-gray mold appears. The young cheese has a fresh fruity taste, but over time it becomes very sharp, with a nutty flavor. Among these cheeses, the best known are Chabichou du Poiteau, Saint-Maur and Crotten de Chavignoles.


Cheese is made from sheep's milk. The taste depends on the quality of the milk, the condition of the pastures, the climate and other factors affecting its maturation. Ardi-Gasna is made high in the Alps, in shepherds' khiyasins, where it matures for 3 to 6 months in cool cellars. Outside, the cheese is smooth, casts in various shades, from brown to yellow-gray. Its natural edges are covered with a crust, sometimes with a slight gray moldy coating. Inside, its color ranges from light yellow to straw yellow. Has few eyes. Firm to the touch, but pressed under the fingers. The taste is nutty, fresh, and with good aging it acquires a pleasant piquancy. Circles of this cheese weigh 3-5 kg, their diameter is 20-30 cm.

Bleu d'Auvergne

This French blue cheese, marked with a special quality mark, is an analogue of Roquefort. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese has been produced since the 19th century in the Santal Mountains from cow's milk of special breeds of cows typical of that area. The cheese matures for three months in a damp cellar. Like any other blue mold cheese, it is riddled with green-blue mold veins. The cheese mass of Bleu d'Auvergne is moist, sticky and slightly friable, but should not be crumbly. The cheese has a strong pungent aroma and a spicy, not too salty taste.

d" Auvergne

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Ripens in a damp cellar for 3 months. The cheese is covered with blue mold, and its circles are pierced with bluish-gray veins. It has a strong aroma and a spicy, not too salty taste. The cheese dough is moist, sticky and slightly crumbly, but by no means grainy. The weight of the cylinder is 2 - 3 kg, the diameter is 10-20 cm. The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

Bleu du Haut-Jura

Cheese is made from cow's milk. It is also found commercially under the name Bleu de Setmonsel or Bleu de Ges. During the manufacturing process, the cheese is stuffed with blue mold, which gives it its blue color. Maturing 2 months. Bleu des Jesses is best eaten in summer and autumn, while Bleu de Sétmonsel is best in autumn and winter. A good cheese has an impeccable rind and an indistinct, slightly bitter taste with a slight hint of mushrooms. The weight of the circle is up to 75 kg, the diameter is 36 cm.
The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Brie soft cheese has been known in France for several centuries. For the production of this cheese, only fresh (not pasteurized) milk is used. Milk is fermented with rennet, and after two hours the clot is placed in molds. Within 24 hours the cheese is unloaded. Then it is taken out of the molds and salt is sprinkled on its surface. Brie matures within 2-4 weeks, and its characteristic red color develops on its surface due to the growth of pigment-forming bacteria. Ripening occurs due to the activity of mold enzymes that penetrate inside. The consistency of mature cheese can vary from waxy to semi-liquid. Cheese has spicy taste and ammonia smell. Circle weight - 1.2 kg, diameter - 37 cm.


Cheese is made from cow's milk. It is one of the most famous soft cheeses. Camembert production can be difficult in hot weather, so it is usually made between September and May. Under favorable conditions, mold growth is rapid, and very soon the surface of the white mold turns blue, so that the cheese has a bluish-gray appearance. Then the cheese is transferred to another basement with a temperature of about 10 ° C and high humidity. Under these conditions, mold growth is significantly slowed down, and the mold itself acquires a reddish-brown color. Now the cheese becomes viscous and is considered ripe. It should be soft to the touch, but not crumble when cut. A hard center surrounded by a semi-liquid mass near the rinds indicates that the cheese is poorly cooked. A good Camembert should be covered with a velvety white crust, and the "wrinkles" should be slightly pink-red. The smell is fresh, perhaps with a hint of mushroom. The taste is delicate, and in no case should give away ammonia. The product is transported in light wooden boxes or packed in straw for six cheeses at once. They try to sell Camembert as quickly as possible, because it does not store well. Because of this, it is often sold unripe. In this case, it can be put to ripen at home. Before use, Camembert is placed in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The cut cheese is no longer ripening, so it is better to eat it as soon as possible. Disc weight - 35-45 kg. Marked with the AOC quality mark.


Cheese is made from sheep's milk. It is perhaps the most famous of all blue cheeses. There are a great many imitations of this cheese, the names of which speak for themselves. For example, Danish Roquefort, which is made from cow's milk. Traditionally, rye bread is used to form mold. In addition, cheeses are pierced with long needles and sprinkled with dried rye mold. Then Roquefort mold settles in the air channels, which subsequently forms gray-blue streaks. Real Roquefort matures for at least 3 months in limestone caves. In the early stages of maturation, sheep's milk cheese has a sharp taste that not everyone likes. However, this taste either disappears or softens during the subsequent ripening process. Cheese also leaves a peculiar aftertaste. The most successful seasons for its manufacture are winter, spring and early summer. The weight of the cylinder is 2.5-2.9 kg. The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

And here is a description of Roquefort cheese from A. Dumas. This is a cheese that is produced in Roquefort-en-Rouergue, in Aveyron. It is made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, which is heated, curdled and placed in a mould. After that, each such small mass is surrounded by a strap so that the cheese mass does not blur. Cheeses are dried in cellars, where there must be a very strong draft. Then they are salted, covered with a layer of salt, and several cheeses are placed one on top of the other after they have been salted for three to four days. The cheeses are left to mature, carefully cleaned and washed each time a more or less colored layer appears on the surface. When this colored layer turns red and white, the cheeses are ready to be eaten. This usually happens after the cheese has been in the cellar for three or four months. We recommend Roquefort, which is rightfully considered one of our best cheeses.

Saint Marcellin

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Ripens 4-6 weeks. At the end of maturation, its orange rind is covered with a slight coating of mold, and the taste becomes slightly nutty and salty. Over time, the cheese dries out, acquiring a spicy aroma, but its flesh should not crumble. Disc weight - 80 g.


Only two Italian regions historically associated with the production of gorgonzola can legally produce cheese and only in the following provinces: Novara, Vercelli, Cuneo, Biella, Verbania and the Monferrato territories in Piedmont and Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Milan, Monza, Pavia and Varese in Lombardy. The milk used in the production of Gorgonzola comes from cows grazing in the pastures of these provinces only. Only such cheese can receive the status of DOP - Protected Designation of Origin.
Gorgonzola is a white cow's milk cheese with green mould. It is soft, with a creamy, slightly sweet taste. Remove gorgonzola from the refrigerator for about half an hour before use. During this time, it takes the right texture and taste. Gorgonzola aging is 2 months for the sweet type and 3 months for the savory type. In order for the consumer to recognize the authentic cheese, the Consortium provides manufacturers with foil with the letter “g” imprinted on it. Such foil can only be held by companies authorized by the consortium.


Danish cheese made from cow's milk. Roquefort inspired Danish cheese makers to create it. This cheese is also called Mormora. Pasty, matures for 2-3 months and is more suitable for everyday use.

Wine and cheese are classics of intelligent libations. There are several general rules when serving cheese with wine. It is desirable that cheese and wine are made in the same country. It is important to remember what brighter taste cheese, the stronger and more mature the wine should be. Before serving the cheese to the table, it is necessary to hold it on the table at room temperature for a while, only after that the whole flavor palette of the cheese will be revealed.
Camembert and Roquefort are good to serve as an appetizer before lunch and dinner. Soft round cheeses are usually cut in half, and blue cheeses are usually cut into cubes. The taste of Camembert is perfectly complemented by young red wines. And the peculiar taste of Roquefort is emphasized by dry red vintage wine drinks. These types of cheeses are especially popular in France. The success of French soft cheeses is attributed to the mild climate. The production of these cheeses is especially successful on small farms located near large cities or resorts.

And a few words about the cheese plate

Cheese plate- a dish for aesthetes. For it to be “correct”, at least five types of cheese must be presented on it. The cheese platter can be served as a main course or as a dessert. In the first case, the pieces of cheese are larger, and each participant in the meal is entitled to a device. In the second case, the cheese is complemented by fruit and can be served on skewers. Pears go well with Brie and Camembert, grapes go well with Roquefort, cherries and pineapple complement Cheddar and Beaufort, and various nuts go well with all cheeses. Delicate cheeses absorb odors well. So it is important not to combine too fragrant cheeses with each other. As a rule, the freshest cheese is placed for six hours. Further clockwise, in increasing spice. Cheese is eaten in the same order.

Benefit and harm

Blue cheeses are good for health in small quantities. They contain a lot of calcium, an extensive complex of vitamins of both water- and fat-soluble groups, and phosphorus salts. Blue cheese is also a good source of protein, which is rich in essential amino acids. But there is also some danger!
As described above, fungi of the genus Penicillium are used to produce moldy cheeses. Not all fungi of this genus secrete a large amount of antibiotics, but trace amounts of substances that destroy the bacterial cell wall are found in all fungi of this genus (antibiotics are needed by fungi in order to suppress the growth of bacteria nearby and fully use nutrient substrates).
When used in moderate amounts of moldy cheeses, small doses of the antibiotic in them are completely harmless. But, if cheeses with mold are consumed daily, antibiotics may well cause a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, especially after suffering gastrointestinal infections and antibiotic therapy.
In addition, the fungi that are found in moldy cheeses are a fairly strong allergen. That's why overuse moldy cheeses can lead to allergic rashes and hives. For this number of reasons, doctors do not recommend cheese to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Due to the fact that cheeses are high in calories, nutritionists advise eating no more than 50 g of blue cheese per day.

What is blue cheese? These are special varieties of cheese that are produced with the addition of types of food mold that are safe for the body. As a rule, this is a mold from the genus Penicillium (It has a specific smell and taste, it is used in the production of expensive varieties of cheese such as Brie, Camambe? R (French camembert) - a variety of soft, fatty cheese made from cow's milk). The color of the mold can be different: blue, light blue, greenish, white, etc. Mold can only cover the top of the cheese "head" or be inside the cheese mass in the form of spectacular veins. Most noble mold cheeses are made from cow's milk. An exception is the famous Roquefort cheese, for the manufacture of which sheep's milk is used.

Cheeses can be conditionally classified into blue cheeses and soft cheeses. Most of these cheeses belong to the elite category.

Their maturation period is from 2 to 6 weeks. Shades of taste and aroma can be very diverse - depending on the method of preparation. There are several types of soft cheeses. Some go on sale immediately after production, others require a short exposure and, depending on this, they can be divided into two groups:

1) white cheeses- cheeses, on the surface of which a thin white crust forms with a touch of mold, which is specially cultivated by spraying with penicillin.

As a result, cheeses acquire a spicy, peculiar taste and smell - slightly ammonia, mushroom or spicy pepper. The most popular cheese of this group is Camembert. It has a dense oily texture and a characteristic smell of damp earth, moss and mushrooms.

2) blue cheeses— Cheeses that ripen from the inside, resulting in the formation of a bluish mold on the surface. It is to this group that the famous Roquefort belongs. It is aged in deep cellars, and its taste depends on the length of maturation. White or slightly yellow dough, pierced with veins of blue-green mold, gives the impression of a marble color. Blue cheeses have a buttery or grainy texture and have a pungent or salty-spicy flavor and mushroom aroma. They are made using a very simple, but time-consuming technology. Milk for cheeses is curdled at 30 degrees. The cheese mass is not pressed, but suspended in gauze, and the whey drains naturally. After two weeks, the cheese is salted and pierced with long needles with mold fungi. Thus, blue streaks spread throughout the volume of the cheese mass.

Soft cheeses can be further divided into two groups:

With washed edges;

With natural edges.

Washed-rimmed cheeses have a strong smell of hay, mushrooms, hazelnuts, and mold, and their flavor ranges from mild to very strong. As a result of regular washing of cheese circles in brine, wine, beer or whey, ordinary mold does not appear (or appears, but then disappears), and therefore red mold bacteria develop. It stays on the edges so that the crust becomes creamy orange or brown. Cheese dough most often turns out to be yellow. The recognized birthplace of soft cheeses with a washed rind is Burgundy. Typical varieties of this group include Epoisse, Maroy, Aivaro, Munster, Remudu. Cheeses with natural rims are made from sheep's and goat's milk. Due to special processing, they have slightly wrinkled edges. Over time, wrinkles increase, and a bluish-gray mold appears. The young cheese has a fresh fruity taste, but over time it becomes very sharp, with a nutty flavor. Among these cheeses, the best known are Chabichou du Poiteau, Saint-Maur and Crotten de Chavignoles.


Cheese is made from sheep's milk. The taste depends on the quality of the milk, the condition of the pastures, the climate and other factors affecting its maturation. Ardi-Gasna is made high in the Alps, in shepherds' khiyasins, where it matures for 3 to 6 months in cool cellars. Outside, the cheese is smooth, casts in various shades, from brown to yellow-gray. Its natural edges are covered with a crust, sometimes with a slight gray moldy coating. Inside, its color ranges from light yellow to straw yellow. Has few eyes. Firm to the touch, but pressed under the fingers. The taste is nutty, fresh, and with good aging it acquires a pleasant piquancy. Circles of this cheese weigh 3-5 kg, their diameter is 20-30 cm.

Bleu d'Auvergne

This French blue cheese, marked with a special quality mark, is an analogue of Roquefort. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese has been produced since the 19th century in the Santal Mountains from cow's milk of special breeds of cows typical of that area. The cheese matures for three months in a damp cellar. Like any other blue mold cheese, it is riddled with green-blue mold veins. The cheese mass of Bleu d'Auvergne is moist, sticky and slightly friable, but should not be crumbly. The cheese has a strong pungent aroma and a spicy, not too salty taste.

d" Auvergne

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Ripens in a damp cellar for 3 months. The cheese is covered with blue mold, and its circles are pierced with bluish-gray veins. It has a strong aroma and a spicy, not too salty taste. The cheese dough is moist, sticky and slightly crumbly, but by no means grainy. The weight of the cylinder is 2 - 3 kg, the diameter is 10-20 cm. The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

Bleu du Haut-Jura

Cheese is made from cow's milk. It is also found commercially under the name Bleu de Setmonsel or Bleu de Ges. During the manufacturing process, the cheese is stuffed with blue mold, which gives it its blue color. Maturing 2 months. Bleu des Jesses is best eaten in summer and autumn, while Bleu de Sétmonsel is best in autumn and winter. A good cheese has an impeccable rind and an indistinct, slightly bitter taste with a slight hint of mushrooms. The weight of the circle is up to 75 kg, the diameter is 36 cm. The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Brie soft cheese has been known in France for several centuries. For the production of this cheese, only fresh (not pasteurized) milk is used. Milk is fermented with rennet, and after two hours the clot is placed in molds.

Within 24 hours the cheese is unloaded. Then it is taken out of the molds and salt is sprinkled on its surface. Brie matures within 2-4 weeks, and its characteristic red color develops on its surface due to the growth of pigment-forming bacteria. Ripening occurs due to the activity of mold enzymes that penetrate inside. The consistency of mature cheese can vary from waxy to semi-liquid. Cheese has a sharp taste and ammonia smell. Circle weight - 1.2 kg, diameter - 37 cm.

Camembert(Camembert de Normandie)

Cheese is made from cow's milk. It is one of the most famous soft cheeses. Camembert production can be difficult in hot weather, so it is usually made between September and May. Under favorable conditions, mold growth is rapid, and very soon the surface of the white mold turns blue, so that the cheese has a bluish-gray appearance. Then the cheese is transferred to another basement with a temperature of about 10 ° C and high humidity. Under these conditions, mold growth is significantly slowed down, and the mold itself acquires a reddish-brown color. Now the cheese becomes viscous and is considered ripe.

It should be soft to the touch, but not crumble when cut. A hard center surrounded by a semi-liquid mass near the rinds indicates that the cheese is poorly cooked. A good Camembert should be covered with a velvety white crust, and the "wrinkles" should be slightly rosy-red. The smell is fresh, perhaps with a hint of mushroom. The taste is delicate, and in no case should give away ammonia. The product is transported in light wooden boxes or packed in straw for six cheeses at once. They try to sell Camembert as quickly as possible, because it does not store well. Because of this, it is often sold unripe. In this case, it can be put to ripen at home. Before use, Camembert is placed in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The cut cheese is no longer ripening, so it is better to eat it as soon as possible. Disc weight - 35-45 kg. Marked with the AOC quality mark.


Cheese is made from sheep's milk. It is perhaps the most famous of all blue cheeses. There are a great many imitations of this cheese, the names of which speak for themselves. For example, Danish Roquefort, which is made from cow's milk. Traditionally, rye bread is used to form mold. In addition, cheeses are pierced with long needles and sprinkled with dried rye mold. Then Roquefort mold settles in the air channels, which subsequently forms gray-blue streaks. Real Roquefort matures for at least 3 months in limestone caves. In the early stages of maturation, sheep's milk cheese has a sharp taste that not everyone likes. However, this taste either disappears or softens during the subsequent ripening process. Cheese also leaves a peculiar aftertaste. The most successful seasons for its manufacture are winter, spring and early summer. The weight of the cylinder is 2.5-2.9 kg. The cheese is marked with the AOC quality mark.

And here is a description of Roquefort cheese from A. Dumas. This is a cheese that is produced in Roquefort-en-Rouergue, in Aveyron. It is made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, which is heated, curdled and placed in a mould. After that, each such small mass is surrounded by a strap so that the cheese mass does not blur. Cheeses are dried in cellars, where there must be a very strong draft. Then they are salted, covered with a layer of salt, and several cheeses are placed one on top of the other after they have been salted for three to four days. The cheeses are left to mature, carefully cleaned and washed each time a more or less colored layer appears on the surface. When this colored layer turns red and white, the cheeses are ready to be eaten. This usually happens after the cheese has been in the cellar for three or four months. We recommend Roquefort, which is rightfully considered one of our best cheeses.

Saint Marcellin

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Ripens 4-6 weeks. At the end of maturation, its orange rind is covered with a slight coating of mold, and the taste becomes slightly nutty and salty. Over time, the cheese dries out, acquiring a spicy aroma, but its flesh should not crumble. Disc weight - 80 g.


Only two Italian regions historically associated with the production of gorgonzola can legally produce cheese and only in the following provinces: Novara, Vercelli, Cuneo, Biella, Verbania and the Monferrato territories in Piedmont and Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Milan, Monza, Pavia and Varese in Lombardy. The milk used in the production of Gorgonzola comes from cows grazing in the pastures of these provinces only. Only such cheese can receive the status of DOP - Protected Designation of Origin.

Gorgonzola is a white cow's milk cheese with green mould. It is soft, with a creamy, slightly sweet taste. Remove gorgonzola from the refrigerator for about half an hour before use. During this time, it takes the right texture and taste. Gorgonzola aging is 2 months for the sweet type and 3 months for the savory type. In order for the consumer to recognize the authentic cheese, the Consortium provides manufacturers with foil with the letter “g” imprinted on it. Such foil can only be held by companies authorized by the consortium.


Danish cheese made from cow's milk. Roquefort inspired Danish cheese makers to create it. This cheese is also called Mormora. Pasty, matures for 2-3 months and is more suitable for everyday use.

Danablue(dat Danablu) is a type of blue blue cheese made in Denmark. International name - Danish Blue. Similar to Roquefort, but made from cow's milk.

Wine and cheese are classics of intelligent libations. There are several general rules for serving cheese with wine. It is desirable that cheese and wine are made in the same country. It is important to remember that the brighter the taste of cheese, the stronger and more mature the wine should be. Before serving the cheese to the table, it is necessary to hold it on the table at room temperature for a while, only after that the whole flavor palette of the cheese will be revealed.

Camembert and Roquefort are good to serve as an appetizer before lunch and dinner. Soft round cheeses are usually cut in half, and blue cheeses are usually cut into cubes. The taste of Camembert is perfectly complemented by young red wines. And the peculiar taste of Roquefort is emphasized by dry red vintage wine drinks. These types of cheeses are especially popular in France. The success of French soft cheeses is attributed to the mild climate. The production of these cheeses is especially successful on small farms located near large cities or resorts.

And a few words about the cheese plate

Cheese plate - a dish for aesthetes. For it to be “correct”, at least five types of cheese must be presented on it. The cheese platter can be served as a main course or as a dessert. In the first case, the pieces of cheese are larger, and each participant in the meal is entitled to a device. In the second case, the cheese is complemented by fruit and can be served on skewers. Pears go well with Brie and Camembert, grapes go well with Roquefort, cherries and pineapple complement Cheddar and Beaufort, and various nuts go well with all cheeses. Delicate cheeses absorb odors well. So it is important not to combine too fragrant cheeses with each other. As a rule, the freshest cheese is placed for six hours. Further clockwise, in increasing spice. Cheese is eaten in the same order.

Benefit and harm

Blue cheeses are good for health in small quantities. They contain a lot of calcium, an extensive complex of vitamins of both water- and fat-soluble groups, and phosphorus salts. Blue cheese is also a good source of protein, which is rich in essential amino acids. But there is also some danger!

As described above, fungi of the genus Penicillium are used to produce moldy cheeses. Not all fungi of this genus secrete a large amount of antibiotics, but trace amounts of substances that destroy the bacterial cell wall are contained in all fungi of this genus (antibiotics are needed by fungi in order to suppress the growth of bacteria nearby and fully use nutrient substrates).

When used in moderate amounts of moldy cheeses, small doses of the antibiotic in them are completely harmless. But, if cheeses with mold are consumed daily, antibiotics may well cause a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, especially after suffering gastrointestinal infections and antibiotic therapy.

In addition, the fungi found in moldy cheeses are a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, excessive consumption of moldy cheeses can lead to allergic rashes and hives. For this number of reasons, doctors do not recommend cheese to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Due to the fact that cheeses are high in calories, nutritionists advise eating no more than 50 g of blue cheese per day.

The benefits of blue cheese, can blue cheese be harmful?

It is believed that cheese appeared in the human diet almost simultaneously with bread, or even earlier.

Today about health benefits of cheese and its high nutritional value is known to all. It has a lot of protein, and this protein is very easily absorbed by our body, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. There is as much calcium in cheese as there is in no other product: neither in vegetables and fruits, nor in eggs and legumes, nor in cereals, nor even in other dairy products. To obtain daily allowance calcium, it is enough to eat 100 grams of good cheese - however, you need to be able to understand the quality of cheese.

Currently, there are about 2,000 varieties of cheese, and of course, new ones are appearing. We will briefly talk about one of the most exotic types of cheese for the inhabitants of our country - moldy cheese.

That blue cheese is a delicacy, everyone has also heard, but not all of our compatriots have tried this species cheese. The reasons can be different: fears, rejection, lack of information, inability to use such cheese correctly, and simply lack of money - after all, elite varieties of blue cheese are quite expensive. However, you can choose - you just need to know how to do it right.

First of all, people are scared off by the smell of such cheese - it smells so much that it seems to have already gone bad. And the taste is unusual, not like our usual Russian or other cheeses: processed, hard, soft, pickled, etc. True connoisseurs of cheese understand that blue cheese- really a delicacy, and they know that it should be eaten rarely and little by little. As a daily food product, such cheese should not be consumed, as certain health problems can be obtained.

It can be hard or soft, but is made mainly from the fattest cow's milk. True, some varieties of such cheese are made from goat's and sheep's milk - they include one of the most famous - Roquefort, as well as some cheeses from Eastern Europe.

There are several types of blue cheese, but the differences between them are not very significant. The first type includes cheeses with a white moldy crust. The most famous of them are Camembert and Brie, which we have heard a lot about.

For the production of these cheeses, milk is curdled and then salted. Such cheese ripens in cellars where mold fungi from the penicillin genus live - all the walls are covered with them, and they call them "noble mold". In mature cheese, the entire crust is covered with such fluffy mold.

The next type is blue mold cheeses, or rather, cheeses with blue mold - also noble. On the cut of such cheese, we see a lot of greenish-blue blotches, and the most famous varieties- Roquefort, Fourmes d'Amber, Gorgonzola, Bleu de Cosses.

Curd milk is laid out in a special form; when the whey drains, the cheese is rubbed with salt, and a certain strain of fungus is injected. To do this, special metal needles are stuck into the resulting cheese mass, which help the mold to spread better, and the cheese is placed in a well-ventilated room for aging. Probably, many paid attention to the unusual streaks and veins that are clearly visible on the cut of this type of cheese.

There are other types mold cheeses- with a washed crust. They are also called red mold or piquant. During the ripening process, this type of cheese is washed with a special brine to prevent the formation of ordinary mold. Then the cheese is treated with special fungal cultures, due to which the crust of the cheese turns red, burgundy, orange or yellow. The variety of cheese is distinguished precisely by the color of the crusts.

All types and varieties mold cheeses the technology of their production unites them: they are processed with strains of various penicillin fungi.

Is blue cheese healthy?

Is blue cheese healthy? for good health? Useful if you eat it in small quantities and not too often. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, various vitamins, as well as protein containing the amino acids we need.

Many nutritionists believe that this cheese also contains beneficial bacteria that help the intestines work, and Turkish scientists have discovered another useful property of mold cheeses: noble mold contains special substances that can protect our skin from sunlight. When these substances accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, then we produce more melanin, and the risk of sunburn is significantly reduced.

How to eat moldy cheese? It has a sharp, pronounced taste, so it is recommended to serve it with strong drinks such as tannic wines. However, some connoisseurs and connoisseurs of cheese argue that it is generally incompatible with wine, with the exception of some white wines.

Served at the table when it warms up to room temperature, with vegetables, fruits, crackers and crispbread. The British eat this cheese with herbs and add it to soup, the Italians add it to pizza and sauces, and the Danes just eat it with bread. Salads can also be prepared with the addition of mold cheeses, with the exception of Roquefort - it is better not to mix it with anything, but eat it separately.

Can moldy cheeses be harmful?

The fact is that the penicillin fungi used to produce this type of cheese secrete antibiotics that inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria. That is why at one time they learned to make penicillin from them.

If there are cheeses with mold rarely and little by little, then there is no health hazard, but their frequent use can negatively affect the intestinal microflora, and even cause dysbacteriosis, especially after diseases associated with intestinal infections.

In addition, the fungi contained in cheeses, with their frequent use, can cause allergies. The fat content in such varieties of cheese is also quite high, so we get quite a lot of calories with it. A healthy person can consume no more than 50 grams of cheese per day, but less is better.

It is strictly forbidden to use it for pregnant women, as mold fungi can adversely affect the fetus and even cause its death. Blue cheese is also not given to young children to prevent the development of listeriosis, a dangerous disease that affects the liver, lymph nodes and nervous system.

How to choose the right blue cheese?

How to choose and buy blue cheese? In the "blue" cheese, the channels through which the mold entered it should not be too noticeable, and in general, there should not be too many cavities filled with blue mold in the cheese.

The cheese should be slightly crumbly, moist and tender, and should not crumble.

Do not immediately buy Roquefort or Camembert - they have too unusual taste and smell. You can buy soft cream cheese, or Brie, and try them with pears or grapes. If you really want to start with "blue" cheeses, then you can first buy cream cheese, which is quite compatible with sweet tea and coffee.

When choosing a soft cheese with a white moldy crust, pay attention to the smell. Good cheese has a slight "penicillin" smell. The rind of the cheese should be light, usually white, with slightly visible marks from the grate on which it has been aged. Carefully read the composition: there should be milk, enzymes, due to which the cheese ripens, salt and penicillin. Preservatives and dyes are not added to real cheese.

The cheese tastes like fresh butter, with a slight sourness or bitterness, and melts in the mouth. A dry layer along the crust may indicate that the cheese has been stored for a long time. There should be very few holes in the cheese, otherwise it is considered not of very high quality.

How to store blue cheese?

And finally, how to store cheese. The air temperature should not be lower than 0, and not higher than 5 ° C, and humidity - 90%. It is better to store cheese not in the refrigerator, but in a special cabinet, if possible. The supply of fresh air must be constant and the cheese must not be exposed to light.

It is best to store moldy cheese in the shell in which it was purchased, and always cover the cut, otherwise the fungus will begin to grow. In general, soft cheese should not be stored in a plastic wrap or bag: wrap it in wax paper.

Cheese is one of the most valuable foods in our diet, helping to live, grow and develop. IN good cheese many elements that are vital to us, and besides, it is very tasty. So let your favorite types of cheese always be on your table!

Gataulina Galina
for the women's magazine InFlora.ru

Cheese with mold. Selection, storage, benefits and harms of such products

Blue cheeses have appeared on our table quite recently. Although in Europe, products of this type have long been popular with gourmets. The debate about the benefits and harms of blue cheeses has not subsided so far. In this article, we will try to shed light on such an exotic product for our country as blue cheese.

Types of blue cheese. Before you figure out whether blue cheese is useful or harmful, you need to classify this type of cheese. The fact is that there are several options for such products. They have a different taste, and they include different kind mold.

The first type of cheese with blue is a cheese in which the crust is covered with a white bloom. This is the smallest group of blue cheeses, but Camembert and Brie, quite well-known in our country, belong to it. The white mold that covers these cheeses is formed by placing traditionally prepared cheese in special cellars, the walls of which are covered with fungi belonging to the genus Penicillum.

Another type of cheese with mold is cheeses that contain greenish-blue mold inside. Famous representatives of this group include Roquefort and Fourmes d'Amber.

The technology for the production of cheese with mold in this group is somewhat different from cheeses covered with white mold. In order for mold to develop inside the cheese, it is added to curd mass using special tubes. If you cut such a cheese, you will see characteristic traces from the tubes through which the mold got inside the product.

There is another variety of such a product - this group is similar to the first variety, but only they develop not white, but red mold. Before the stage of processing such a product with bacteria, this type of cheese can be made at home. Cheese that is in the process of maturation is treated with cultures, which give the mold a red color. This category of cheeses includes Munster and Livaro.

Useful or harmful cheeses with mold. It is impossible to categorically answer useful or harmful cheeses with mold. But we can definitely say that blue cheeses are not harmful in the amount of 50 grams. per person per day. This figure was derived by nutritionists, since the use of blue cheese in large quantities negatively affects the calories consumed. If you are not prone to gaining excess weight, then the dose of blue cheese can be increased. But, not by much.

Don't forget about mold. In small doses, it is harmless, but the more mold enters the body, the more difficult it is for the stomach to process it, and hence there are problems associated with the intestinal microflora. This is due to the fact that the fungus that is part of the mold secrete antibiotics. Due to this property, penicillin was invented. These antibiotics are needed to suppress the development of other bacteria in the cheese, they can also kill the bacteria in our intestines, which can cause dysbacteriosis.

Blue cheese is especially dangerous for children, people with allergies and pregnant women. You should also refuse to eat moldy cheese for people who have had gastrointestinal infections.

But what about the benefits of blue cheese? She certainly is. These cheeses are high in calcium. Moreover, calcium, thanks to the “noble” mold, is better absorbed by the body. This product includes the phosphorus salt that our body needs, many types of vitamins, some of which have the ability to dissolve fats. The protein from blue cheeses is enriched with amino acids, which in our body play the role of muscle builders.

More recently, another positive function of blue cheese has been discovered. It turns out that when using this product, trace elements are deposited under the human skin that form melanin, which in turn protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. This discovery was made by Turkish scientists after analyzing the mold from several types of cheese.

How to choose and store blue cheese. The culture of using blue cheese in our country has not yet developed, and therefore the quality of this type of cheese sold leaves much to be desired. Of course, you need to check the expiration date and release date of the product. If the numbers suit you, look at the cheese. If it is “blue cheese”, then the channels through which the mold was introduced should not be conspicuous. quality cheese to the touch slightly soft and friable. But this does not mean that it should fall apart in the hands.

If you decide to buy cheese with white mold, then smell it. The normal smell is the “hospital” smell of penicillin. Good blue cheese contains only milk, salt, fungus and enzymes. Other ingredients that can be found in ordinary cheeses are absent in expensive noble cheeses.

How to store blue cheese. Proper storage of blue cheese is the key to its benefits. You need to buy blue cheese in small quantities, for one or two doses. In the homeland of blue cheese in France, special cabinets are produced for them. The refrigerator is not suitable for this. If you still have to store the cheese for a long time, then it is better to leave it in the shell in which it was sold. The cut is covered with paper. Polyethylene is highly undesirable for packaging such cheese.

Blue cheese is relative New Product. In order to get to know him correctly, you need to follow all the recommendations that we wrote about in this article.

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