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Many housewives shy away from yeast baking recipes, citing the fact that the dough is too capricious and does not rise well. In practice, it turns out that the problem is in low-quality yeast, which is the basis that provides the splendor, softness and taste of the finished product.

Today, there are a lot of yeast from various manufacturers on store shelves, but not all of them are good in practice. We propose to consider a proven product - Saf-Moment yeast.

Principle of operation and causes of failure

Yeast is one of the oldest "tamed" microorganisms. They have come a long way, accompanying mankind at every stage of development. From the most primitive leaven, which consisted of fermented unleavened dough, the yeast has been converted into a convenient dry form, which keeps well and allows you to cook pastries in a regular home kitchen.

The principle of action of yeast is as follows - they are in a dormant state until they get into a humid environment. Some of them need to be "awakened" by placing them in water, while "Saf-Moment" instant yeast can be added to flour and immediately knead the dough - they will perfectly find all the water they need in the total mass.

In all recipes for yeast baking, sugar or its analogue is present, since it is the yeast that feeds on it, while releasing alcohol, and it is the latter that provides softness and airiness to the finished baking. Alcohol also should not be feared - during the heat treatment of the dough, it evaporates.

If the dough refuses to rise, then the main reason is the yeast. The main requirement for dry yeast is airtight packaging. From contact with the external environment, they "exhale". In order to test for viability, place them (1 teaspoon) in a glass, fill with warm water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Cover the glass with a lid and let stand for 5-10 minutes. If a cap of foam has formed on the surface of the water, then the yeast is active and can be used. Next, we will look at how you can use Saf-Moment dry yeast. The recipes below are not difficult, but they can perfectly diversify the menu with minimal effort.

Bread is the head of everything

Beginners should start their victorious march on recipes for yeast baking of varying degrees of complexity with bread. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Simplicity. Basic dough for bread consists of flour, yeast, sugar and salt. As you can see, it is more difficult to get lost in the three pines than to get lost in the grocery list.
  • Composition transparency. Modern bread, which is offered in stores, often has a controversial composition, containing in abundance additives that cannot be called beneficial to the body. In case of preparation homemade bread you are always sure of the quality.

  • Flexibility. Stuffed hand on basic recipe, you can always change it by changing the flour or adding other products to taste. In this case, Saf-Moment yeast favors innovations, and the result will not let you down.

So, to make bread, take:

  • warm water - 1 glass;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. spoons.

The volume of the glass indicated in the recipe is 200 ml.


Mix water, yeast and sugar in a suitable container. Cover and wait for the foam cap to appear. If you are in a hurry, you can bypass this stage using Saf-Moment high-speed yeast - just mix all the products.

Add butter, salt and flour to the yeast mass. The latter should be filled in gradually, achieving a soft, elastic dough. Knead for 5-7 minutes. It’s not scary if there is excess flour left - it differs in its “strength”, some require more, and some require less. Focus on texture.

Put in a bowl, cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place for an hour. The dough will increase by about 2-2.5 times.

Divide the risen dough into two parts.

Roll each part into a rectangle, then roll into an even roll.

Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or dusted with flour. Cover the blanks with a towel and let rise for an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220 C.

As soon as the rolls fit, make transverse shallow cuts on them with a sharp knife and bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Wrap in a kitchen towel and let cool completely.

If you plan to use either gluten-free flour, then it is worth using Saf-Moment dry yeast when baking, since they can provide a lush finished product even without the usual abundance of gluten.

Viva la Pizza!

This Italian "poor man's dish", beloved all over the world, did not bypass the tables of the inhabitants of Russia. In most cases, only the name remains of the pizza, as everyone prepares it based on their own vision of beauty. In most cases, "beautiful" lies at the ready. puff pastry, which is also quite tasty, but does not convey the richness of the filling. The "correct" base is prepared from a dense one; it should be thin, but soft under the filling and with crispy edges.

For the preparation of such a dough, "Saf-Moment" (yeast) is perfect. Pizza recipes are endless and quite subjective at the same time, as everyone puts on the cake the products that they like. Therefore, to obtain an excellent result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Proper dough! We give the recipe below.
  • Quality products. Low-melting cheese and natural tomato sauce- no liters of mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • Use a few - something that melts easily (like mozzarella) and stretches plus flavorful cheese (like parmesan).

Pizza dough

To prepare a delicious universal pizza base, take:

  • flour - 500 grams;
  • yeast "Saf-Moment" (they are ideal for pizza) - 5 grams;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • warm water - 250 ml + 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil to grease the bowl.

Mix yeast, sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of water and 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flour (take it from the total). Knead a smooth dough. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and let stand in a warm place for half an hour.

Sift the remaining flour with a slide, add the approached dough, water and salt to it, knead for 10-15 minutes until a homogeneous, elastic and elastic mass is obtained. Despite the fact that the yeast dough "Saf-Moment" can come up without dough, you should still not neglect it in this recipe.

Grease a bowl with oil, put the dough into it and cover kitchen towel.

Let it brew for an hour, the mass will double.

Punch down the dough, divide it in half - two pizza blanks are ready.

Roll out thinly each of them individually, put on baking paper or in a pan sprinkled with flour. Do not form sides.

Lubricate the dough base with sauce, slightly retreating from the edges, lay out the filling to taste. Bake at 230 C until done.

Let's say a word about breakfast

This meal involves eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, as they provide the necessary boost of energy. Pancakes stand apart among breakfasts - they are tasty, healthy with certain additives and cook much faster than the same pancakes. Housewives especially note pancakes with yeast, as they always turn out lush and porous.

Fritters with apples and hercules with yeast:

  • water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast - 10 grams;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • large green apple - 1 pc;
  • hercules - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • flour - 100 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.


Dilute yeast and honey in water. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place.

Wait until the mass has doubled.

Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.

Add yeast, egg, milk and oil to the same bowl. Mix until smooth and cover again with a towel.

The mass should again increase by 2 times.

Peel the apple from the skin and cut into small cubes.

Rinse and dry the raisins.

Add fruit to risen dough.

Fry the pancakes over medium heat until tender, brushing the skillet lightly with oil as you go.

Serve immediately.

It is worth noting how versatile Saf-Moment yeast is. The data we have above can be changed depending on your preferences. For example, you can add more milk to the pancake batter and make yeast pancakes.

For tea

We must not forget about the pies. Their variations are endless.

We will give a recipe that is suitable for portioned pies and buns, as well as for a large pie:

  • flour - 700 grams;
  • warm milk - 250 grams;
  • melted butter- 60 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 40 grams (if the filling is planned to be unsweetened, then halve its amount);
  • yeast "Saf-Moment" - 20 grams.

Knead a dough of 400 grams of flour, milk and yeast. You should get a cool homogeneous dough. Put it in a bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place. After an hour, cracks will appear on the surface of the dough, which means it's time to use it.

Mix eggs, salt, sugar, butter separately. Add to the batter and stir until smooth.

Sift the remaining flour onto the work surface, put the dough into it and knead an elastic, soft, homogeneous dough. It is recommended to stir for at least 5-7 minutes.

Put the mass back into the bowl, cover and let it double in size. This will take about 1-1.5 hours.

That's it, the dough is ready. Using yeast "Saf-Moment" for pies and pies, you can be sure that pastries will not fail and will not settle like a stone.

A little about alcohol

Of course, we will talk about Braga. Some general information: Braga is an alcoholic drink whose strength reaches an average of 15 degrees. It is obtained as a result of fermentation.

And what provides us with fermentation? That's right, yeast.

Basic Recipe sugar mash:

  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • dry yeast - 20 grams;
  • water - 5 l.

Heat water (4.5 l) and dissolve all the sugar in it. This is very important, because the sugar that settles to the bottom will not participate in the fermentation process.

Separately, dissolve the yeast in the remaining warm water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Let the yeast come to life (this will take no more than an hour, provided that you use Saf-Moment yeast for mash).

Mix the sugar solution with the revived yeast and pour into containers of a suitable volume. Put in a warm place, while not tightly closed - otherwise the containers may explode from pressure.

The drink ripens for 7-10 days. After this period, carefully pour the mash into storage vessels, being careful not to touch the sediment.

All housewives are familiar with saf-moment and saf-levure dry baker's yeast, I must say that for beginner moonshiners this is the best option to start. This dry yeast is inexpensive, available in any supermarket, and quite predictable in terms of the result, the main thing is to know the proportions, that is, how much to dilute and how much mash.

Even a novice distiller knows that moonshine is obtained as a result of distillation (distillation) of mash, which is a fermentation product of sugar and yeast. Therefore, moonshine without yeast will not work, since it is the microorganisms contained in them that cause the fermentation process, which converts glucose into alcohol. There is an opinion that dry yeast mash is rarely possible. However, this opinion is erroneous, you just need to know some of the nuances and strictly follow the recipe and proportions.

The role of yeast in the production of mash

Yeast is an element without which the process of producing alcohol is not possible in principle. In addition, they are living microorganisms that require careful handling. Especially when temperature conditions are observed. Low temperatures do not have a special effect, but high temperatures (above 35 degrees) can completely destroy them. This important point must be taken into account in the production cycle.

It is generally accepted that in the process of home brewing it is best to use special alcohol yeast. The use of alcoholic yeast usually does not cause difficulties, the manufacturer indicates the required amount of sugar on each pack. However, their use has its drawbacks. First, they can be hard to find. Secondly, they have a limited shelf life, and their price is quite high. A good alternative to alcohol yeast is dry baker's yeast.

Braga with dry yeast

When deciding which yeast is better to use for mash, you shouldn’t worry too much; on dry ones, its quality is in no way inferior to that cooked on raw ones. French Saf-Levure, in 100 gram packaging and Saf-Moment in bags of 11 grams, are perfect for this purpose. They are used for baking, so you can buy them in almost any store. When adjusting the moonshine recipe with dry yeast, you need to take into account their proportions to raw yeast, it is approximately one to five or six.

A distinctive feature of the technological process using dry yeast is abundant foaming. Therefore, the use of dry yeast requires a defoamer. As a defoamer, some use chemical or pharmaceutical preparations, as well as means household chemicals such as baby shampoo, which we do not recommend. In no case do not try to eliminate the foam by stirring, this will only aggravate the situation.

You can use dry cookies or crackers.

Saf-Moment yeast can also act as an excellent defoamer. The packaging of Saf-Moment differs in quantity (the sachet contains 11 grams), so the ratio should be as follows: three packs of Saf-Moment are needed for one package of Saf-Levure.

Another feature of dry yeast is that it needs to be activated before being used, a process moonshiners call "fermentation". They are poured into 0.5 liters of warm water, allowed to stand for a while, and then gently stirred. The yeast revived in this way is left for an hour.

Braga manufacturing technology

Braga is the raw material for the subsequent production of a stronger drink - moonshine. In the manufacture of mash, you can use the following ingredients:

  • sugar (making sugar mash is the easiest to make at home);
  • berries and fruits;
  • rye, wheat, potatoes (starchy raw materials, which malt enzymes help to process into sugar).

The classic recipe for sugar mash with yeast Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment

For every kilogram of sugar, the recipe calls for 5 liters of water and 20 grams of Saf-Levure yeast. That is, for a classic aluminum tank, the recipe should contain the following amount of ingredients:

  • water at room temperature - 30 l;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • 1.5 packs of Saf-Levure (150 gr);
  • 1 pack of Saf-Moment.

First, pour most of the water (about 25 liters) into the prepared can and pour out the sugar. It is important to stir the sugar well, otherwise it will settle to the bottom and will not take part in the fermentation process of the mash. We add pre-fermented Saf-Levure and pour out the remaining water, gently mixing, put in heat. The lid does not need to be tightly closed to avoid an explosion, it is better to just cover it.

The first few hours you need to carefully observe the process of foam formation. If the foam seems excessive to you, sprinkle it on top with Saf-Moment yeast, crushed biscuits or breadcrumbs. After such a procedure, the foam will be extinguished, and further fermentation will continue rapidly, but without the previous problems. Close the lid and continue to observe the fermentation process.

It is not necessary to put a water dispenser on sugar mash, but it can help if you are making moonshine in an apartment. In this case, the hydrodispenser hose can be diverted to the window, which will save you from an unpleasant odor.

The temperature determines how long it takes for fermentation, the quality of yeast and other mechanical factors also affect. The optimum temperature is 18 - 30 degrees. The lower the temperature, the slower the fermentation process will go. High temperatures will kill the yeast, preventing it from processing the sugar.

If you stir the mash, the fermentation will speed up, but this must be done carefully so that foam does not begin to form again. The mixing spoon must be clean, otherwise the mash will turn sour. If you did everything right and followed the recipe, then the mash will definitely work out.

Features of the manufacture of moonshine from starch raw materials

The most noble strong drink is grain moonshine. It is prepared much more complicated than sugar. But the result will be worth it. Grains are high in starch and require enzymes to convert it into sugar.

Sugar is obtained from starch using malt, or using ready-made enzymes:

  • amylosubtilin - dilutes the wort;
  • glucavamorin - promotes saccharification.

TO technological process saccharification must be approached carefully, observing the recipe and temperature regime. At high temperatures, the enzymes are destroyed; at low temperatures, the saccharification process proceeds slowly and may not reach the end. After the fermentation is completed, it is better to cool the container quickly to prevent bacteria from multiplying in the warm, slowly cooling wort, this can lead to infection and lactic acid fermentation - the mash will simply turn sour. After cooling, the wort is fermented with Saf-Levure yeast, approximately 10 g per 10 liters of tank content.

In addition to the fact that enzymes are needed in the manufacture of grain moonshine, there is another feature in its distillation. It is impossible to put it into distillation on a classic moonshine still, since the grain wort is very thick and can burn to the walls of the cube, which will eventually ruin and finished product, and equipment. The distillation of the wort must be carried out with the help of steam, SWC (steam boiler) or in a water bath.

How to determine if the mash is ready for distillation

There are several methods for determining the readiness of mash for moonshine to get a more accurate result, you can use them all at once.

  • by time. How long the fermentation process will take depends on many factors: the quality of the ingredients and water, external factors (temperature and humidity). On average, sugar mash ferments 5-14 days. The fermentation period of starch mash is much less - 3-5 days. The results of this method are very approximate, so you cannot rely on it completely.
  • taste. This method is the most effective, in addition, it makes it possible to determine not only the readiness for distillation, but also to evaluate the quality of the resulting product. Braga, ready for distillation, will have a bitter taste. Sweet taste mash means that the yeast has not yet fully coped with its task and has not processed all the sugar into alcohol. It is necessary to put dobryvat. If the temperature regime was not respected, the yeast could die without producing all the sugar, and the fermentation process stopped. To resume the fermentation process, you need to add a new batch of yeast and place the container in a room with more suitable climatic conditions.
  • by sight. In the finished mash, the formation of foam does not occur, the characteristic hiss and the release of carbon dioxide stop. The clarification of the mash begins due to the fact that the fermented yeast sinks to the bottom.
  • with a burning match. During active fermentation, carbon dioxide is released. Bring a lit match to the container with mash. If it burns, then the fermentation process has ended and you can proceed to the subsequent distillation of the mash.
  • using a hydrometer is the most professional and accurate method. If you are seriously engaged in home brewing, then this device is simply necessary for you.

Have a good moonshine!

Quality yeast is the key to a good home brew. When choosing this important component, many lovers of moonshine stop at dry yeast like? Saf-Levure? and ?Saf-Moment?. Why? described below.

Single-celled mushrooms are the cornerstone in the production of mash. It is they who transform the sugar-containing wort into a ready-made low-alcohol drink or an alcohol-containing mass suitable for further distillation into moonshine.

There are several types of yeast suitable for the production of mash: alcohol, wine, beer. However, the leadership is held by bakeries. Among the advantages of such a product? it is easy to find (sold in any convenience store); low cost and ease of use; long shelf life; at the output gives good indicators on the content of alcohol in the drink.

living water

In mash recipes that offer the most bang for your buck with dry yeast? Saf-Levure? and? Saf-Moment?, it is said that several simple rules concerning water:

  • Use drinking water of medium softness, because. in hard fermentation is inhibited.
  • Do not boil the water before mixing the ingredients to keep the oxygen in the liquid, which is necessary for the development of the yeast.
  • Do not breed unicellular fungi in distilled water, because it does not contain enough trace elements for their full growth.

The ingredients of the recipe for making the perfect home brew indicate water without impurities. You can put the mash on ordinary tap water, only before filling it must be passed through a filter or allowed to stand in an open container for 2-3 days. For the sake of better yeast growth, it is advisable to aerate the water (a clean aquarium compressor is suitable for this).

Temperature and time

Unicellular fungi feel comfortable at temperatures from 18 to 30 ° C. At a lower indicator on the thermometer, the reproduction of unicellular fungi is inhibited, and at a higher
overheating and even death are possible.

High-quality mash, made strictly according to the recipe, can ripen up to two weeks. During this time, the sugar contained in the wort is completely processed. By the way, does the taste of the liquid help determine readiness? it must be bitter with sourness.

Saf-Levure plus Saf-Moment

Dry yeast? Saf-Levure? very popular with home-grown distillers, because they were originally intended not only for making dough, but also for drinks. In addition, they are packaged in 100 gr., convenient for accurate calculation of the amount of ingredients? prescription.

Moonshiners note that on? Saf-Levur? Braga is obtained without a strong odor and does not have an unpleasant aftertaste. Alcohol on such a mash is obtained good quality. Best of all, this baker's yeast reveals its potential in tandem with "Saf-Moment". Many recipes include this fast-acting product as a defoamer.

For the braga to play

The optimal combination of the amount of mash ingredients: 1 part of dry yeast to 5-6 parts of sugar. This means that a 100-gram sachet? Saf-Levure? enough for 5-6 kg of sugar. For the sake of full growth, dry yeast is fermented before being added to sugar syrup. For this bag? Saf-Levure? fall asleep in 500 ml. warm water and without stirring, leave for 5 minutes. Next, the powder must be gently mixed until completely dissolved. After that, you can add the mixture to the sugar syrup, the temperature of which should be about 20 ° C.

If in the first hours the mixture ferments too much, then “Saf-Moment” will come to the rescue, removing excess foam. There are a lot of recipes for making mash with dry yeast and sugar. Perhaps the most
common: 300 gr. dry yeast? Saf-Levure?, 11 gr. dry yeast? Saf-Moment?, 15 kg of sugar and 60 liters of warm water.

In order for less harmful impurities to be released during fermentation in the mash, “feed”? its fruit juice, chopped fruits or crushed berries.

Braga almost does not roam? You may not have added enough yeast, or it may be lacking something. Add brown bread to the mixture: it contains many mineral nutrients, in particular phosphorus and nitrogen, which are loved by yeast. For? top dressing? fit and tomato paste at the rate of 100 gr. per 10 l, as well as pea or corn grains (1 kg per 10 l).

Treat yeast with all your heart and end up with a great drink!

Making moonshine at home is a complex and exciting process. The taste and smell of the resulting drink depends on how high-quality raw materials are chosen. No one wants to spoil their tasting experience with unpleasant odors or yeasty taste. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the quality of the selected products.

To make a good mash, you need to choose the right yeast. This affects how much alcohol and for how long it will be obtained after fermentation, as well as how pure moonshine will come out. Therefore, many people who take their first steps in home brewing are wondering: what kind of yeast is best used for home brew? If in Soviet times there wasn’t much choice, they used ordinary bakeries, but today there is a large selection of this product in stores.

Why do we need yeast

Yeast itself is a fungus., which during reproduction process sugar and emit carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is the process of fermentation. Of course, these organisms need a suitable environment, a certain temperature. They can exist in a liquid that contains ethyl alcohol, but only up to a certain concentration. There are many types of yeast, but not all of them are suitable for making moonshine.

In order for yeast to begin to multiply and ferment, a number of conditions must be met. They can carry out their useful activities only in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. On top of that, for the best you need to put in a dark place. If, for example, you mix water and sugar, and then add yeast there, close the container with a glove or water seal, after a while the liquid will become lighter. When you open the jar, it will smell of alcohol. This will be the desired result of fermentation.

These fungi are very sensitive to water quality.. You can't use tap water here. Spring water is best, or in extreme cases, bottled water, which is sold in supermarkets.

Variety of varieties

The strains that are used for home brewing can be sold in pressed and dry form. The former are more used for baking. They have a limited lifespan, so before using them for mash, you should take a good look at the expiration date on the packaging.

Dry yeast is the spores of a fungus, which are just waiting to be placed in a favorable environment for reproduction. Many people think that they are not suitable for making mash, but this is far from the case. Supermarkets offer a wide range of these products.

Yeast itself is of different types:

  1. Bakery.
  2. Wine;
  3. beer;
  4. Turbo yeast;
  5. Alcoholic.

Not all of them are suitable for mash, give a different yield of ethanol, and so on. Therefore, it is better to study the issue thoroughly, and then decide which yeast is best for moonshine.

You can buy this product in supermarkets, specialized stores. There are sites that sell yeast specifically for. The quality of the resulting moonshine depends on this product no less than on moonshine still. Many do not take this moment into account, and then they are very surprised that the drink smells strongly of fuselage and it is impossible to drink it.

Bakery Strains

These strains are the most common. Previously, only they were used to make mash. But, it is worth noting that this is not the most better option. Brazhka on baker's yeast is done for a long time - up to two weeks. The output is a drink with a strength not exceeding 10 degrees. At the same time, the liquid accumulates a large number of fusel oils. As a result, moonshine from such mash is of poor quality, it must be distilled a lot to get rid of impurities and an unpleasant odor.

At the same time, the bakery variety has its advantages:

  1. They are sold in all grocery stores;
  2. They are very inexpensive;
  3. Long stored in the refrigerator;
  4. Easy to use.

Baker's yeast is sold dry and pressed. The latter, after opening the package and using it, should be put in the freezer so that they do not deteriorate. To prepare the mash, 100 grams of the product is taken per 1 kg of sugar.

This type is also good because it can be immediately added to the wort, and the fermentation itself begins quickly enough. Wherein This product also has disadvantages:

  1. With them, the mash turns out to be weak, 9-11 degrees.
  2. Moonshine has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes.
  3. If the product is stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. Need a feed.
  5. They give abundant foam, since these mushrooms emit a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Dry yeast can be used to make mash. They are quite suitable for moonshine, they are sold in small bags, they must be diluted in water before use. Famous brands include Saf Moment, Saf Levure and Pakmaya yeast.

Among their advantages are:

  1. Cheapness and availability;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long shelf life.

The proportions of mash on dry yeast are as follows: from 16 to 20 grams of the product is taken per 1 kilogram of sugar. Must be diluted with water before adding.

Braga on this product comes slowly, foam is likely to form. Here you will need a defoamer, which can be purchased at the store. Otherwise, you will have to regularly wash the floor around the place where the jar of mash stands.

The yeasty smell, although slight, is still present. The yield is also not very strong: mushrooms die at an ethanol concentration of 14 percent.

wine yeast

This product is suitable for to make moonshine, but with some restrictions. in the wild they live on grapes and they are used in Italy and the Caucasus for the preparation of strong alcoholic drinks: grappa and chacha. In fact, they are ideal for fermenting grape pomace that remains after wine production. From this one, which has an excellent taste and aroma.

For the production of mash from berry crops or fruits, this product is well suited. But for sugar mash it is not recommended to use it.

Stores sell dry wine yeast.. They have great advantages:

  1. With their help, you can get a drink with a strength of 17 degrees.
  2. They do not have a characteristic yeasty smell either in Braga or in moonshine.
  3. They are very unpretentious in storage.
  4. They do not contain foreign organisms, it is a dry, clean product.
  5. They give a special taste to drinks, especially on grape raw materials.

You can make wild yeast yourself at home, for which there are many different recipes. But the quality of the purchased ones is also quite acceptable.

Brewer's yeast

This product is not suitable for mash and moonshine. By itself, it is indispensable during the preparation of beer. It will also be useful as a dietary supplement. Brewer's yeast was invented in Germany in the 19th century.

For moonshine, this strain is not suitable for two very important reasons. Firstly, during fermentation, they give a very large foam output, which is completely unacceptable. Secondly, as a result, too little is formed in the liquid. ethyl alcohol. However, there are craftsmen who use brewer's yeast to make home brew and moonshine. Also, this product can be made at home on your own.

Turbo Yeast

This product occupies an intermediate position between baking and alcohol. His attitude is ambiguous. Some praise him, while others criticize him..

Producers promise record results, the fermentation process, according to them, takes no more than two days. The output should be about 20 degrees. Of course, this is a good result. In addition, turbo yeast has other advantages:

Some experts are critical of such statements. This composition is used in the food industry. There is a high probability that the output will be strong, but tasteless mash. Therefore, to obtain it is worth feeding the culture.

Turbo yeast is expensive, this is also a disadvantage. An ordinary pack of Turbo-24 should be enough for 40 liters of mash, but it’s not a fact that the costs will pay off. You can buy them on the websites of winemakers or in specialized stores.

Alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast are considered the best option for the preparation of mash and moonshine. By themselves, they were created specifically to create alcoholic beverages. They are suitable for sugar mash. If moonshine is made from grain, then these strains will also be the best option. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Great fermentation speed. 4 days is enough;
  2. The strains begin to die at an ethanol concentration of 18 degrees, therefore, you will get a mash with just such a strength.
  3. There is no smell left from this product, so a very high-quality drink is obtained;
  4. They don't foam. The container with mash can be filled almost completely. Defoamers are not needed.
  5. They are easy to store, easy to use, they do not contain unnecessary impurities, and so on.

Alcoholic yeast is sold in dry form. For the preparation of mash, strains are required in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of wort.

You can buy the product in specialized stores and on the Internet.

How to cook sourdough

To create the most comfortable conditions for mushrooms, they need to be fed. This will increase the survival of the colony and the rate of fermentation. The culture will need vitamins, trace elements, ammonia and phosphorus salts. Fertilizers can be used as top dressing, they are usually available from cottage owners. We are talking about adding superphosphate, carbamide, ammophoska and so on to the liquid.

There are also folk ways of feeding. For better yeast growth, you can add to the mash:

  1. Raisin;
  2. Boiled peas;
  3. nettle leaves;
  4. Rye bread;
  5. Rye flour brewed with boiling water;
  6. Ground malt.

Feeding for the colony can also be bought in stores. They are specially produced industrially for home brewing. They already have all the necessary nutrients. Often winemakers use a preparation made from brewer's yeast shells that have already been used and dried.

Terms of use

It is not enough to buy the right strains, it is necessary competently approach the cooking of the mash. There are a number of rules that will help create high-quality strong alcohol with good characteristics.

Which yeast is better for mash is impossible to say for sure. You can experiment with different types of them, but this is the lot of experienced moonshiners. For beginners, alcohol is most suitable. Thanks to them, you can create high-quality moonshine with a minimum of flaws.

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The basis for any mash is two components - yeast and sugar. And, if there are no unique requirements for sugar, but the yeast must be selected carefully. One of best brands yeast that can be used to create mash is dry yeast from the Saf-Moment variety or a model from the varieties of the Saf-Levure model.


To understand exactly how the degree of strength and alcohol itself appear in the future drink, one should recall courses in biology and chemistry of the organic type. Yeast is one of the brightest examples of independent microorganisms, cellular fungi, and it is yeast that causes fermentation processes in the drink.

Fungi consume ordinary sugar as food, breathe ordinary air, and during their life emit alcohol and carbon dioxide, and it is these processes that develop the properties and basic provisions of mash.

The colonies of these same fungi must be treated as carefully as possible, the temperature and proportions must be correctly observed. Otherwise, the fungi can die, which will automatically lead to spoilage of the drink. Is it acceptable to use multiple yeast variants together to create the same drink?

Recipe for mash with yeast "Saf-Levure"

There is no big difference between pressed and standard yeast, and that is why the recipes for creating mash based on Saf-Moment yeast and Saf-Levure yeast are similar in almost everything. But there are some differences. For example, Saf-Moment is dried yeast milk, and Saf-Levure is already living fungal elements, externally covered with a shell consisting of dry yeast and cultures.

Therefore, before creating a drink, it is best to study all the features thoroughly, and only then use yeast to create a drink. Otherwise, differences between yeast in recipes may not be the most pleasant result for the creator.

Regardless of the recipe for mash based on Saf-Moment dry yeast, it is important to correctly adjust the percentage ratio compared to ordinary live yeast. Using classic recommendations and proportions should be based on the ratio of 1:5 or 1:6. In other words, you can take 500 gr. compressed yeast or 100 grams of dry yeast.

  1. The peculiarity of "Saf-Levure" is strong foaming, and it is so strong that it is difficult to fight it. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove the foam by mixing - so it will be even more. And if the mash is oversaturated with oxygen, this can cause foam to be released;
  2. To ensure maximum safety, it is necessary to take a larger container (approximately 1/3). This is important so that no foam comes out or flows out in a minimal amount. However, even this cannot guarantee the safety of the recipe and preparation;
  3. Crushed biscuits or breadcrumbs sprinkled on top can also help a lot;
  4. Those moonshiners who have experience recommend using Saf-Moment, since such yeast is able to quench the formation of foam. Some small amount of this yeast should be sprinkled on the surface. The foam will not disappear, but there will be no more of it. It is enough to take 11 grams of yeast, and this is enough to extinguish the foam.

Many novice and experienced moonshiners, among other things, sometimes use chemical defoamers. These can be chemicals, medications, or even baby shampoos. However, these methods are strongly discouraged. In addition to the fact that the foam will not decrease from this, there is also the possibility of poisoning with moonshine, which has been visited by such unsafe components.

A high-quality mash based on Saf-Levure, but not Saf-moment, has an excellent ability, and it must be taken into account, otherwise a high-quality result will not work. The peculiarity lies in the technology of the activation process of this component.

Professional moonshiners with experience call this process "fermentation". It's easy, you just need to take warm water (500 milliliters) and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

First you need to pour water into the jar, and then add the substance of yeast mash to the same container. The composition is stirred with a spoon until there is no precipitation in the jar. After that, the jar should be put in a warm place for an hour. The only question is, how many components do you need?


  • 30 liters of purified and warm water (the water does not need to be boiled);
  • 6 kg. sand;
  • Yeast type "Saf-Levure" for mash - 4 gr. for 1 liter of water. That is, approximately 150 grams;
  • If we are talking about "Saf-Moment", then you need to take 11 gr. 30 liters, but already in the form of a powder to localize the formation of foam.

You can take Saf-Moment only in those proportions according to the recipe that are in the package, and then the mash will cook faster, and the formation of foam will be minimally acceptable.

The first thing you need to take is clean dishes. It will be a can, tank or other container. Only then you need to proceed with the following steps:

  1. Add warm water to the bowl, and then add there granulated sugar. At the same time, it will be important to stir the composition until the moment when there are no substances at the bottom, otherwise the fermentation processes will not proceed correctly, and there will not be enough nutrition for the yeast. Then there will be only one effect - fermentation will either slow down greatly, or stop;
  2. After that, activated yeast must be added to the solution of water and sugar. And only then you need to add the remaining water there;
  3. The solution must be mixed again, and at this step it is important to observe the precipitate and that it does not exist;
  4. The container is placed in a warm room or wrapped for 9 days. This is exactly what is needed in order to complete fermentation.

At the same time, it is not important to cover the lid too tightly, because such an action can cause a mini-explosion with strong foam formation. However, do not forget that getting rid of the foam is simple - this was said at the beginning of the article.

A few important points

There is no need to install a water seal on the container, however, there are cases in which this not the most mandatory moment is still mandatory. For example, if already filled with the future alcoholic drink the mash will be in the house or in the apartment in which there are people for whom the smell can cause a problem. In such cases, a water seal will be useful, especially if you bring it into the ventilation or into an ordinary window.

After creating the mash according to the recipe and placing it indoors, you need to monitor the processes and features of foam formation for the first 2-3 days, because collecting foam on the floor is not the most pleasant experience.

Another important point - you should choose the right temperature mode in which the mash will stand. The normal temperature is 17-30 degrees Celsius. It is clear that the higher the temperature, the faster the drink will be prepared, however, too high temperatures will cause the death of fungi in the mash.

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