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TO How to properly store food in the refrigerator? I think everyone knows that butter should not be placed next to the herring, that fruits and vegetables should be stored at the bottom, and milk at the top, that you should not store expired products in the refrigerator, etc. truisms. In addition, you can read about the conditions and shelf life of food in the instructions for the refrigerator.

Secrets of storing food in the refrigerator:

1. Fresh herbs. If you buy a lot of it, it withers and turns yellow in the refrigerator. To avoid this, I use two methods: the first, less durable, is to wrap the greens in a wet towel, then in plastic (not tightly! Leaving holes for ventilation!) and send to the bottom shelf. In this way, the greens can last for a week or two.

The second way to preserve greens for a longer period is to cut them, put them in a plastic container and put them in the freezer. Of course, you can also dry it, but firstly, dried herbs are not at all the same as fresh, and secondly, we are still talking about the refrigerator).

2. Fresh carrots. Wash the carrots (you can even peel them) and again wrap them in a wet towel, plastic and store them at the bottom of the refrigerator. Like greens, carrots remain fresh and crisp for a long time and do not fade.

3. In the refrigerator or out of it - they go wonderfully together beets and potatoes. For some reason, they live together harmoniously and last longer. Although it is better not to store potatoes in the refrigerator - the taste disappears.

4. Cabbage. It is not always possible to buy a small head of cabbage “for one time”. And a large head of cabbage, after cutting pieces from it for borscht and stew, dries out, becomes moldy and often has to be thrown away. I came across it on the Internet good advice: Do not cut the cabbage into pieces, but separate the leaves. First, remove the two large, undamaged top sheets and set them aside. We separate as many leaves as needed for cooking, and wrap the remaining thinned head of cabbage in the top leaves. This way cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator much longer.

5. Garlic. In general, I buy vegetables in small quantities, for a week. But we don’t eat a lot of garlic, and it’s not sold for 2-3 cloves. Therefore, two heads can lie in my refrigerator for a month and eventually dry out. Wise housewives shared with me a recipe for preserving garlic: put the peeled cloves in a glass jar, pour in oil and put in the refrigerator. Just don’t seal it too tightly at first to prevent it from fermenting. The garlic lasts a long time, and the oil acquires a pleasant garlicky smell (can be used for salad dressing).

6. Mat in the refrigerator. It looks something like a knitted washcloth or like dense foam rubber, made of fine-pored material (see photo on the right). Has an antibacterial effect.
Places in the bottom of the vegetable drawer and helps preserve vegetables longer. It is sold in hardware stores, but can be successfully replaced with a piece of regular foam rubber. The point is that under the layer of vegetables there is an air layer, which creates additional ventilation.

7. Bananas and pineapples should not be stored in the refrigerator! They can't stand the cold. It is better to buy bananas for one time - buy them and eat them right away, or buy them unripe and store them under the bed.

8. Cheese I store it in a butter dish, along with butter. This way it doesn’t dry out and stays soft and fresh longer. At the same time, remember that some cheeses have a pungent odor; if you do not want your fruit curd to smell like Roquefort, then it is better to store the cheeses separately, in film.

9. For slicing meats I use a plastic tray from a hardware store - I put sausage, brisket, boiled pork, smoked meats there and cover it with cellophane. It sits on the top shelf in the refrigerator, doesn’t dry out and you can always see something to chew on.

10. Soft bags with milk, kefir, etc.. Convenient to store in special holders:

I have one like this, only rectangular. It costs mere pennies, but it makes life a lot easier and saves nerves.

11. Unopened canned food there is absolutely no need to store them in the refrigerator, they only take up space and interfere with air circulation, which must certainly be in the refrigerator.

12. For refrigerators with a No Frost system, use film (or even better - sealed containers) for packaging products is simply necessary. This measure will not harm ordinary refrigerators either. The film not only prevents odors from spreading, but also prevents moisture evaporation.

13. Oil and fats must be packaged especially carefully, because absorb odors. Dairy It should also be kept away from other products. Cottage cheese Do not store in plastic packaging! It must be immediately transferred to a glass, ceramic or enamel container. Dairy products should not be stored in doors - when opening and closing, the temperature changes significantly, which is not good for dairy products. The shelves in the doors are intended for other things - eggs, medicines (only in a tightly closed container!), drinks.

By the way, I read here on one culinary site that eggs It is wrong to store it in the refrigerator door - they say it will spoil. I was sincerely surprised. Why then do refrigerator manufacturers make containers for eggs in the doors? Don't they know? I don’t remember a time in my life where an egg went rotten in my refrigerator, or does someone keep them there for several years? I also store nail polishes in the refrigerator so they don’t dry out longer.

14. Ready meals can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days (anyone here who likes to cook a bucket of borscht for two weeks?)

15. Dried fruits(dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates) are stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. It is better not to buy them in large quantities - even in ideal conditions they can be stored for no more than 4 months. I store dried apples (in the fall they are dried in incredible quantities, which cannot be stuffed into the refrigerator) at room temperature, in fabric bags, previously boiled in a strong salt solution and dried without rinsing. Pests do not grow in such bags.

If you have your own secrets for storing food in the refrigerator, you are welcome to comment. I also express my gratitude to everyone who suggests topics for future posts - with your help, this blog will become even more interesting and useful!

Today's bonus is a template for planning your menu for the week. You can fill out, print and use - menu for the week.

At first glance, a refrigerator is just a large, cold box with shelves inside. But we store our food in it, which means that The "atmosphere" of the refrigerator can affect our products.

The lowest temperature in the refrigerator (if you do not take into account the freezer) is on the top and bottom shelves. The middle ones are warmest. And it is best to store products depending on their recommended storage temperature.

Proper arrangement of food in the refrigerator prolongs the life not only of your food, but also of you.

It is best to store on the top shelf:

On the middle shelves:

  • Ready food(soups, pasta, cutlets and leftovers from yesterday's dinner)
  • Eggs in cartons
  • Bread and slices

On the bottom shelf:

Vegetables and herbs are ideal for storing in the vegetable compartment (which is logical). Herbs are best kept in loosely tied bags.

In the refrigerator door space is also divided into more and less cold. In the upper compartment it is recommended to keep eggs in a plastic container and oil, in the middle - sauces and vinegars(even balsamic), and in the bottom - drinks(and soda, and water, and wine).

IN freezer , in addition to frozen vegetables and semi-finished products, can be stored nuts and frozen broth(it’s better to keep it in flat vacuum plastic bags, so it will take up less space and will be easier to use for making soups).

Frozen vegetables will feel great in the freezer

In order for food to be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible, it is not enough just to put it in the right place. It is also necessary to pack them so that they receive exactly the amount of oxygen that they need to “live.” It is better not to store meat and fish in the packaging in which they were sold in the store., It is worth freezing food in flat vacuum bags. The smaller the container you store your food in, the better for it and for you.- with this approach it is easier to protect yourself from stale products.

And last but not least, the refrigerator needs to be cleaned periodically. And not just wipe the shelves and walls with a wet cloth, but Wash all interior surfaces of the refrigerator with detergent and a sponge. Food should be kept clean, and then you will reduce the risk of eating some unpleasant bacteria several times.

Are there any whites left after making the sponge cake? You only used yolks, what to do with that amount of white? It can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months! During this time, you will definitely find where to use them.


Oddly enough, but this one is enough perishable product Can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.


Of course, this product is best consumed fresh. But if you really need it, the cream can be stored for up to 4 months without changing its quality and taste. This primarily applies to heavy cream.


Bread can also be stored for up to 3 months. At the same time, if simply storing it in the refrigerator the bread becomes dry, then after the freezer the bread will retain its softness. All you have to do is drop a little water on the bread and heat it in the oven or microwave and it will be ready to eat.


Without a freezer, the shelf life of ham does not exceed three days. Freeze leftover ham and you'll be able to serve it for breakfast for a long time. Cut the meat into small portions and wrap in cling film. All that remains is to take the portion out of the refrigerator in the morning and defrost it.


Smoked fish

Salmon, trout or mackerel fillets are sold in vacuum packages. After opening, the remaining fish can be frozen. You can store such fish for no more than 2 months and it is advisable not to re-freeze it.

Nuts and whole grain flour

After 2 weeks of storing nuts at room temperature, they may begin to spoil. This is due to the process of fat oxidation. This product will last much longer in the freezer. Just don’t store all the nuts together in one container that you will often open and close. The same reasons can cause damage whole grain flour, because it contains oils that also spoil without refrigeration. This flour can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 years.

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