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When the arrows of the year creep up to October 31, the wholesale buying of pumpkins begins, because Halloween is coming soon - the finest hour of the pumpkin. Cover the table with a dark purple tablecloth (it symbolizes the darkness in which Jack's soul wanders), arrange orange candles and celebrate Halloween ... And we will help you with recipes!

Cooking festive table On Halloween, try to put the maximum of your imagination into the design of festive dishes. The theme of the design can be any chilling horrors. Although try not to overdo it, don't make your guests squeal in fear, it's enough if they smile with pleasure. The simplest sandwiches, carved in the shape of skulls with a sharp knife and decorated with blood from ketchup, will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your children. Do not forget to bake cookies in the form of cobwebs and spiders, decorate the cake with "mould" from the icing. Just use your imagination, and then your holiday will definitely succeed, and gelatinous monsters and ghosts from bananas will definitely help you with this!

Hot Halloween Meals: Recipes

stuffed pumpkin

You will need for one serving:

  • pumpkin,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • pork - 300 gr,
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.,
  • 1 pineapple
  • salt.

Take a pumpkin, preferably a large one. Remove the cover. Take out the seeds. Pork cut into pieces, fry. Cut carrots. Next, put everything in a bowl. Add red bell pepper, chopped in advance. You can add pineapple (fresh or from a can, but in own juice). Everything should be mixed, salt, add a little water and simmer until tender. Transfer the finished mass to the pumpkin, cover with food foil, add pepper to taste. Put in the oven at a low temperature and keep for about two hours. Serve right in the pumpkin.
Bon appetit!

Roast with pumpkin in a pot with an edible lid "Witch's Pot"

What is Halloween without the main attribute of this holiday - pumpkins? From a pumpkin, you can make a wonderful lantern for decorating a festive table with your own hands. And the pulp of the pumpkin can be used to prepare very tasty and healthy meals.
Today we're going to cook a pumpkin pot roast with an edible Witch's Pot lid.
To prepare our dish you need:

  • - meat on the bone (ribs) (according to the number of pots),
  • - potatoes (medium size 8 pieces),
  • - pumpkin,
  • - onion (1 head),
  • - carrots (1 piece),
  • - sweet pepper (2 pieces),
  • - tomatoes (4 small ones),
  • - salt,
  • - ground pepper,
  • - seasonings to taste (for example, parsley, dried basil),
  • - sunflower oil (for frying meat and vegetables),
  • - pots.

We will make an edible lid from unleavened dough. For this we need:

  • - flour,
  • - egg,
  • - a pinch of salt.

We take out the whole core from the pumpkin.
Cooking necessary products. First, we will wash and clean all the vegetables. Cut potatoes into small pieces.
Onions - cubed. Grate the carrots coarse grater. Cut the pumpkin into slices, if you want it to retain its shape during cooking - cut it larger, if not - smaller, the smaller you cut it - the more it will boil.
We cut the ribs into separate portions, 1-2 ribs in each pot, then fry in a pan until half cooked.
Pepper cut into strips, tomatoes - slices or circles.
Fry the onions and carrots (in sunflower oil), then add the pumpkin, simmer slightly.
Then knead unleavened dough and covering it with a napkin (so as not to weather), we will lay all the prepared ingredients in pots.
We put chopped potatoes in pots (you can add a little salt by mixing it).
Put the ribs on the next layer. Then pepper. The next layer is roasted carrots, onions and pumpkins.
Lay the tomatoes on top.
The lids of our holiday pot will be in the form of a spider.
We make a cake from the dough and cover the neck of our pot with it, roll out the “legs” of the spider (8 pieces) from small pieces of dough and attach them to the cake-calf.
That's almost all - now we put our "witch's pots" in an oven preheated to 200 * C for about 30 minutes.
We take the dish out of the oven.
Carefully (so as not to burn yourself) remove the lids - enjoy your meal and have a fun Halloween!

Pumpkin baked with rosemary and garlic

Pumpkin baked with rosemary and garlic will also be a great addition to the Halloween holiday.
I needed:

  • - a quarter of a medium-sized pumpkin,
  • - a few sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • — 2-3 garlic cloves,
  • - 1-2 tablespoons olive oil,
  • - 2 tsp Sahara,
  • - salt.

A piece of pumpkin needs to be peeled and cut into slices about 1 cm wide. Put the pieces on a baking sheet.
I salt the pumpkin. Make sure that all pieces are well salted.
Add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. This is necessary in order to emphasize the sweetness of the pumpkin, because it is one of the few sweet vegetables. If not sweetened, the pumpkin will taste like unleavened potatoes.
Finely chop or squeeze the garlic cloves through a press. Garlic will give an incredible flavor during roasting.
Pour in a tablespoon or two of olive oil. It is necessary for a beautiful roasted pumpkin crust. Stir until the oil and garlic evenly coat the pieces.
Lay sprigs of fresh rosemary on top of the pieces. This is enough to add flavor while roasting, and then the dried rosemary will be easy to remove.
We send the baking sheet to the oven at 190-200 degrees for 40 minutes. Sometimes more is required. Focus on the color of the pumpkin - the pieces should become golden, toasted.
This pumpkin can be served as a main course or as a side dish. Pumpkin is very fragrant, soft inside, but crispy on the outside.
Bon appetit!

Halloween Snacks

Chinese eggs with tea net

Such eggs look intimidating, in the spirit of the holiday, but at the same time very tasty and fragrant.

Place eight chicken eggs in a saucepan, cover with water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes, then drain the water and cool the eggs. Using a spoon, gently break the egg shells until they crack, but don't peel them. In a separate saucepan, pour 3 cups of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried black tea leaves, 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon stick, zest of one tangerine and 1 teaspoon of salt. Bring to a boil, cover the pot with a lid and simmer the syrup over the lowest heat for 2 hours. Remove the finished syrup from the heat, dip the eggs with cracked shells into it and let them brew at room temperature for 10 hours. Ready eggs cool, peel and serve.

Halloween Mummy Sausages

24 sausages
1 pack of frozen puff pastry
mayonnaise or/and mustard

1. Defrost puff pastry to room temperature, and at this time unpack the sausages and rinse cold water- blot with a tissue.
2. Cut the puff pastry into thin strips like mummy bandages: the thinner the “bandages” are, the more believable your dish will look. Wrap each sausage in a strip of dough so that there is an open piece of sausage on one end. Put your mummies on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - the dough should be deliciously golden.
3. When the sausages in the dough are cooked, then take mayonnaise or mustard and carefully draw eyes and mouths with them on the open ends of the sausages. Carefully place your mummies on the dish so they don't turn face down and get smeared.

Salads for Halloween

Portioned orange salad

Portioned Orange Salad is an easy recipe to create the right atmosphere in your home.
For cooking you need:

  • canned corn- 150 grams,
  • - 1 medium sized cucumber
  • - eggs - 2 pieces,
  • crab sticks- 150 grams,
  • - mayonnaise,
  • - salt,
  • - greenery,
  • - 4 large oranges.

We put the eggs to boil, and while they are cooking, chop the crab sticks and send them to the salad bowl. We cut the cucumber into small cubes and send it to the crab sticks. Peel hard-boiled eggs, finely chop and add to the rest of the ingredients. We do the same with chopped herbs and canned corn. Dressed with mayonnaise
mix, salt. Here is our salad and ready. Now let's start decorating.
We take a large orange, cut off its upper part and carefully take out all the pulp with a teaspoon. Do the same with the rest of the oranges. Oranges will play the role of a miniature pumpkin with us.
We cut out an “evil face” in our “pumpkin”. You can, of course, make it fun, it's not for everyone. And fill with salad.
I chose one of the variations to fill crab salad because my family loves it. But you can cook any other salad. This dish will look original on your holiday table.

Salad "Red Spider"

  • smoked chicken 300 grams.
  • egg 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers 5 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • half a pickled onion;
  • cheese 100 grams;
  • mayonnaise;
  • beets for decoration.

Lay out all the ingredients in layers.
- grated potatoes;
- mayonnaise;
- pickled onion;
- half the meat cut into squares;
- mayonnaise;
- cucumbers cut into squares;
- mayonnaise;
- the rest of the meat;
- mayonnaise;
- grated cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- grated egg;
- mayonnaise.
We cut out a spider from boiled beets (oval butt and torso are long thin legs for better spreading) decorate the salad. It is advisable to cut the beetroot into the necessary handicap and put it to dry on a towel so it will not quickly color the salad.

Sweet treats for Halloween

Funny finger shaped cookies

Mix three cups of flour with 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of salt. Beat one glass of powdered sugar with a mixer with 200 gr. softened butter. Continuing to beat, add one egg, 1 teaspoon each of almond and vanilla extract. When the ingredients are well mixed, while continuing to beat, gradually add the mixture of flour, salt and baking powder. Ready dough wrap in cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Remove the dough from the refrigerator in small portions, shape it into long thin cookies in the form of a finger, on one end of which press one almond, which will represent the nails. Squeeze your cookies lightly in two places to form knuckles. Bake for 20 minutes on a baking sheet covered with a sheet of baking paper, oiled, in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Cool the finished cookies slightly, remove the almonds, grease the recess with any red jam and put the “nail” in its rightful place.

Halloween cake "Gossamer" with fruits and chocolate icing

You can make a simple pumpkin pie for Halloween, like most American housewives do. And you can come up with something more sophisticated - like a Halloween cake with fruit and chocolate icing. Let's call it "Spider Web", because we will decorate it in this spirit.

For fruit biscuit we need:

  • - 4 eggs,
  • — 1,5 cups of sugar,
  • - 2 cups of flour,
  • - 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 9% table vinegar,
  • - 1 medium sized apple
  • - 1 small peach or nectarine

For chocolate icing we will need:

  • - 150 g cocoa,
  • - 100 g butter,
  • - 100 g of sour cream,
  • - 0.5 cups of sugar.

1. Prepare the ingredients for our delicious pastries on Halloween.
2. Beat the eggs with sugar into a strong foam. It should turn dazzlingly white, and this will be a sure sign that the sugar has dissolved well in the egg mass.
3. Soda must be extinguished with vinegar: mix and wait until the "hiss" stops.
4. In the eggs, beaten with sugar, we introduce the sifted flour.
5. Gently stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency. If bubbles begin to inflate and burst on the surface of the dough, do not be alarmed: these are not the machinations of evil spirits, but slaked soda simply makes itself felt. It performs its tasks of enriching the dough with oxygen.
6. Wash the apple, peel it, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices.
7. The washed peach also needs to be cut thinner - into small slices.
8. Lubricate the bottom of the detachable form with butter or margarine. Attention: the sides of the form do not need to be oiled, otherwise your biscuit will rise poorly or not rise at all. Lay out the cut fruit.
9. Pour the dough on top and send the biscuit to the oven. He is supposed to bake for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick or wooden stick. The dough during baking behaves quite insidiously: it can be covered with a golden crust on top, while inside the cake will remain raw.
10. While the biscuit is baking, let's collect the ingredients and prepare the chocolate icing.
11. Dissolve in an enamel saucepan to a liquid state butter.
12. Pour there granulated sugar and cocoa powder. Mix everything thoroughly: lumps in the glaze should not form.
13. When the butter-chocolate mixture boils, add sour cream to it.
14. The icing should be boiled for 1.5-2 minutes, then removed from the stove and cooled.
15. The biscuit also needs to cool - do not remove it from the mold until it reaches room temperature.
16. Apply glaze to the surface of the biscuit. It is better to do this in two layers. We applied the first layer - and put the future cake in the refrigerator for 15 minutes: let the chocolate coating thicken, “grab”. A second layer was applied - again let the cake spend 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
17. And now we will prepare the materials for decorating the Halloween cake. You can take ready-made whipped cream - it is convenient to draw a “cobweb” with them and sweets - marshmallows and chewing marmalade. From the latter, you can “sculpt” a spider figurine, but the cake as a whole will be good without it.
18. We release the whipped cream into a pastry bag or into a plastic bag with a neatly cut tip.
19. Using a bag, squeeze the cream onto the glazed surface of the cake in the form of concentric circles.
21. From the center of the cake we lay several “rays” with cream - now our cobweb has a completely plausible look.
22. From the edge we sit down on the cake of a spider: its torso and legs are cut out of blueberry gummies, its mouth is made of red marmalade, and its eyes are made of white marshmallows. Halloween cake is ready. Happy and delicious Halloween!

Halloween Cake "Vampire Hand"

Before All Saints Day, Halloween night comes, a time when the line between the world of the living and the world of the dead becomes extremely thin. And therefore, the penetration of uninvited guests into the house in the form of evil spirits becomes almost inevitable. Agree, not a very pleasant visit!
In this regard, in order to somehow protect themselves from them, people try to “disguise themselves” and confuse evil spirits. They put on scary costumes and terrifying masks, and they also prepare dishes that have the same “attractive” look on the table.

Let's not think for a long time and join the general "fun". Let's organize a themed dish on the theme of Halloween "Hand of the Vampire". This will be a delicious Halloween cake (despite the intimidating look). For this we need the following products:

For test:

  • - wheat flour premium- 2 glasses,
  • 60 ml gin or vodka
    15 ml dry vermouth
    1 olive stuffed with a piece of pepper
    1 large radish (the olive should fit into the radish)

    "Bloody eyes" must be prepared in advance, at least a day before the holiday. Remove the skin from the radish so that only red stripes remain, imitating blood vessels. Using a small knife, cut an indentation in the radish the size of the olive to be inserted. Place each prepared radish in an ice cube tray, cover with water and place in the freezer. When preparing a cocktail, simply combine vodka or gin with vermouth and dip an ice cube with a bloody eye into the glass.

Halloween is coming soon! Creepy and at the same time a fun holiday that children look forward to. A revived fairy tale about a black hand in a black room, which is located in the farthest corner of the black house ... If this time your apartment will be a haven for witches, ghouls and ghouls, it's time to provide the appropriate surroundings and quietly retire to a calmer (or, conversely, more creepy?) place. And do not forget to cook more food for small evil spirits!

There is no need to invent any special children's dishes for Halloween - it is important here appearance. What scope for fantasies - here you have cut off sausage fingers, and spaghetti worms, and creepy eyes from eggs, and cakes in the form of coffins ... Do not spare tomato blood, color familiar dishes in creepy colors, just don’t overdo it - especially impressionable children may then refuse dishes from pasta or sausages for a long time.

Sandwiches "Pinched fingers"

6 sandwich buns
6 sausages,
bright red ketchup, mayonnaise.

Cut the sausages in half and cut each half lengthwise. Fry in vegetable oil. Cut the buns in half lengthwise, put 4 “fingers” into each, pour ketchup over and cover with the top half of the bun. Mayonnaise draw "nails". Place the buns on a baking sheet and let warm up hot oven.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need not only products, but also the ability to cut. Cut out sheets using scissors thin lavash bat wings. In principle, you are not required to be particularly accurate, but the wings must be recognizable. IN olive oil dilute salt and your favorite spices to taste, grease the wings with a fragrant mixture and place them on a baking sheet. Put it in a hot oven for 3-5 minutes, making sure that the wings do not burn out, but remain ruddy and crispy.

Salad in pita "Monster face". Cut the pita buns in half crosswise. Put a leaf of lettuce into each bun, turning it outward - this will be the tongue of the future monster. Fill the pita with any salad, slightly heaping. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese, set two halves of olives (eyes) and a triangle of sweet red or orange pepper (nose).

12 sausages
1 layer of ready-made puff pastry,
ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.

Roll out the thawed puff pastry into a thin layer and cut into strips. Swaddle each sausage like a mummy, making a thickening where the mummy's hands are hidden, and leaving the "head" uncovered. Place in hot oven for 12-15 minutes, baking until golden color. On the free part of the sausage, draw eyes, nose and mouth with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard.

Another one delicious option how to cook children's dishes for halloween. Grease lightly dried toasts with butter, put the ham plastic. From rings of olives or olives make eyes, from thin semicircular strips of sweet pepper - an open mouth in a terrible scream. thin plates processed cheese light-colored, cut into strips and lay them, imitating bandages and partially overlapping the eyes and mouth.

Cutlets "Eyes of Dracula"

400 g minced meat,
1 onion
50 ml milk
1 slice of stale wheat bread
1 raw egg
3 boiled eggs
3 pitted olives
6 slices light-colored processed cheese,

Mix minced meat with chopped onion, bread soaked in milk and raw egg. Salt, pepper. Roll up 6 cutlets and place them in a greased form with vegetable oil. Put to bake for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, cut boiled eggs cut in half across, and cut the olives crosswise as well. Make a well in the top of the eggs and place the olive cut side up. Drop ketchup into the cut or put a piece of red sweet pepper. Remove the patties from the oven, cover each with a slice of cheese and place an egg cut side down on top of it. Return the pan to the oven and bake until the cheese is melted. Pour ketchup over the cheese, imitating bloody veins.

1 package of ready-made puff pastry,
2 boiled chicken breasts,
1 stack grated hard cheese,
½ stack tomato sauce or ketchup
1 stack boiled small horns,
olives, red Bell pepper.

Cut out circles the size of a tea saucer from the puff pastry. Pour sauce or ketchup, put finely chopped chicken breast, sprinkle with cheese. From pasta, make “hair”, from halves of olives - eyes, from strips of red pepper - an open mouth. Pour over ketchup, simulating bloody streaks, put in a hot oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.


1 kg ready dough for pizza,
1 egg
1 olive
1 stack bright red ketchup
½ stack grated hard cheese
poppy - for rolling.


Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll a ball from one part - the body of a spider. Divide the second part into 2 more parts and roll another ball out of one - the head of the spider. From the remaining dough, roll out 8 sausages - these will be the legs of the spider. Roll sausages in poppy seeds. Fold the spider, attaching the head and legs to the body, sprinkle with cheese. Cut the olive and make the eyes. Put to bake at a temperature of 190ºС for 25-30 minutes. Put the finished spider on a flat dish, cut off the upper body and take out the pulp. Pour ketchup into the resulting hole. Tear off the spider's legs and dip into the sauce.
The main dishes for children on Halloween are, of course, sweets. Prepare the usual cookies and cakes in an unusual way.

3 stack. flour,
1 egg
150 g butter,
5 tbsp Sahara,
4 tbsp milk,
almonds - for decoration.

Melt the butter, add sugar, milk and egg, beat with a mixer. Add flour in small portions, kneading the dough. Cut it into small pieces, roll it into the shape of fingers and place on a baking sheet. On the tips of the “fingers”, strengthen the almonds, unpeeled for greater horror, grease with yolk, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180ºС.

150 g butter,
75 g of powdered sugar,
1 yolk,
225 g flour
1 tbsp cocoa,
a pinch of salt,
protein glaze - for decoration.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough and knead a smooth elastic dough. Do not add water or milk, even if the dough will crumble at first. Put the finished dough in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out cookies in the form of figures of people and animals. Put the cookies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and put in the oven preheated to 200ºС for 10 minutes. On the cooled cookies, use a cornet with icing to apply thin lines in the form of skeletal bones (quite arbitrary, of course!).

Creepy bloody eyes on a plate. For sweet horror, you will need small white marshmallows, pomegranate seeds and thick bright red syrup (preferably not frozen jelly, which can still be poured in a thin stream). Press a pomegranate seed into the center of each marshmallow and draw bloody streaks with syrup or jelly. Let dry before serving.

2 stack flour,
1 stack pumpkin puree,
2 tbsp Sahara,
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 ½ stack milk,
4 eggs,
¼ stack. melted butter,
raisins, chocolate chips or dark berries for decoration.

Combine dry ingredients. Mix milk, yolks and butter with pumpkin puree. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and stir until smooth. Whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form and add to the batter, stirring gently to prevent settling. In a wide frying pan, bake the ghost-shaped pancakes, pouring the dough into shapeless clouds. While pancakes are frying from the bottom, put 2 berries, raisins or pieces of chocolate smaller and 1 larger, forming the eyes and mouth of ghosts. Flip and fry pancakes as usual. Children will be delighted!

You will need large round chocolate chip cookies, chocolate waffle cones and chocolate ice cream to fill. For decoration, you will need colored dragees and icing, painted in green color. Fill waffle cones with heaps of ice cream, stick onto cookies to make pointed hats, and place on a serving tray. Put in the freezer. Before serving, make a ribbon of icing by running a cornet over the junction waffle cone and cookies, and fortify one dragee.

Ice cream "Mold bricks". To prepare this dish, you will need ice cream on waffles or on cookies, blue and green confectionery topping or coconut flakes, protein or protein cream and blue and green food coloring. Prepare the cream and color it with food coloring. The sicker the color, the better. Cut the ice cream in half, if the briquettes are very large, quickly spread with cream and dip in the topping (chips). Arrange on a platter and place in the freezer.

Melt white (not porous!) chocolate with a small amount of heavy cream in a water bath. When all the chocolate has melted, dip each strawberry, holding it by the tail, into the chocolate and quickly transfer to a tray lined with baking paper. When laying the berries on the sheet, stretch them slightly so that the excess chocolate forms "ghost tails". Before the chocolate hardens, stick in a couple of small brown balls of confectionery sprinkles - these will be the eyes of the ghost. Place in refrigerator. When the chocolate has hardened, dip a toothpick into the melted dark chocolate and draw an open mouth.

In order for you to get a meringue for glory, pay attention to the tips of our site. Having been theoretically savvy, start preparing a wonderful and even not at all scary dessert for the kids. Take 50 g of powdered sugar for each protein. Add a little lemon juice or crystalline citric acid, mix and start whipping, adding powder. Beat until "hard peaks" are reached, when the whites are firmly attached to the whisk and do not fall off. Using a pastry bag, pipe the meringues onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper, deliberately pulling them up to make ghost heads (like in Disney cartoons). Stick raisin eyes in the meringue and bake in a not very hot oven for an hour and a half. Let cool in the oven and carefully remove from the sheet. Molten chocolate can be used to draw a mouth.

2 packets of semi-finished jelly made from strawberries, raspberries or other bright red berries,
1 bag of gummies in the form of worms,
blue or green food coloring
deep plate with painted eyes and mouth.

Dilute the jelly according to the instructions on the package, reducing the amount of water by about a third. Pour off part of the jelly and color it with dye (the color will turn out just disgusting). Pour the red jelly into a bowl and refrigerate to set. Stir the jelly several times so that its surface even remotely resembles the cerebral cortex. Stick gummy worms into the frozen jelly, melt the jelly dyed with dye and pour disgusting streaks over all this abomination. Brrr...

And, of course, you can’t do without the queen of a creepy ball - pumpkins. For kids, a real pumpkin pie will be the best treat. And if you decorate it with an ominous web, then it will also be a terribly delicious cake.

300 g pumpkin,
100 g butter,
150 g sugar
3 eggs,
1 lemon
1 stack flour,
1 tsp soda.
For decoration:
white and brown glaze.

Grate raw peeled pumpkin on a medium grater. Peel the lemon with a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Rub the butter with sugar until white, add the eggs and mix thoroughly. Add zest, pumpkin and lemon juice, mix and add flour with soda. Stir until smooth and put the dough into a greased form. Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, for 30-40 minutes. Pour the brown glaze over the cooled cake, let dry. Using a cornet, apply circles of white icing on the surface of the cake at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Then, using a thin wooden stick, draw radial strips from the center to the edges, while the circles will be deformed. The web is ready! Get a toy or edible spider and put it on a pie.

Blue-green lemonade. You will need bright yellow lemonade, green and blue food coloring, and ice cubes. Pour lemonade into glasses, put ice and drip a drop of blue and green dye. With a thin stick, lightly stir the ice in the glasses, but do not stir so that bright dye streaks spread inside.

Making kids' Halloween meals is easy and the kids will love it! Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Halloween food is scary on the outside, delicious on the inside. According to legend, in order to drive away all evil spirits, it is necessary to look scary, decorate the house with frightening paraphernalia, and cook festive dishes.
INGREDIENTS:- 500 g chocolate cake mix
- 400 g long leg liquorice candies
- 2 glasses chocolate cream or glaze
- dragee candies
- confectioner's sugar for sprinkling (optional)
1. Bake cupcakes with cake mix (package instructions). You will need a cupcake mold. They are usually baked for 15-20 minutes, check for readiness with a toothpick. Let cool completely.
2. Cut the liquorice candy into 7 cm pieces. Spread cream on 1-2 cupcakes at a time and decorate immediately so that the cream does not dry out successfully. Brush the tops of the cupcakes with cream, insert licorice candy pieces in place of the legs (3 on each side is enough, albeit unscientific). Insert candies in the form of teeth and eyes. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.

Dead Hand Punch

All you need is a new rubber glove. Preferably not thick rubber. Gray medical gloves are well suited for this idea.
Fill the glove with cranberry juice or fruit drink, any red liquid, tie an elastic band at the bottom, put in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Then we take it out of the freezer, and remove the rubber glove from our “hand”.

Cookies "Prostheses of Dracula".
1) 500 grams of your favorite round cookie, the larger it is, the more spectacular it will look
2) Half a glass of red icing or your favorite cream dyed red, and even condensed milk.
3) A glass with a quarter of small marshmallows or soufflés (details in preparation)
4) 48 pieces of almonds

1) Half a glass of powdered sugar
2) 1 tsp milk
3) 1 tsp sugar syrup (corn or invert)
4) Food coloring

1) Prepare the cookies, if you made them yourself then let them cool, then cut the cookies into halves for a total of 48 pieces.
2) Now you need to prepare the icing, you can buy the icing ready-made in the store, you can also cook it yourself, or you can use your favorite condensed milk or boiled condensed milk, after adding red dye to it. Making homemade icing: In a small bowl, mix powdered sugar with milk until pasty state. Add sugar syrup and almond extract and beat until frosting is smooth and shiny. If the frosting is too thick, add a little more sugar syrup.
3) Lubricate all halves of cookies with icing, arrange marshmallows into 24 halves of cookies in the sequence of teeth, as in the photo. And cover these halves with the second half of the cookie. If it seems to you that the design is not reliable, then you can put more marshmallows behind the decoratively laid out row of teeth.
4) If you did not find a small marshmallow or as it is also called "Marshmallow" or the desired soufflé shape, then just buy your favorite marshmallow and decide on the shape you need.
5) Insert pieces of almonds in place of fangs and delicious cookies"Dracula's Prostheses" are ready!

Cookies "Fingers of the Witch"
150 g butter
1 tsp vanilla sugar
200 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 egg
350-400 g flour
almond, chocolate
1. Beat room temperature butter with sugar and vanilla sugar for 5 minutes. Add the egg, mix. Mix salt, baking powder and flour, add little by little, kneading the dough.
2. It should be firm and not sticky, but don't overdo it with flour or the cookies will be hard to form. If you put a little flour, then the cookies can spread a lot in the oven.
3. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
4. Take out a small piece of dough, roll it into a “sausage” with your hand on the table. This is the basis for the finger. Shape into a finger. Melt the chocolate, add a little water and grease the place for the nail and the end of the finger. Put an almond on each finger and press down.
5. Bake cookies for 20 minutes at 180 gr. Bon appetit!

Dessert "Grave"
Cookies smooth, oval or rectangular
300 grams chocolate chip cookies
gel dye
Marmalade in the form of worms, snails, etc.
Prepare the form where the finished dish will be. Grind the chocolate cookies into very small crumbs, if in your opinion it is not dark enough, then just add cocoa powder and mix, this should darken the cookie crumbs. Put in a dish Then on a smooth cookie that should look like a tombstone, put the word “RIP” or another sinister theme with an edible coloring pencil. Such pencils are sold in many large stores or pastry departments, they are already edible and ready for easy application. Put cookies with inscriptions in a dish with crumbs of chocolate cookies, then spread out marmalade worms, snails.

Fruit bowl made of orange "Fear".
large oranges
Any fruit for topping
Prepare large oranges, so it will be more convenient for you to cut, then cut off the “ass” and peel the pulp. Then proceed to cut out the eye and mouth. Then finely chop your favorite fruit using the pulp of an orange, or prepare another filling and fill the orange.

Meringue with nuts "Dead man's bones"
Another one simple idea for a Halloween dessert that can be made with a minimum of ingredients. Nuts can be added according to your taste.
3 squirrels,
half a glass of sugar
50g nuts
Chocolate chips for decoration
Preheat the oven to 70-80 C and prepare a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until medium foam. If the eggs are large and the foam does not become hard, then add a few more tablespoons of sugar, if the foam does not whip, pour in 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Pour the nuts crushed to the size of rice into the proteins and quickly but gently mix with a spoon. Put into a confectionery syringe or polyethylene and cut off the corner. And put on a baking sheet in the form of bones. Put in the oven and bake cakes for 1-1.5 hours. Note: Since nuts contain a lot of oil, it will break up the bubbles formed by proteins. Therefore, if the nuts are ground very finely or if they are kneaded for a long time and intensively, the mass may fall off, i.e. baked meringues will be hollow and may remain sticky in the middle.

chocolate spider
2 cups flour tsp baking powder
half tsp salt
1/8 tsp soda
10 tablespoons butter, softened
half a glass with a quarter of sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
thin sweet sticks (straws)
one and a half bars of chocolate
chocolate topping
small red candies
Mix all the ingredients for the dough, knead well and refrigerate for 15 minutes. While the dough is cooling, preheat the oven to 175 C. And prepare a baking sheet lined with baking paper. distance between balls approx. 3.5 cm (they will spread later). Bake for 6-7 minutes, remove from the oven, but do not transfer immediately, because. they will be very soft and stick to the paper. Let them cool on the baking sheet for 3-4 minutes, then put them on a wire rack with a spatula and at this moment, while the dough has not yet become hard, attach the legs to the spider. sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles. Let cool and the chocolate spiders are ready.
Note: When smearing with chocolate, be careful, the spider can easily lose its paws.

Meatloaf "Mummy"
1 kg. ground turkey or beef
1 small white onion, finely chopped
1 egg
1 cup skim milk
1 cup breadcrumbs
a quarter tsp salt
a quarter tsp ground black pepper
1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
250g pappardelle pasta (or noodles)
big ball of mozzarella
2 pitted black olives.
Preheat the oven to 180 C. And prepare a greased round shape. Mix the minced meat, egg, onion, milk, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and place in a baking dish. Mix sugar and ketchup and evenly coat the meatloaf. Put in the oven and bake for 1 hour. 20 minutes before cooking meatloaf Start cooking pasta according to package instructions. Drain the water. When the meat is ready, put it on a plate and decorate with pasta, put slices of mozzarella and cover a little with pasta, add olives and the mummy is ready.

Milkshake "Ghost"
For milkshake:
500 ml milk, 200 g ice cream without added vegetable fats, 50 ml berry syrup if desired
To decorate the glass:
1 teaspoon Nutella or White chocolate melted sprinkles ("rain") Black marker
Draw a small ghost face on your glasses with a black marker (it will wash off easily) Dip the rims into melted chocolate or Nutella, then into colored sprinkles Fill the glass with a milkshake.
Beat with a mixer everything for a milkshake. You can add fruits, berries.

Appetizer "Monster Paws"
Cheese with holes
We cut all the ingredients except the olives thinly into slices, cut the olives in half. Put the ham on the bread, then the cheese, cut out the shape with a knife, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, take it out and attach the olives until the cheese has cooled down.

Chocolate dessert "Witch Hats"
400 grams of milk chocolate
8 round cookies
8 mini ice cream cones
1 bag of M&M'S chocolates
Melt the chocolate in the microwave. Lay out the parchment paper. Quickly dip the cookies in the chocolate, place on the paper, then dip the cone in the chocolate and set on top of the cookies, garnish with candy and refrigerate to set the chocolate and you're done!

good mood and delicious meals!














Halloween is a rather unusual and interesting holiday. Of course, not many people celebrate it, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious and mysterious about this holiday. Many people ask the question: "What to cook for Halloween?". This section is devoted to this topic. Here you will find unusual recipes for Halloween, which were prepared by visitors to our site. Almost all recipes are posted with step by step photos to make it easier for you to understand how to cook a particular dish.
Traditionally, many Halloween dishes are made with pumpkins. Therefore, in this section you can also find many interesting and healthy dishes, the main ingredient of which is pumpkin. You will learn how to cook a pumpkin for Halloween and what dishes from it can be put on the festive table.
Making a Halloween menu with the help of this section will be very simple. Here you will find salads, appetizers, desserts, cakes, pies, cookies, as well as other recipes for baking, hot dishes, drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic cocktails, sandwiches, first courses, sweets, muffins, pizza and much more. You will find out what kind of Halloween decorations you can make for dishes.
We hope that our Halloween ideas will inspire you with new dishes that you will share with us.


Lean pumpkin pie

Ingredients: pumpkin, dates, flour, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, salt, baking powder, starch, vegetable oil

To prepare lean pumpkin pie it will take quite a bit - the desire to cook tasty treat and some time. And our recipe will help you cope with this painstaking, but still very pleasant work.

For test:
- whole grain flour- 2 glasses,
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
- baking powder - 2 teaspoons,
- salt - 1 pinch,
- sugar - half a glass,
- cinnamon to taste.

For filling:
- pumpkin - 1 kg,
- starch - 1 tablespoon,
- dates - 5 pcs.,
- dried ginger - 1 teaspoon,
- cinnamon - 3 teaspoons.


Pumpkin fritters with apple

Ingredients: pumpkin, apple, cereals, eggs, soda, sugar, salt, refined vegetable oil

What can you please your family for breakfast? Porridge, sandwiches, scrambled eggs... there are many options. We decided to offer you a win-win - hot fluffy pancakes on a pumpkin with an apple. Bake and serve pancakes with sour cream and sweet sauce, very tasty!

For the recipe you will need:

- 200 g pumpkin,
- one apple
- half a glass of oatmeal,
- two eggs,
- 1 teaspoon of soda,
- sugar - to taste,
- a pinch of salt,
- vegetable oil - for frying.


Halloween Cookies "Imp Kitty"

Ingredients: softened butter, sugar, wheat flour, raw yolk, cream, ground ginger, vanillin, powdered sugar, egg white, confectionery paints

After tasting your cookies at least once, children will no longer say the traditional phrase "sweet or nasty" - they will definitely want your treat! And it cannot be otherwise, because these cookies are not only beautiful, but also very tasty, which will make them your favorite delicacy at your holiday. So stock up on food and bake as much of this treat as possible so that there is enough for everyone!

For test:
- 90 g of softened butter;
- 120 g of powdered sugar;
- 175 g of wheat flour;
- 20 g of raw yolk;
- 15 ml of cream;
- ground ginger;
- vanillin;
For glaze:
- 310 g of powdered sugar;
- 45 g of raw egg white;
- confectionery paints: orange, black, red.


Halloween Cookies "Sweet Spiders"

Ingredients: Wheat flour, sugar, margarine, egg, milk, vanillin, food coloring, powdered sugar

We offer a recipe for making a sweet dessert for the Halloween holiday. Cooking funny sweet spiders with icing. Both children and adults will be delighted with a delicious fabulous dessert.

For test:
- wheat flour - 180 grams,
- milk - 15 grams,
- sugar - 140 grams,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- margarine - 90 grams,
- vanillin.

For glaze:
- raw egg white - 45 grams,
- powdered sugar - 300 grams,
- food paint (black and yellow) - 1 gram each.


Cheese Cookies "Witch's Fingers"

Ingredients: butter, hard cheese, egg, flour, sea salt, baking powder, peanuts, cocoa

Recently, such a holiday as Halloween has become popular among young people. And although not everyone understands its meaning, they still try to walk on a large scale. so, if you decide to arrange a theme evening, prepare a treat for your friends in the spirit of the holiday - bake witch fingers cookies.

For the recipe you will need:
- 100 g butter,
- 100 g of hard cheese,
- one egg,
- 210 g wheat flour,
- 10 g of salt,
- 5 g of baking powder,
- peanut,
- cocoa.


Halloween Cookies "Angry Cats"

Ingredients: butter, sugar, wheat flour, egg, milk, water, powdered sugar, food colors

Have you decided to throw a Halloween party this year? Then you need to think about "scary" treats for friends and neighbors. All kinds of cookies in the form of pumpkins, bats and cats are perfect for this. We invite you to learn how to bake cookies for Halloween. We assure you, your loved ones will be delighted.

For the recipe you will need:
- 65 g natural butter,
- sugar - 110 g,
- 185 g flour,
- one egg yolk,
- 15 ml of water or milk.

For glaze:
- 310 g of powdered sugar,
- egg white,
- edible paints.


Halloween Dish - Fly Agaric Appetizer

Ingredients: eggplant, walnuts, pickled cucumber, onion, tomato, garlic, mayonnaise, dill

Halloween is a rather unusual and interesting holiday. Of course, not many people celebrate it, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious and mysterious about this holiday. Many people ask the question: "What to cook for Halloween?". Decorating your table for Halloween is easy. You just need to show a little imagination. I suggest you try to cook "Amanita"!

Required components:

- large tomato - 1 pc.;
- dill greens - a few branches;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- walnuts - 50 gr.;
- eggplant - 400 gr.;
- pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Cookies "Ghost"

Ingredients: flour, butter, margarine, pumpkin, egg, poppy seeds, sugar, baking powder, soda, cinnamon, salt, powdered sugar, lemon juice

Look how funny the ghost cookies turned out. And not at all scary, as they usually prepare dishes for Halloween. if you decide to bake such cookies for your friends, our photo recipe will help you.

For the recipe you will need:
- flour - a glass;
- butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- pumpkin - 150 g;
- one egg;
- poppy - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- sugar - 25 g;
- baking powder - 10 g;
- cinnamon - a large pinch;
- salt - a large pinch;
- powdered sugar - 250 gr;
- lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Halloween Eggplant Monsters

Ingredients: eggplant, tomato, cheese, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, toothpicks

Although Halloween is not our "native" holiday, more and more people every year begin to support the traditions of this day, dressing in symbolic costumes and preparing themed "terrible" dishes. If you love Halloween, then we offer you a Monsters dish, like original idea holiday table decorations.

Required Ingredients:

- tomato medium size- 1 PC.;
- toothpicks - a few pieces (how many monsters there will be);
- mayonnaise - 50 gr.;
- small eggplants - 2 pcs.;
- cheese - 50 gr.;
- sunflower oil- 50 gr.


Salad "Butterfly R.I.P." on Halloween

Ingredients: canned peas, canned corn, crab sticks, potatoes, eggs, seaweed, apple, banana, onion, mayonnaise, greens

Try to prepare a salad for Halloween, only you need to arrange it unusually, namely in the form of a dead and pierced spaghetti butterfly. This design is perfect for a party where only girls gather in order to tell fortunes. The salad itself is made quickly, the taste is memorable, and you will definitely like it. For any other holiday, the type of salad can be changed.

Required Ingredients:

- crab sticks - 1 pack;
- canned peas - 1 jar;
- chicken eggs hard-boiled - 2 pcs.;
- sweet apple - 1 pc.;
- onion- 1 PC.;
- greens - 1 bunch;
- canned corn - 1 jar;
- boiled potatoes- 2 pcs.;
- sea cabbage - 1 pack;
- banana - 1 pc.;
- mayonnaise - 1 package.

for decor:
- canned corn - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- crab sticks - 3 pcs.;
- spaghetti - 1 thread;
- canned peas - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- greens - ¼ bunch.


pumpkin sandwiches

Ingredients: Carrots, mayonnaise, garlic, bun, pitted olives

We are preparing a simple, uncomplicated snack for a picnic or a holiday. spicy carrot with garlic and mayonnaise on a bun - it's delicious, easy and inexpensive.

- 1 unsweetened bun,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 1 carrot,
- 100 g of mayonnaise,
- a few black olives.


Smoothies with pumpkin and kefir

Ingredients: pumpkin, honey, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, kefir, yogurt

Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious drink that will be useful to everyone, without exception. It is especially relevant in the spring days, when the time for beriberi and blues begins. It's easy to prepare. We offer you one of the options.

For the recipe you will need:
- 300-400 pumpkins;
- honey - to taste;
- a handful of pumpkin seeds;
- ground cinnamon - a pinch;
- 600 g of low-fat kefir or yogurt.


Soba with pork, vegetables and fried cheese

Ingredients: soba, pork, green beans, bell peppers, Adyghe cheese, soy sauce, ground black pepper, salt, vegetable oil

Would you like to inhale the aromas Chinese food? Then be sure to use our new recipe and cook delicious soba with vegetables and pork. We assure you that everyone will like the dish!

For the recipe you will need:
- half a package of soba noodles;
- 200 gr. meat;
- 150 gr. string beans;
- two pods of sweet pepper;
- 100 gr. Adyghe cheese;
- 300 ml. soy sauce;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil.


Salad "Herring under a fur coat" in the shape of a fish

Ingredients: salted herring, beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs, salad onions, mayonnaise

Making your holiday table brighter and more interesting is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. All you need is ingenuity, a little sleight of hand and our tips. We propose to start from the beginning, namely with the salad "Herring under a fur coat", having issued it in the form of a fish.

- 1 lightly salted herring,
- 1 beet.,
- 2 carrots,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 salad onion,
- 200 g of mayonnaise.


Calamari stuffed with mushrooms and rice

Ingredients: squid carcass, rice, mushrooms, onion, cheese, egg, milk, vegetable oil, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper

Tell me have you ever cooked yourself stuffed squid? If not, then use our new recipe. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing!

For the recipe you will need:
- 5 squid carcasses;
- half a glass of rice;
- 150 gr. fried mushrooms;
- 1 head of onion;
- 100 g of cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk;
- 40 ml of vegetable oil;
- a glass of sour cream;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste.

Salad "Stump with mushrooms"


For pancakes: 3 eggs, 0.5 cup flour, 1 cup milk, onion, herbs, 2 tablespoons paprika (for color), salt.

For salad: eggs - 3 pcs, boiled potatoes and carrots - 2 pcs each, ham - 300 g, mayonnaise sauce, marinated mushrooms, greens.

Decor: melted cheese (soft), eggs - 2 pcs, marinated mushrooms, greens.

1. First we need to bake brown pancakes. Flour, eggs and milk will be the basis of the dough. For color, add paprika, finely chopped onions and herbs. This amount of products should be enough for about 6 pancakes. We grease them with oil.

2. We clean the potatoes, coarsely three on a grater. Mix in a single mass with mayonnaise and dill. Mayonnaise goes well with sour cream. We do the same with carrots - we clean, three and mix with the sauce. Eggs or finely chop or use a grater. Add mayonnaise to them. Mushrooms, pickled or salted, chop, mix with dill and sauce. Chop the ham into cubes and add the sauce too.

3. We form a hemp. We spread food plastic wrap on the table. Half the pancakes, cutting in diameter. Brush one side with melted cheese. Next, the halves smeared with cheese are laid overlapping on the film. The cut smooth edge of the pancakes will be the base of the stump. If there are larger halves, they must be laid in the place of the foundation of the future "stump". Along the stacked pancakes, we put the filling in strips randomly.
We lift the near side of the film and carefully fold everything into a roll, on one side of which a flat plane should be obtained. This side and put the resulting "stump" on a plate. If pancake tips stick out - cut them off, they will still come in handy.

4. We decorate the salad, bringing it to naturalness with details. We create roots from the remains of pancakes. If gaps remain somewhere, spread these joints with soft cheese. We decorate with greenery and mushrooms, as in the photo. That's where it makes sense to turn around fantasy! You can decorate the salad by setting "fly agarics" from tomato halves, studded with dots of egg whites.

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