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Baking without flour is not just a way to diversify the diet, but also a great opportunity for every culinary specialist to learn something new. Different versions of the dough, which contain some other ingredients instead of the usual flour, behave differently, so you have to try very hard to make it really tasty and beautiful.

Why no pain?

Some people do not use flour due to medical contraindications, someone follows diets in order to lose a few kilos. Baking without flour and eggs is suitable for vegetarian cuisine and even for strict fasting. And it also happens that you really want something tasty for tea, but the flour in the house is simply over, but there are other products. Our selection is sure to inspire you to create a homemade treat that does not include such a common baking ingredient as wheat flour.

Cookies "Kokosanka"

Surely baking without wheat flour, the recipes of which you will find in this article, will take its rightful place in your home cookbook. The recipe for "Coconut" certainly will not disregard any coconut lover. The cookies are unusually airy and fragrant, as evidenced by the huge number of rave reviews. And it's very easy to cook.

Beat with a mixer 5 raw eggs without dividing into yolks and proteins. Add 330 g of sugar. When the mass turns white, load the coconut flakes in portions (about 450 g in total). With wet hands, roll into balls the size of Walnut, lay on parchment and send to hot oven minutes for 25-27. In the meantime, a magical aroma spreads around the apartment, prepare delicious tea or brewed coffee - Cocosanka is just perfect for these drinks.


Today, in many supermarkets, you can easily find almond powder. It is much tastier, healthier and more aromatic than usual.

For cookies, we need the following:

  • almond powder - 350 g;
  • honey (not thick) - 250 g;
  • peanut butter (ready) - 220 g;
  • sesame - 70 g;
  • baking powder and salt - a pinch each.

This flour-free pastry is suitable even for a festive event. She is simply gorgeous! And making these cookies is easy. Mix first honey and paste, then add almond powder, baking powder and salt. Stir the mass, and then form balls or cakes out of it. Roll them in sesame seeds, place them on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes at 175 ° C. These cookies can make a worthy company with dessert wine or hot chocolate with liquor.

Oat cookies

And this recipe is more likely to be classified as inexpensive. everyday meals. Surely every lover of this delicacy has some pleasant memories of a children's camp, a trip, a country picnic. If you are on a diet, but want to treat yourself to your favorite sweet since childhood, it's time to remember that oat cookies This is also flourless baking.

Recipes for this simple and delicious treat may differ slightly from each other, and you yourself can experiment by adding ground nuts, chocolate drops, pieces of dried fruit. We offer the following simple cooking method.

Pour 150 grams of cereal with warm milk (1/3 cup), leave for half an hour. Separate the whites of a pair of eggs from the yolks. Add the yolks to the oatmeal, mix thoroughly, and immediately send the proteins to the refrigerator to cool. Pour a pinch of baking powder and a little vanilla sugar into the dough. If you like caramel flavor, add a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar. You can get by with the usual. A sweetener will significantly reduce the calorie content of the treat.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. With a spoon, combine both parts of the dough, gently mixing from the bottom up. Spoon cookies (like pancakes) onto parchment-lined deco. Bake it in a preheated oven for at least 25 minutes.

You can offer this treat to both children and adults. It goes great with milk, cocoa, rosehip broth.


Flourless pastries, whose recipes contain semolina, are also very popular. To prepare a delicious and lush manna, you can use any fermented milk base: fermented baked milk, kefir and even ordinary yogurt.

Pour one and a half cups into a bowl sour milk and add the same amount of semolina. Leave for half an hour, but for now semolina swells, you can turn on the oven so that it warms up well. Beat 2 eggs, gradually adding sugar to them (you will need about a glass of it, but you can change this amount to suit your preferences). Combine the egg part with manna, add 100 grams of butter that has melted to room temperature, mix thoroughly again. If you like vanilla, you can add a small bag.

Mannik can be baked in cast iron or silicone mold. Lubricate the bottom and sides with fat, and then carefully grind with semolina - so ready pie it will be easier to get it, and its crust will turn out ruddy and crispy. Pour in the dough, send to the oven and bake until the toothpick is dry. The time depends on the size of the mold and the characteristics of the oven.

Cottage cheese casserole

Everyone who follows the figure knows that baking without wheat flour also suitable for healthy eating. A great example is a casserole, which has a very low calorie content, but the taste is simply excellent. If the issue of calories is important to you, choose low-fat cottage cheese for her. But according to the same recipe, you can cook a casserole from a regular one.

Grind half a kilo of cottage cheese. You can make this with a regular fork, but if you use an immersion blender, the casserole will turn out softer and fluffier. Add 1 egg, a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or kefir (or butter if you are not afraid of fat). You can sweeten the treat with regular or brown sugar, as well as a sweetener. The amount of semolina depends on the products used, because cottage cheese can be both wet and dry. You should have a thick but pourable batter, slightly thicker than pancakes.

In winter, dried apricots, prunes or raisins can be added to the casserole, and in summer they are perfect for it. fresh berries and fruits.

This dish is baked for about 25 minutes. And you can serve it with citrus fresh, smoothies, drinking yogurt. By the way, according to this recipe, salty pastries without flour and sugar can also be prepared - with finely chopped dill and young garlic.

Banana pudding cake

Gingerbread is a dense and dryish pastry, while pudding is wet. Is this different pastries without flour can be prepared according to the same recipe? Maybe, but these two options are not the limit. It all depends on the amount and size of oatmeal.

If you like rough texture, use whole flakes. For 3 bananas, you need about 2.5 cups. And if you pre-kill the flakes and add them one and a half times less, the cake will not be so high, more tender and moist.

And you can use the following products optionally: honey, dates, cocoa powder, chopped roasted nuts, fresh and frozen berries, apples, raisins.

Mash bananas with a fork, add carrots (by the way, you can use the cake left over from making juice). The mass will turn out quite juicy. Stir in the oatmeal in small batches until the consistency is desired. Bake the cake in the form for about half an hour, and before serving, cool and decorate. The oatmeal-banana taste goes well with icing, fudge and ganache.

Be sure to try both recipes! Each of them has a lot of fans, but most of those who have tasted confess that it is difficult for them to give preference to one thing.

Cottage cheese pie in a slow cooker

If you have this miraculous technique, entrust it with the preparation of delicious sweets for tea. Especially successful in a slow cooker is such pastries without flour, like a cottage cheese pie.

Mix in a bowl 550 g of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, a glass of sugar and 70 g of corn starch. If the mass is too thick, add a little kefir or sour cream (4-5 tablespoons). To taste, you can flavor the dough with vanilla.

This recipe is quite suitable for baking with dried fruits, berries (fresh or from jam), fruits.

You need to bake a delicacy on the “Baking” program for about an hour, and you can serve it to fresh juice, compote, tea.

Finely ground corn flour can be used to bake tasty and healthy bread.

We will tell you how to cook bread from cornmeal in the oven at home.

Some people bake yeast bread from a mixture of corn and wheat flour, it is, of course, useful, but not suitable for everyone.

Yeast-free bread made from cornmeal is more useful, you will definitely succeed, while the inhabitants of Latin America have been baking tortillas known since ancient times - corn tortillas.

Corn diet bread without wheat flour and yeast - recipe

  • corn flour - 2 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • baking soda - 1 pinch;
  • ground spices (nutmeg, turmeric, ginger, cumin, coriander, fennel);
  • grease for greasing the mold butter or a piece of lard).

It will be better if we take 1 cup of finely ground cornmeal and 1 cup of a slightly coarser one. You can also replace half a serving of cornmeal - barley, buckwheat or oatmeal. If you did not find these types of flour on sale, you can easily get them by grinding cereals at a small home mill. To obtain barley groats, barley is familiar to us, for oatmeal - unsteamed flakes.

Mix corn flour (or mixed with flour from another cereal) with kefir, soda, salt and an egg. You can also knead the dough with water or milk, in which case the soda must be extinguished with a few drops. lemon juice. The egg can also be omitted if your diet requires it. Add some spices to the dough to improve the taste and aroma. If you like, add 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, this will improve the texture of the dough as well as the overall healthiness of the baking. The dough should not turn out too steep, slightly knead it, roll it into a lump and let it stand for about 20 minutes. During this time, we will heat the oven to about 200 degrees.

Lubricate the form with fat, fill with dough to 3/4 of the depth and place in the oven. You can sprinkle sesame seeds on top. We bake cornbread within 25-30 minutes.

Such bread should not be baked much, it is tastier fresh, count on 1-3 meals.

Cooking on a gluten-free diet is not difficult when it comes to hot and cold appetizers, soups, salads, meat, fish, poultry, as well as vegetables and fruits. The original products listed above do not contain gluten, a gluten protein found in wheat and a number of other cereals. Particular care must be taken when using ready-made, commercial sauces and seasoning blends, which may contain wheat products and be a source of gluten. In this regard, it can be recommended to use individual seasonings or their homemade preparations (and), which greatly simplifies life in the kitchen. With gluten-free baked goods, the situation is completely different.

A few words about bread. The problem of gluten-free bread is usually the most painful when switching to a gluten-free diet. From my personal experience I can say that it is possible either to temporarily refuse the consumption of bread as a daily food, or to find a commercial product that satisfies the taste and texture, which often does not represent a real possibility. You can learn how to bake your own bread, both from ready-made, factory mixes, and your own. Making and baking your own bread is quite a manageable task, requiring the initial investment of time to find an acceptable recipe, practice the recipe with available ingredients, and fine-tune the process of baking bread in everyday life. I can say that this is quite achievable, and depends only on the motivation and willingness to spend time and effort on this. A reward in the form of warm, freshly baked bread or rolls does not require any additional proof. Yeast bread recipes can be found, yeast free bread recipes, dough recipe for baking bread, pies and buns without flour, dairy products, yeast and sugar.

The next stumbling block in the gluten-free diet is pasta, popular as a side dish for meat and poultry dishes, as well as with various meat and vegetable sauces. There is now a large selection of quality pasta of various shapes and compositions, both from rice and corn flour, or mixtures thereof. There are also formulations of pasta made from flour of more exotic cereals.

The main difficulties of gluten-free cooking arise when you want to reproduce traditional familiar dishes from everyday life, whether it be pancakes or pancakes for breakfast, pies for broth, muffins and buns for tea, dumplings and dumplings, cakes for holiday table, as well as any other baked goods or dish that includes flour, crackers or bread in one form or another. But even here I do not see any particular problems, except for the need to switch to new products or their combinations, which can practically ensure the properties of wheat flour in the product. My take on this issue is very simple. I analyze the role or function that flour performs in this or that finished product, and replace it with another product, or a mixture of other products, that will achieve the desired taste and texture of the baked goods. Over the years of my experimentation, I have come to the conclusion that gluten-free baked goods, and in particular cakes, muffins and cookies, simply taste better than similar products made from wheat flour. The use of a huge variety of gluten-free ingredients allows for a wider palette of both flavor and structure/consistency. A cupcake baked on, significantly exceeds the taste of any flour cake and, in addition, does not require the addition of oil to the dough, since nuts have 50-60% fat in their composition, and fat that is useful in its characteristics. Such cupcakes are characterized by unusual softness and they do not get stale, like cupcakes on wheat. This can be extended to all baked goods using flour from both whole and peeled nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts etc.

The degree of grinding, as well as the form in which nuts are used, can vary significantly. So, almonds can be used in a whole unpeeled form, in the form of peeled whole nuts, cut into slices and columns, as well as in the form of flour from whole nuts with skins, or peeled, for flour white color, coarse or fine grinding.

In addition to nut flours, there are a number of healthy seeds that are widely used in gluten-free baking. This and flax-seed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds (sesame seeds) and relatively New Product- chia seeds.

The widest opportunities for experiments are represented by various types of flour from whole grain various gluten-free cereals. These include various types of rice, corn, millet, buckwheat and other more exotic products - quinoa, amaranth, coconut. Some of them are technically not grains, but are seeds, such as buckwheat and quinoa (as I understand the correct spelling in Russian is quinoa).

Such flour, both individually and in the form of their various mixtures, is widely used in gluten-free baking. There is another group, this is flour not from whole grains, but from processed grains, in the form of isolated starches, which have a reduced nutritional value due to its carbohydrate composition. However, due to their finely divided nature, they add airiness to the final product and are therefore widely used in gluten-free mixes to improve the consistency of baked goods. These include potato and corn starches, tapioca flour.

You can notice a significant difference in the consistency of flour from whole grains and processed grains, which can be clearly seen in the photo below of 2 types of flour - whole grain flour white rice(left) and flour - starch from corn (right).

In a special row are such products as coconut flour which has become very popular in recent years as required ingredient for the paleo diet. Coconut flour should be distinguished from coconut flakes, which differ in their chemical composition, method of preparation and properties during baking. Due to the high content of starches and low content of dietary fibers necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in gluten-free flour mixtures, the addition of pure dietary fiber, or simply fiber, to flour mixtures for baking is of particular importance. Psyllium husks are widely used in gluten-free and grain-free breads.

Experience with flour and flour products made from cereals, pseudo-cereals, nuts and seeds has shown that the behavior of each individual type of flour can be different when preparing dough and baking it. I will say more, the type of flour grinding, and even the same flour from different manufacturers, can differ significantly in their ability to retain moisture when different ingredients are combined in the dough. Sometimes it is necessary to slightly change the amount of wet ingredients or the amount of flour in the recipe depending on the degree of grinding of the flour or the use of flour from another manufacturer. Therefore, I want to emphasize again that you can achieve wonderful results in gluten-free baking, you have to be careful when using recipes and be very careful when replacing one flour with another. Sometimes these changes require a complete overhaul of the recipe.

Important news: 11.05.2015

It is with great pleasure that I can inform my readers that the Russian company Garnets kindly provided me with samples of her gluten-free products.

I have had the opportunity to develop and adapt recipes based on those gluten-free flour products that are available to you, my readers. The value of this opportunity can hardly be overestimated. In addition to making gluten-free products, Garnets puts the principles of healthy eating and production of products from natural sources in the first place in its strategy, and refuses to use in its mixtures a huge number of different, sometimes little-studied additives that many other gluten-free mixtures are simply saturated with. . I fully share this approach to the gluten-free diet and am very excited to start the process of using Garnets products in gluten-free cooking and baking.

In order not to be unfounded about how delicious and appetizing in appearance, baking products without the use of wheat flour can be, I will give a few examples of specific products that I baked in my kitchen from ordinary ingredients using standard kitchen equipment and ordinary electric oven with fan.

For more information on making dumpling dough, see How to make ravioli.

All baking recipes using various kinds flour can be found both through and through the main menu in the Baking category.

When you want something unusual, crispy and tasty, great option will become rice flour biscuits. Rice flour coarser grinding, in comparison with wheat and small grains are felt to the touch. The cookies are more textured than with regular flour. Its preparation will take no more than 30 minutes, but your house will be filled with an unforgettable aroma of baking and cinnamon.

To make cookies without wheat flour, we need:

  1. Rice flour - 1 cup.
  2. Sour cream 15-21% fat - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Sugar - 1/2 cup.
  5. Baking powder - ½ tsp.
  6. Cinnamon - ½ tsp

When all the ingredients are collected, you can start cooking.

Rice Cookie Recipe

Pour the flour into a glass bowl. Add sugar and baking powder to it, mix everything.

Then add sour cream at room temperature, and mix everything thoroughly.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in a microwave at low temperature and add to the resulting mass.

Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. Lastly, add cinnamon and mix again.

Our dough is ready. Vanillin can be added if desired. Now with our hands we collect our dough into a ball. The dough is very soft, but it should not stick to your hands. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour.

Take a baking dish and cover it with parchment. Let's start making cookies. We tear off small lumps from a larger lump and roll them into a ball, then lightly take root and put it on parchment. We do this with all tests.

Many are accustomed to believing that apart from white wheat flour for baking and other dishes where it is used, nothing else exists. This is not so at all, and moreover, it turns out to be flour premium, always considered the best, not at all useful and even harmful. Why? We understand in more detail, and also - we are looking for what is more useful to replace wheat flour without damage palatability baking.

How to replace regular flour

Many are accustomed to believing that apart from white wheat flour for baking and other dishes where it is used, nothing else exists. This is not at all true, and moreover, it turns out that the highest grade flour, which has always been considered the best, is not at all useful and even harmful. Why? We understand in more detail, and also - we are looking for what is more useful to replace wheat flour without compromising the taste of baking.

Why is white flour bad?

"Highest grade" - we used to associate these words with something better and certainly not harmful to our health. However, as it turned out, white wheat flour of the highest grade - this is the flour of the finest grinding. Yes, baking from it turns out to be very tender and airy, but the flour itself, ground practically into powder, will not bring us any benefit. There is no fiber (dietary fiber) in such flour at all. In the process of grinding, only the endosperm of the grain is used, and its shell and germ are sifted out.

As a result, we get flour with an abundance of starch, which negatively affects the digestive processes.. In addition, in the process of combining with the liquid and further baking, the flour turns into gluten, which is deposited on the walls of the intestine, accumulating toxins and decay products on itself.

White flour can also raise blood sugar levels and cause diabetes.. And also wheat itself contains gluten - one of the main sources of food allergies for many people.

What can replace white flour?

1. Oatmeal

The simplest and most affordable substitute. You don’t even have to buy oatmeal: just take oatmeal or flakes (only not those that need to be poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, but those that need to be boiled) and grind them in a blender. All! Healthy flour, rich in fiber, slow carbohydrates and trace elements is ready! Use it for baking, and even better - for making pancakes, fritters, cheesecakes, etc.

2. Corn

Problems with overweight? Then feel free to replace wheat flour with corn flour - it can lower blood cholesterol levels and even remove body fat naturally. Yes, by itself, cornmeal is quite high in calories, but eating it in the morning, you are energized and gain strength for many hours to come. Cornmeal contains a lot of protein, valuable vitamins (A, E, group B), iron and phosphorus.

3. Coconut

Surprised? Yes, flour is also made from coconut, and, of course, it costs many times more than wheat flour or from other cereals. But there is also a sense in its use. This is not only a savings (since coconut flour absorbs much more moisture, and less is needed to prepare a particular dish), but also an incredible benefit!

Coconut is not a cereal, there will be no gluten in it at all, and there is also a minimum glycemic index, so flour from this exotic nut is suitable even for those who suffer from diabetes. 40 grams of fiber per 100 grams of flour, about 20 grams of protein, 9 grams of healthy saturated fats, manganese and iodine, potassium and magnesium, and lauric acid, which has strong antibacterial properties and stimulates the immune system.

4. Buckwheat

There is no need to talk much about the benefits of buckwheat. Just imagine the special aroma of delicious buckwheat pancakes that will spread throughout your kitchen when you bake them! And all this with a minimum of calories. Therefore, feel free to change wheat for buckwheat.

Almost all B vitamins, zinc and calcium for healthy skin, hair and nails, phosphorus and iodine to increase the body's defenses, as well as folic acid, which is actively involved in blood formation processes - this is what buckwheat flour contains in abundance.

5. Chickpea

Chickpea flour is easy to find on store shelves; it has long ceased to be something unusual. Chickpea is a legume, and it is grown in our latitudes, and not just in Ethiopia or India.

Like all legumes, chickpeas are high in protein, which vegetarians can safely substitute for animal protein. A tortilla or bread made from chickpea flour will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, to vegetable salad. Yes, there are a lot of calories, but there are also many benefits - vitamins A, C, E, PP and K, group B, potassium and calcium, copper and silicon, and even molybdenum and boron, which are involved in the metabolic processes of our body cells.

Well, now you know well how to replace premium wheat flour, which was previously considered so useful, but in fact can be harmful to the body. published

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