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Meat cutlets are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is regularly prepared, probably, in every family without exception. From early childhood, we associate cutlets with the warmth and comfort of the hearth, with the love and care of mothers and grandmothers, with sincere family lunches and dinners. The secret of such popularity of cutlets lies in the fact that they are very tasty and satisfying, quite simple and quick to prepare and are inexpensive compared to other meat dishes. Homemade cutlets made from chopped minced meat have a very soft texture, so they are easily chewed and digested in the body, which makes them an indispensable dish in the diet of children, the sick and the elderly.

Useful information How to cook homemade pork and beef cutlets - a simple recipe for juicy cutlets with step by step photos


  • 500 g minced meat (pork + beef)
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 small slices of white bread
  • 1 st. l. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, suneli hops


1. Let's start cooking homemade cutlets by soaking bread for 5 to 10 minutes in cold water.

Many housewives soak bread in milk so that it is properly soaked with it and transfers its taste to cutlets. However, since it takes a lot of milk to soak, and only a small part of it gets into the cutlets, and the rest is thrown away, my mother taught me how to soak bread in ordinary water, and add a spoonful of sour cream to minced meat instead.

2. Chop the onion very finely. Some cooks twist the onion along with the meat in a meat grinder. I do not advise doing this, since a lot of juice is released from the onion, which simply evaporates during the cooking process, and the cutlets turn out to be drier. Onions cut with a knife retain more liquid and make the cutlets juicy and flavorful.

3. Put minced meat, egg and sour cream in a bowl.

For classic homemade cutlets, mixed minced pork and beef is best. Pork gives tenderness and juiciness to cutlets, and beef brings its rich meat flavor and slightly reduces the fat content of minced pork.

4. Squeeze the bread a little, remove the crusts and add to the minced meat along with onions. Put salt and spices. I like to add hops-suneli seasoning to these cutlets, with this Georgian mixture of various spices, they turn out to be very fragrant and rich in taste.

5. Knead minced meat thoroughly with your hands until smooth. Beat it several times to remove air from it. To do this, collect all the minced meat with both hands and throw it back into the bowl with force.

6. Shape minced meat into round or oblong cutlets and roll them on all sides in breadcrumbs. If there are no crackers, you can use regular flour. Before sculpting each cutlet, I advise you to rinse your hands with water, thanks to this, the minced meat will not stick to them.

7. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out the formed cutlets. You can stack them quite tightly, as in the process of cooking they will decrease in size. Fry over medium heat until golden brown for 5 minutes.

8. Then turn the cutlets over and fry the second side in the same way.

9. To make homemade cutlets soft and juicy, pour a little hot water into the pan, cover it with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, turning the cutlets once during cooking.

Lush, juicy and delicious homemade cutlets are ready!

How to make diet homemade meatballs

To make homemade cutlets less high-calorie, you should, firstly, pay attention to the quality of minced meat. Usually, in production, minced meat is made from fatty meats and even animal fats are additionally added. Therefore, it is better to cook minced meat at home, using mainly lean beef and a small amount of pork tenderloin. Homemade minced meat cutlets are much less fatty and high-calorie and are more suitable for children's and diet food.

Secondly, you can adjust the amount of bread in cutlets - the less it is, the more dietary the dish turns out. However, bread gives the cutlets looseness and splendor, that is, a more tender and soft structure. Homemade cutlets without the addition of bread will turn out to be excessively dense and dryish. So you need to find your right balance. You can use more healthy varieties of bread for making cutlets - rye or wheat with bran, and some cooks generally replace bread with oatmeal.

Thirdly, instead of frying cutlets in vegetable oil, you can use dietary cooking methods - bake them in the oven or steam them. It also significantly reduces the calorie content of the final dish and increases its beneficial properties.

  • To make cutlets juicy
    Do you know why Soviet canteen cutlets were disgustingly tasteless? Because they put too much bread and crackers in them, and they saved on meat and took it from the hard parts of the carcass. If you want to get delicious cutlets, do not buy ready-made minced meat of dubious origin. Expensive beef tenderloin may not be purchased, but the back, neck, shoulder, brisket and some parts of the hind leg are ideal.

    Before running the fillet into a meat grinder, do not forget to clean it thoroughly - remove the films, remove cartilage, bones and veins. In addition to beef, chefs recommend using fatty pork - it is she who will give cutlets juiciness and tenderness.

    Standard proportion: for 1 kg of beef - 1/2 kg of pork or for 1 kg of beef - 250 g of fat. However, cutlets can also be made from lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Choose any degree of grinding, however, experts advise not to overdo it and limit yourself to a single scroll in a meat grinder with a medium-sized grate.

  • Should I add an egg?
    Of course it is. The main thing is not to overdo it with eggs and use no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, otherwise the cutlets will turn out tough. Onions for the same amount will require about 200 g, preferably pre-sauteed and chilled, since raw may not have time to fry and will give the cutlets a harsh taste. If you like fresh onion, chop it at the same time as minced meat in a meat grinder.

  • Bread is the most important ingredient
    Do not think that bread appeared in the recipe out of a desire to save money. Without the crumb, you get a kebab kebab, not a juicy meatball. It is the soaked bread that helps to make the cutlets softer and more tender.

    Naturally, it is important to maintain the correct proportion. It looks like this: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk or water (if you make chicken cutlets, you will need less bread and eggs).

    Use yesterday's or slightly dried loaf. Remove all crusts from it, cut into pieces and soak in cold milk or water. As soon as the crumb swells, carefully knead it with your hands and mix with the rest of the minced meat. Part of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pumpkin or other vegetables.

    The resulting minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future dish, but in no case try it raw (tasting minced meat is the most common cause of poisoning among housewives).

  • Correct breading
    It is advisable to cover the bowl with prepared minced meat with a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread absorbs the meat juices. Then again carefully knead the mass, beating it with your hands and saturating it with air. At the very end, some chefs advise adding a handful of crushed ice for juiciness of the dish. After that, wet your hands in cold water and start sculpting cutlets.

    If desired, you can cover them with breading - under the golden crust, the minced meat will remain more juicy. Most experts do not trust store-bought breadcrumbs and recommend making them yourself - for this you just need to chop white bread in a blender. Then roll cutlets in the resulting crumbs and send them to the pan. As a breading, you can also use sesame seeds, small bread straws, flour and ice cream.

    The last one is 3 eggs lightly beaten with salt and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk or water. Cutlets are first rolled in flour, then in lezon and only then covered with breadcrumbs.

  • Frying features
    There is nothing complicated in frying cutlets, the main thing is to put them on a hot frying pan with hot oil (preferably melted butter) so that the minced meat “grabs”, a crust forms and then the dish does not fall into pieces.

    In addition, keep a distance between the cakes: if you place a mountain of cutlets on one dish, they will quickly release the juice and begin to stew, not fry.

    As soon as a golden crust appears, you can reduce the heat and cook under the lid. It is better not to torment the cutlets by frequent turning (it is advisable to do this a couple of times), but do not go far from the pan, otherwise you will get coals instead of a juicy meat dish. However, you can refuse to fry and stew the cakes or steam them.

  • Homemade cutlets are a simple, at first glance, ordinary dish. True, many housewives complain that their cutlets are rubbery, hard, or simply fall apart when frying. But our article will help you cook juicy, airy and very tasty cutlets.

    The recipe for homemade cutlets can be found in the cookbook of every housewife. The taste of a meat dish largely depends on the quality of the minced meat. Many people buy it ready-made, but still you should not be lazy and twist the minced meat yourself, because this is the only way you can be sure of the quality of the product.

    To make the cutlets juicy, but not greasy, it is better to use pork and beef.

    • half a kilo of pork and beef (a kilo of minced meat);
    • loaf;
    • egg;
    • three bulbs;
    • 300 ml of pure water.
    Cooking method:
  • Slices of white bread are dipped in water or milk.
  • We twist the pieces of meat in a meat grinder along with onions (for piquancy and flavor, you can add a few cloves of garlic);
  • We drive an egg into the prepared minced meat, put soft bread (previously squeezed out of excess liquid) and spices to taste, mix.
  • We make cutlets from minced meat and fry until golden brown, then pour in a little water and steam for 10 minutes under the lid.
  • In breadcrumbs

    Homemade minced meat patties can be fried in breadcrumbs. Such a meat dish will be a worthy treat for a family or festive dinner.

    • 450 g minced meat;
    • loaf;
    • egg;
    • breadcrumbs for breading.
    Cooking method:
  • In minced meat we put finely chopped onion, a loaf soaked in water (milk) and spices to taste.
  • We make cutlets from minced meat, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry until a delicious crispy crust.
  • From minced chicken

    Today there are several options for cooking meatballs. Many housewives choose chicken meat for minced meat. Chicken cutlets cook faster, are not so greasy and very tasty. We offer you an original recipe for cooking cutlets from dietary poultry meat.

    • 750 g minced chicken;
    • two bulbs;
    • half a cup of milk;
    • loaf;
    • two pinches of hops-suneli and paprika;
    • two tablespoons of tomato puree;
    • five tablespoons of sour cream.
    Cooking method:
  • We pass the bread and onions soaked in milk through a meat grinder.
  • The resulting mass, along with salt and pepper, mix with minced meat.
  • In principle, you can already fry cutlets in a pan, but there is a more interesting way.
  • We take a baking sheet, grease it with oil, spread the cutlets and set to bake for 20 minutes (temperature 180 ° C).
  • From sour cream, tomato paste, as well as paprika and suneli hops, we make gravy. We take out the cutlets, pour them with fragrant sauce and return to the oven for another 20 minutes.
  • Juicy homemade minced fish cutlets

    From fish meat, you can also cook delicious meatballs that are good both hot and cold.

    For cooking, sea or river fish are suitable, mainly pike perch, cod, pollock, silver carp and other types of white fish are used.

    • 600 g of beef and turkey meat;
    • two bulbs;
    • garlic;
    • 60 g semolina;
    • 50 ml of water.
    Cooking method:
  • In a meat grinder, we twist the beef and turkey, also chop the onions and garlic cloves in a meat grinder or simply use a grater.
  • Pour the semolina into the minced meat, of course, you can use bread soaked in milk or grated potatoes, but it is the semolina that keeps the shape of the cutlets better.
  • Together with semolina, add salt, pepper, and other seasonings of your choice, mix and set aside for half an hour.
  • Next, we form cutlets, sprinkle with flour, first fry for three minutes on each side in a pan, then simmer them for ten minutes in a saucepan with water.
  • Serve ready-made cutlets from homemade minced meat with sour cream sauce.
  • Cooking in Kiev

    Chicken Kiev is a real classic of culinary. This dish has conquered many gourmets with its juiciness, aroma and crispy crust. This is a restaurant dish, since it is not so easy to cook it, but if you try, you can master such a culinary masterpiece.

    Minced meat patties go well with any type of side dish, be it spaghetti, rice, mashed potatoes or buckwheat. A meat dish is most often prepared for the everyday table, but it can be consumed on holidays. Experienced housewives have identified a classic recipe, brought it to perfection and created no less tasty variations. You can add cheese, herbs, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin to minced meat cutlets. The cooking technology is not difficult, we will consider the important nuances in order.

    Features of cooking meatballs
  • In order for the meat fibers to retain their juice, pass it through a meat grinder or blender several times. Even if you use store-bought minced meat, grind it again before cooking.
  • For fluffy and tender meatballs, mix rolled minced meat with bread. Choose slightly stale rather than fresh baked goods. Before mixing the ingredients, the crust is removed from the bread.
  • The preparation of minced meat for cutlets has its own characteristics. For example, adding fresh bread will make the base gooey. Eggs will stiffen the meat and partially take away the juice, so they are not required components.
  • You can season the minced meat with your favorite spices to create a savory taste. Granulated and fresh garlic, mustard powder, suneli hops, coriander are most suitable.
  • To maintain softness, splendor and juiciness, add butter to the meat. It must first be melted, and then introduced into the composition. An analogue is lard based on beef or pork.
  • If you are a person who loves experimenting with food, cook cutlets with minced meat and potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots, herbs, bran. Add a little kefir or sour cream to keep the airy consistency.
  • Many housewives make the mistake of frying cutlets over high heat on both sides. After turning the cakes, cover the dishes with a lid, simmer the product until cooked. It is not difficult to determine it, transparent juice should ooze from cutlets.
  • Minced meat cutlets with milk
    • garlic - 5 teeth
    • onion - 3 pcs.
    • milk - 245 ml.
    • minced pork - 0.6 kg.
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • loaf (pulp) - 160 gr.
    • breadcrumbs for breading - 50-70 gr.
    • vegetable oil - in fact
    • ground pepper - 7-8 gr.
    • salt - 15 gr.
  • Pour the milk into a saucepan, heat on the stove, but do not boil. Remove the crust from the loaf, you only need the pulp. Soak it in milk, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • At this time, peel and chop the onion. Mix it with minced meat and move it to a bowl, knead with your hands. Add the softened loaf, pass the minced meat between your fingers.
  • Pass the garlic through the press, add to the main composition. Break the egg here, add pepper, salt. Stir the minced meat until smooth, as far as possible.
  • Divide the meat into pieces, form a ball from each of them. Flatten into a cake, roll in breadcrumbs. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up.
  • Put the cutlets in a heat-resistant dish, fry over medium heat on one side. When you flip the tortillas, cover the pan with a lid.
  • Determining readiness is simple: pierce the cutlet with a fork, look at the juice. If it is transparent, add fire, fry the dish for 2-3 minutes. When the patties are browned, turn off the stove.
    • spinach - 185-200 gr.
    • onion - 120 gr.
    • minced pork - 450 gr.
    • minced beef - 500 gr.
    • fresh parsley - 60 gr.
    • flour - 80-100 gr.
    • fresh dill - 40 gr.
    • table salt - 12 gr.
    • garlic - 5 teeth
    • ground black pepper - 5 gr.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into 4 parts, chop with a blender. Mix with minced meat, scroll through a meat grinder several times. Wash the dill with parsley, remove the legs, chop the leaves, add to the main composition.
  • Pass the garlic cloves through a press or use seasoning granules. Add to minced meat, salt, pepper. Form cutlets with a thickness of no more than 2 cm. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up.
  • Roll the cakes in flour, put on fry. Cook on medium power until the patties are browned. Pierce the cake with a fork: if the juice is clear, start tasting.
  • Cutlets with pumpkin
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • salt - 12 gr.
    • minced pork-beef - 280 gr.
    • pumpkin pulp - 475 gr.
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
    • flour or breadcrumbs for breading - 80 gr.
    • milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 145 gr.
    • semolina - 60 gr.
  • Mix pumpkin pulp with onions, pass through a meat grinder. Add minced meat here, repeat the steps. Salt this mixture, add pepper (optional), break the eggs.
  • Stir the mass until smooth, gradually introduce semolina. Heat the milk in the microwave, do not bring to a boil. Pour the composition to the minced meat.
  • Pass the composition through your fingers, wrap in cling film, leave in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Such a move will allow the meat to thicken, it will not crack during the frying process.
  • After the specified time, form cakes from minced meat, roll in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets in vegetable oil, readiness is determined by pressing: if clear juice is released, turn off the burner.
  • Some housewives prefer to bake minced meat patties in the oven. To do this, heat the appliance to 180 degrees, put the cakes on a greased baking sheet, cook for a third of an hour.
    • onion - 60 gr.
    • garlic - 4 cloves
    • salt - 10 gr.
    • white cabbage - 380 gr.
    • semolina - 50 gr.
    • flour - 60 gr.
    • minced pork - 225 gr.
    • minced beef - 250 gr.
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • crushed pepper - 5 gr.
  • Chop the cabbage, peel the garlic cloves, send the ingredients to the meat grinder. Turn them into porridge, get rid of excess juice. Do the same with onions.
  • Add vegetables to the minced meat, pass through the meat grinder again or beat well with your hands. Break the egg into the mixture, add pepper, salt. Season with your favorite spices, if desired, add herbs.
  • Make cakes from minced meat. Mix semolina with flour, this mixture will be used for breading. Roll cutlets, put in a hot frying pan with oil.
  • Cook the dish on medium power. First fry the patties on one side, then turn over to the other and cover the dish with a lid. Simmer until done, then brown over high heat.
  • Cutlets with tomatoes and cheese
    • tomato - 2 pcs.
    • gray or black bread - 40 gr.
    • sunflower oil - 100 gr.
    • ground pepper - 7 gr.
    • breadcrumbs - 80-90 gr.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • salt - 10 gr.
    • dill - 20 gr.
    • milk - 50 ml.
    • parsley - 20 gr.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • garlic - 4 cloves
    • hard cheese ("Dutch", "Russian") - 170 gr.
    • ground beef - 250 gr.
    • minced pork - 350 gr.
  • Wash the dill and parsley, peel the onion. Grind the ingredients. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes. Pass the garlic cloves through a crusher, stir in other vegetables.
  • Heat milk, soak bread without crust in it, leave for 10 minutes, wring out. Chop the cheese into cubes, mix with minced meat. Add greens, tomatoes, bread crumbs, onions, garlic, any seasonings here.
  • Pour in pepper and salt, break the egg. Stir the base until smooth, remove excess juice. Blind cutlets from minced meat, roll in breading.
  • Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it. Put the cakes for frying, bake until golden brown. Readiness to determine is easy, just pierce the cutlets with a fork.
  • If translucent juice comes out, turn off the burner. Serve the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream, combine with any side dish. You can also bake cutlets in the oven.
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • salt - amount to taste
    • seasonings any - 15-20 gr.
    • onion - 40 gr.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • beef - 200 gr.
    • pork - 350 gr.
    • garlic - 3 cloves
    • flour - in fact
    • semolina - in fact
  • First of all, you need to prepare minced meat. Rinse the beef and pork meat under the tap, soak in warm water for 10 minutes. Then dry with napkins, remove films and excess fat.
  • Chop the meat into small pieces, pass through a meat grinder or blender. Peel the garlic from the husk, send it to the crusher and add the seasoning to the meat.
  • Chop the onion into cubes or grate, add to beef and pork. Add pepper, salt and your favorite seasonings (optional).
  • Rinse the carrot, grate it on a grater with a small section, add to the main mass. Break the chicken egg into the mixture, begin to intensively knead the minced meat with your hands and beat it on the cutting surface.
  • Mix flour and semolina in equal amounts to get a breading mixture. Form cutlets from minced meat, roll them in the composition.
  • Prepare a multicooker grate that is designed for steaming food. Lubricate it with butter, put the finished cakes into the bowl.
  • Set the steam function on the appliance, cook for 40-50 minutes. During this period, the cutlets will be steamed, if desired, you can additionally fry them to get a crust.
  • Chicken cutlets with mushrooms
    • sunflower oil - 45 ml.
    • chicken fillet - 350 gr.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • fat milk - 30 ml.
    • breadcrumbs for breading - 60 gr.
    • dried mushrooms - 15 gr.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • salt - 5 gr.
    • ground black pepper - to taste
  • Wash the chicken breasts, cut into cubes, pass through a meat grinder. If not, send the meat to a blender. Chop the onion, chop it into a porridge, mix it with the chicken.
  • Salt and pepper the minced meat, if desired, add the bread crumb soaked in water. He will make the cutlets airy. Pour warm milk into the minced meat, pass through your fingers.
  • Divide the meat base into portions, from which cutlets will be formed in the future. Start preparing the filling. To do this, soak dried mushrooms in drinking water, leave for 15 minutes.
  • Next, drain the liquid, send to the pan. Add chopped onion to this, fry until golden. Form thin cakes from minced meat, put the filling in the center.
  • Fasten the edges of the cutlets, heat the dishes for frying. Roll each flatbread first in egg, then in breadcrumbs or flour. Fry on medium power.
  • The basis of minced meat cutlets is beef, pork, bread and a chicken egg. Try to cook a dish with milk according to the classical technology. Take a closer look at recipes that involve the addition of pumpkin pulp, tomatoes, hard cheese, herbs, carrots. Create your own unique dishes by varying the amount of spices and other ingredients.

    Video: the principles of cooking minced meat cutlets

    Today I suggest you cook juicy and tasty meatballs. Which? Choose to your taste! I can offer you a step-by-step recipe for minced turkey, pork, chicken and pollock cutlets, with the addition of cabbage and potatoes, and even cutlets without bread. You can make it in a pan, or you can cook it in the oven. I decided to collect the most popular recipes in one place in order to spread out and organize the information a little, it’s convenient when everything is at hand.

    Simple secrets of delicious and juicy meatballs.

    But first, let's define what principles of cooking cutlets allow them to turn out juicy and tasty, regardless of the type of minced meat and accompanying spices. Perhaps these rules will seem banal and “old as the world” to experienced housewives, but not everyone is born “in a chef’s hat and apron” - young and beginners sometimes need to say simple things.

    And not the fact that for them they seem so obvious!

      • Of course, you can make cutlets without bread .. But the question is - will this dish be called cutlets? Still, bread, which we pre-soak in water or milk, and then add to minced meat for cutlets, is an indispensable ingredient in almost any recipe for delicious homemade cutlets. And the point here is not to save on minced meat, as some people think! Bread allows you to make minced meat softer, juicier, tastier. But we are not talking about ready-made minced meat bought in a store (you will never guess what has already been added there!), but about pure minced meat, which you have just turned with your own hands from a natural piece of meat;
      • Water (milk, cream, mineral water) must be present in minced meat for cutlets. It is the moisture that makes the meatballs juicy and soft. The more fat component in this liquid, the tastier and more tender (but the more high-calorie our cutlets will be!). Water must be cooled to ice. The rule, again, is only suitable for freshly prepared natural minced meat, without additives from cunning manufacturers of "semi-finished products".
      • Not everyone knows that in addition to adding cold milk, ice water or even mineral water to minced meat, such minced meat must be beaten off. This is done very simply - as with dough, you scoop up the minced meat in a handful and throw it back into the bowl, so do it 15-20 times. The liquid is absorbed into the minced meat and the cutlets are very juicy. It would be nice to give the minced meat time to stand - about half an hour, or more;
      • It is for juiciness that cabbage, potatoes, onions are added to minced meat for cutlets. Moreover, you need to cut them very finely (do not turn through a meat grinder or in a blender, it is important to cut them finely and finely). Although there are certainly recipes where it is proposed to scroll these additives through a meat grinder or pass through a blender - it seems to me that here we are talking more about saving cooking time than about improving the taste of the dish;

    And of course, the quality of the meat from which minced meat is made is very important for the quality of the final product. From old, dry, frozen or, God forbid, rancid meat, you can’t make delicious cutlets with any additives and “magic” ingredients ... Although the cooks of some school canteens would now argue with me ...

    For these wonderful, juicy and tasty cutlets, we need minced turkey (turkey meat), as well as the following simple ingredients.

    • turkey fillet (or any minced meat) - 1kg
    • loaf (bread) - 150g
    • milk - 150g
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • onion - 2 pcs
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • sunflower oil for frying
    • garlic - optional
    1 If you make minced meat yourself, cut the turkey fillet into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Some, to speed up the process, immediately turn the peeled onion, but if you finely chop the onion and add it to the prepared minced meat, the cutlets will turn out juicier. 2 Soak the bread in warm milk or water. Many people advise cutting off the crusts, but if you turn the meat through a meat grinder, then bread can be added there too - into the meat grinder, and the crusts will not interfere with us. If you add bread immediately to the finished minced meat, it is easier to knead it when there are no crusts. 3 When the turkey meat, onion and bread are already mixed in the minced meat, add one egg there, salt and pepper. Mix everything and beat the minced meat in the same way as they beat the dough, about a minute is enough - so our cutlets will not fall apart and spread in the pan, but will be strong, elastic and appetizing. 4 Place a frying pan on the stove, add a little vegetable oil and heat well. With wet hands, form a ball of minced meat with your hands, flatten it slightly on both sides, give it the desired shape - round or pie shape, and send it to a hot frying pan. You can roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs, flour or egg white, but you can do without it - the cutlets will already have a good shape, a beautiful golden roast and a delicious crispy crust. 1 Fry the cutlets on one side until golden brown, turn over and close the lid. Under the lid, the cutlets will steam and reach readiness. As soon as covered with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and watch for readiness. Usually, such cutlets are cooked on fire for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the cutlets.

    All! Delicious and juicy homemade turkey cutlets are ready! Bon appetit!

    Very tender minced chicken cutlets - let's discover the secret of amazing juiciness.

    In principle, you can easily take the previous recipe, replace the minced turkey with chicken in it and cook delicious chicken cutlets. But we will go the other way! Let's add delicious foods to our list of ingredients and improve the taste even more drastically!

    See what products we need, prepare, and let's go cook, get acquainted with the new secrets of juicy minced meat for cutlets.

    • Minced chicken - 500 g
    • White bread - 3 slices
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Cream 35% - 4 tablespoons
    • Milk - 100 ml
    • Butter - 70 g
    • Salt, black pepper to taste
    • For breading - dry breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs or flour
    1 You can take the minced meat ready-made (of good quality, without unnecessary additives), or you can cook it yourself from any parts of the chicken, even from the breast - our cutlets will not be dry anyway - we know the secret 🙂 2 We will cut the crusts of the bread, cut it into cubes and soak in warm milk. Cut the onion and garlic as finely as possible and add to the minced chicken. 3 Add the egg, soaked bread, squeezed milk, salt, pepper. Let's mix everything. Add cold cream and carefully, best of all - with handles, knead the minced chicken until smooth. 4 Now let's take our main "secret" ingredient, which will provide our minced chicken with special juiciness and splendor - frozen butter. We rub it on a coarse grater into minced meat, mix quickly (until it melts!) And quickly proceed to frying. By the way, these cutlets must be fried on low heat, then the oil inside will be distributed over the minced meat as needed, evenly, and will not leak out. 5 We put the pan with oil on heat, and while it is heating, we form cutlets of the shape we need. To make them as beautiful as in the photo, roll them in breadcrumbs or dry bread crumbs. But you can just in flour. 6 We fry our chicken cutlets on both sides and, what is important for this recipe, do not close the lid!

    Delicious and tender chicken cutlets are ready. Serve them with any salad, greens, vegetables or any other kind of side dish - they will not become less tasty :-))

    Minced pork cutlets with cabbage - "Lazy cabbage rolls".

    Pork tastes great with cabbage, so for the so-called "lazy cabbage rolls", and in fact - minced meat cutlets with cabbage, we will choose it. Pork, as a rule, is quite fatty in composition, therefore, we “dilute” it with lean cabbage and in total we get the very thing 🙂 In proportion, we take minced pork and cabbage in equal parts.

    I suggest you make this recipe not only “lazy”, but also fast - we will grind all our additives with a blender to a mushy state.

    To roll the cutlets, we will take cornmeal - then we will get a beautiful yellow tint of our cutlets, look how they look in the photo. If there is no such flour, but there is corn grits, grind it in a coffee grinder or blender to get the necessary product.

    We take the following products:
    • minced pork - 300g
    • cabbage - 300g
    • onion - 1 head
    • egg - 1 pc
    • seasonings and salt - to taste
    • cornmeal - for breading vegetable oil - for frying
    Cooking process: 1 We cook everything according to the usual scheme. The only difference in this recipe is that we chop the onion and cabbage in a blender. Squeeze out excess juice from cabbage after chopping. Crack the egg into the onion before chopping. 2 Salt, pepper the minced meat, knead thoroughly. We form cutlets, roll in cornmeal and spread on a hot, with oil, frying pan. Lay out carefully, because. minced meat turns out to be tender not only in taste, but also in texture - until the cutlets are fried, they do not hold their shape very confidently. 3 It is better not to close the lid. When browned on both sides - consider that it is ready. Pork cutlets with cabbage according to this recipe are very soft and tasty!
    Minced meat patties with potatoes - video recipe.

    Do you think that bread, cabbage, housewife potatoes are added to minced meat to save money? So you haven’t tried real minced meat patties with potatoes - it’s oh-oh-very tasty!

    • minced meat - 1 kg.
    • raw potatoes - 4 pcs. (average)
    • onions - 1-2 pcs.
    • egg - 1 pc
    • seasonings and salt - to taste
    • cold water - 2-3 tablespoons

    But the essence of cooking does not change! This recipe differs from the previous one only in that raw cabbage must be replaced with raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater. I won’t even describe the rest - do everything in the same way, I’ll just indicate the possible proportions of the products.

    But, if suddenly something hasn’t worked out yet, watch this short video, which shows step by step the process of cooking these particular cutlets - with potatoes and minced meat.

    Mixed minced meat cutlets in the oven - a step-by-step recipe with detailed photos.

    I can’t get past such a recipe as minced meat patties baked in the oven. For those who do not really like fatty foods (and it must be admitted that cutlets fried in a pan are a rather high-calorie dish with a lot of fat and a “bad” cholesterol crust) – cutlets in the oven will be a great substitute. They are still very tasty and juicy, look very appetizing, and even save the hostess not only oil, but also time. After all, you don’t need to stand by the stove - just load everything into the oven, set the temperature and note the time.

    • minced meat - 1 kg. (chicken - 700 g and pork + beef - 300 g),
    • white bread (crumb) - 1 slice,
    • onion - 150 g.,
    • potatoes - 150 g.,
    • garlic - 1 tooth,
    • egg - 1 pc.,
    • salt, pepper - to taste,
    • kefir (sour cream, cream) - 1 tbsp,
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
    • water - 0.5 + 0.5 cups.
    The process of cooking cutlets in the oven: 1 Piece of white bread (it is better to cut the crusts) and pour about half a glass of cold water. While the bread is soaking, take the garlic and onion, peeled, and scroll briefly in a blender. Soaked bread, without squeezing from the water, add to the onion and mix everything again with a blender.
    2 Minced meat in this recipe is taken in the following proportions - chicken - almost 2/3 of the volume, and pork and beef - equally, 1/3 of the total volume. But you can use more pork if you want to get more fat, in general, choose the proportions to your taste. 3 Finely grate the potatoes and add to the minced meat. I squeeze the potatoes a little to remove excess starch, but you don't have to.
    4 Add the onion mixture here, break the egg. Add salt and black pepper to taste. For juiciness, add a little kefir (you can add milk, sour cream). We mix the minced meat thoroughly and beat it off so that our cutlets do not fall apart and are as juicy and lush as possible. This is a very important stage in the preparation of minced meat for any cutlets.

    5 Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and brush with a little sunflower oil. We form cutlets and put them on a sheet. At the same time, you can additionally beat off the minced meat, transferring the cutlet from one palm to another. You can roll cutlets in breading or in flour.
    6 Send to a hot oven (190-200 degrees) for 20 minutes. For juiciness, add half a glass of hot water directly to the leaf and put it back in the oven until a golden crust appears. Do not flip the patties during baking.

    Here we have such beautiful and moderately diet cutlets. This is a very simple and quick way to cook delicious and juicy meatballs - be sure to try this cooking option.

    Pollack fish cutlets without bread - Not only tasty, but also healthy!

    Continuing the theme of a healthier diet, I want to offer you a wonderful recipe for fish cakes - pollock minced meatballs. Pollock is an excellent choice for fish cakes: it is not an expensive type of fish, but it has few bones, you do not need to clean the scales, and as for the beneficial properties (contents of vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, minerals and trace elements) - it is in no way inferior fish of expensive varieties.

    The only complaint about pollock is that minced meat can turn out a little dry. For those who do not have enough fat content, you can scroll an additional piece of lard into the minced meat or add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the minced meat. For fish cakes, it is generally typical to take low-fat varieties of white fish, but at the same time - to raise the fat content with separate additives.

    By the way, another original and “tasty” way to add fat to dry fish (and not only fish) minced meat. Right in the pan, put a piece of frozen butter into the already prepared cutlets, press it so that it is inside the minced meat. During cooking, the butter will melt and give a great creamy taste to the dish!

    But, if we talk about the benefits of such a product as fish cakes (and this is a dietary dish by all standards!), Then nothing needs to be added, no additional fats are required. This recipe also provides for a small amount of oil in the pan and the absence of bread and flour in the cutlets.

    If there is no special dish with a non-stick coating, on which you can fry almost without oil, you can cook such cutlets in the oven, you can steam it, this is how you like it.

    I still like the cutlets to look more browned, a small, lightly fried crust will not hurt, the main thing is to cook on a very moderate heat and with a small amount of oil.

    • minced pollock - 1.3 kg.
    • onion - 3 pcs. medium size
    • potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • garlic - 3 cloves
    • egg - 3 pcs.
    • salt, pepper, spices - to taste
    Step-by-step recipe for pollock cutlets: 1 Scroll the pollock fillet and peeled potatoes through a meat grinder. It is better not to scroll the onion, as all its juice will go into the liquid, which we squeeze out during the cooking process. All onion juice will go nowhere! It is better to finely cut the onion with a knife - this way it will be preserved in our fish cakes with both juiciness and taste. 2 Mix minced pollock, potatoes, chopped onions, eggs, garlic and seasonings. Please note that we cook these cutlets without bread! We mix everything thoroughly. 3 Minced meat comes out very raw. To prevent the cutlets from falling apart too much, squeeze out the excess liquid into a separate bowl when forming the cutlets. Here, the juiciness of cutlets will be given to us by pieces of potatoes and pieces of onion. But, in order to reduce the excessive separation of moisture, it is necessary, as in previous recipes, to stir the minced meat for a long time and thoroughly before frying, also beating it, throwing it into a bowl. So we will improve the bonding of minced meat with the egg and create a greater “stickiness”, the cutlets will not fall apart much. 4 We do not bread cutlets so as not to add flour to our diet recipe. But you can roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour if you wish.

    5 Fry in a small amount of oil, without a lid, over low heat until golden brown, turning during cooking. Fish cutlets cook very quickly. But you can still further steam them after roasting under the lid, adding a little water.

    Let me remind you that in this recipe, in order to benefit and increase the “dietary” nature of our dish, we completely excluded bread. But according to tradition, in the classic recipe for fish cakes, bread is necessarily added, and, in fish cakes, bread, as a rule, is soaked in milk, and not in water. Still, fish cakes require more gentle handling 🙂

    What kind of meatballs do you cook? What type of minced meat and additives to it do you prefer? Share your lucky finds and favorite recipes for minced meat patties in the comments!

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