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Dissolve salt in clean cold water. And pour salt water into the egg-flour mixture.

During this time, the dough will become smoother and more uniform, it will be easy to work with. Divide the dough into four equal parts.

Sprinkle the working surface with flour and roll each part of the dough into a thin layer no more than 1-1.5 millimeters thick. Put the finished layer of dough on parchment and leave for 15 minutes so that it dries out a little.

Then you need to twist the slightly dried dough into a tight roll.

Cut the roll into circles, the thickness of which will determine the thickness of the future noodles.

Then unravel the circles to make long strips of homemade noodles. homemade noodles ready for cooking. But if you want to cook the noodles later, then you need to dry them completely (I dry the noodles on parchment at room temperature, turning them over periodically), and then store them in an airtight bag. If the noodles are not dried out, they will quickly deteriorate. In order to cook homemade noodles, they need to be dipped in boiling salted water or broth and boiled for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately served.
From this amount of dough, mixed with eggs, 650 grams of homemade noodles come out. But how to serve it by adding it to soup or as a side dish is up to you.

Store-bought quality noodles can be cooked at home, such as boiled with them. tasty soup or cook it separately and serve with any sauce, with meat, fish, vegetable dishes, with mushrooms or . It is even tastier to cook all these dishes with homemade noodles.

Homemade noodles taste better, at least not only because you make them yourself, but also because you strive to use the highest quality products and do everything in the best possible way.

Homemade noodles are made from thinly rolled dough manually with a knife or with a homemade noodle cutter (a very useful device for such a case, some houses even have such devices from Soviet times).

Let's talk about the recipes for making dough for homemade noodles, from which you can cook the most delicious and healthy dishes at home.

Dough for homemade noodles can be made not only from wheat flour, but also from a mixture of wheat flour with flour from various other cereals, if you want, with additives. In such noodles there will be much less gluten (which is contraindicated for some), in addition, for example, buckwheat noodles interesting not only for lovers of Pan-Asian cuisine, but also very suitable for nutrition with diabetes and overweight problems.

The simplest dough for homemade noodles made from flour and water without eggs - recipe


  • whole grain spelled or wholemeal flour - about 2 measures;
  • water - 1 measure.


Knead the dough from the sifted flour and cold clean water (you can use a mixer with a spiral nozzle). Mix thoroughly. The dough should be pretty tough. We roll out the dough into thin layers and make noodles with a knife or with the help of a noodle cutter. Do not scatter closely - lay out the noodles in one layer to dry on clean paper, at least for 3 hours. Until the state of al dente, homemade noodles are cooked for about 5 to 8 minutes.

If you want to increase the healthiness of noodles, you can take 2 measures of wheat flour and mix with 1 measure of oatmeal and / or barley. If you did not find barley flour on sale, you can get it by grinding ordinary pearl barley in a home grinder like a coffee grinder.

Egg Noodle Dough - Recipe


  • wheat flour or mixed with oatmeal and / or barley - about 2 cups with a volume of 250 ml;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.


Knead the dough from the sifted flour and cold clean water. Add an egg. Mix thoroughly, but not for long, you can use a mixer with a spiral nozzle at low speed. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut the noodles using a knife or pasta cutter. We lay out the noodles on a sheet of paper, let it dry (see above).

Egg noodles are more satisfying and high-calorie than simple ones, and they are also remarkable in that they are less boiled during cooking. Cook egg noodles until al dente for about 8-10 minutes.

In China, they are very fond of noodles, where they cook it from the flour of various cereals and even from the flour of legumes. Rice and buckwheat noodles are especially loved in China.

Dough for Chinese - homemade recipe


  • buckwheat flour - 1 measure;
  • wheat flour - 1 measure;
  • water - 1 measure.


We mix wheat and buckwheat flour, sift and knead the dough in water (or with the addition of an egg), if you want to make the noodles lighter, you can add rice or cornstarch, but not more than 1/4 of the total volume. We roll out the dough into a layer and make noodles with a knife or noodle cutter.

Homemade rice noodles are made in the same way (it takes no more than 8 minutes to cook).

Even in the dough for homemade noodles, prepared according to any of the above recipes, you can add powdered spices (for example, curry mixture), tomato paste, or finely grated fresh herb paste. Such additives not only give the noodles new colors and tastes, but also significantly increase its usefulness.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The abundance of pasta in stores from the best manufacturers will not replace the taste of homemade noodles. Recipes for its preparation and use in different dishes known in many cuisines of the worlds: Chinese, Italian, Tatar, Russian. Homemade noodle dough is made from different varieties flour, of different widths, lengths, shapes and colors, manually and with the help of household appliances.

General principles for making homemade noodles

When preparing dough according to any recipe, flour should be sifted, coarse grinding can be used, which is much more useful. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, using a mixer or blender, then the products will turn out airy. The thickness of the noodles, the shape - bows, corners, rhombuses, stripes - your personal preferences. You need to dry the semi-finished product at room temperature or in the oven at low modes, store it in linen or paper bags.

Homemade noodle dough recipe

Each housewife has her own recipe for making homemade noodle dough. Some make it from egg yolks, others use eggs, others add a little warm water or vegetable oil to the dough. Common is the use of natural homemade eggs and flour premium, these components will provide delicate taste dishes. To prepare it, you will have to work hard, you need to knead for a long time and roll it thinly.

Classic homemade noodle dough

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The classic way to make homemade noodles involves using eggs without separating the protein, adding water as needed. Most housewives like it because it is the simplest and most economical, it is also used in the preparation of noodle soup in traditional Russian restaurants, and besides, it is very tasty.


  1. Wheat flour - 500 g.
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs and salt thoroughly with a mixer or whisk and pour into a well in the flour.
  2. Knead a dense dough, cover with a towel or wrap in cling film so that it does not become weathered. Do not put it in the refrigerator, at room temperature the gluten will swell faster and will be easier to roll out.
  3. Roll out, roll up, cut the flattened roll diagonally into thin strips, shake and leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Use to prepare your desired meal or dry for storage.

Rice dough for homemade noodles

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 360 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for second and first courses.
  • Cuisine: Pan-Asian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Dough for homemade noodles can be made not only from wheat flour, but also from other cereals or a mixture of cereals. From Japanese, Chinese cuisine, rice noodles came to us, it is very tasty, it has found many fans around the world. In Japan, it is made from special rice with a high starch content. In our conditions, you can make rice powder yourself, grind it to the finest consistency from round starchy rice.


  1. Rice flour- 500 g.
  2. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  3. Water - 1 tbsp, l,
  4. Salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix salt, eggs, water with a blender and add flour to the hill.
  2. The dough does not need to be kneaded for as long as other semi-finished products.
  3. Roll a small piece to a very thin state, dry it.
  4. Roll up, cut into thin strips and you can cook. Cooked rice noodles store, like other types of noodles.

Dough for noodles without eggs

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for first and second courses.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To prepare this option, you will need the highest quality flour with a high gluten content; in Italy, a semolina (durum) variety is used. Otherwise, the product will stick together or boil soft and the dish will turn out to be unappetizing. It will take a lot of effort to knead, so it is advisable to use a special tool for making pasta at home.


  1. Wheat flour - 2 cups.
  2. Water - half a glass.
  3. Salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Combine flour with salt and gradually add water to it.
  2. Knead thoroughly, leave for half an hour, sprinkle, roll out.
  3. Cut into strips of desired thickness.

Buckwheat noodles

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 345 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Pan-Asian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Buckwheat noodles came to us from the East, the dish is popular, good for fasting, tasty, lots of minerals. Store-bought buckwheat flour is quite expensive, but it will not be difficult to make it at home, make sure that whole grains of cereal do not get into it. Prepared without eggs according to the traditional oriental recipe with the addition of wheat.


  1. Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.
  2. Buckwheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  3. Water - 1.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the ingredients and gradually pour in hot water, knead elastic dough and leave for half an hour.
  2. Roll out small portions to a thickness of 5 millimeters, cut into strips, it is not worth it thinner, because it will tear.
  3. Send the noodles to boil or dry, this will take a little longer than for the preparation of products from wheat flour.

Dough for noodle cutter

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 320 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Making dough for homemade noodles at home is simple, but it takes considerable effort to knead it and roll it out into a layer, cutting it into thin strips. Tools for rolling and cutting came to the aid of the housewives ready dough. In this case, it should be steeper, but does not require additional drying before cutting.


  1. Wheat flour - 600 g.
  2. Eggs - 5 pcs.
  3. Salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix eggs with salt, add water if necessary.
  2. Pour the beaten mixture into the prepared flour and knead the stiff dough.
  3. After the dough has "rested", roll it out and cut it into small squares.
  4. Pass the resulting pieces through the noodle cutter.

In a bread maker

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 340 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A popular recipe for homemade egg yolk noodles. This option will be slightly more high-calorie than in the classic version, but it has a pleasant yellow color, practically does not boil soft, retains its shape, the broth remains transparent when it is cooked. The process of preparing dough for noodles has been greatly simplified with the advent of bread machines in our kitchens. At the end, you will get a perfectly kneaded dough, and you will have an extra 15-20 minutes for other things.


  • Wheat flour - 400 g.
  • Egg yolks - 6-8 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Water - half a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour and put it into the bread machine.
  2. Pour in the beaten egg yolks and salt. vegetable oil and a little water.
  3. Set the mode provided by the device model.
  4. Cut the resulting lump of dough into 4 parts. Roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of no more than 2 mm, ideally the dough should be translucent.
  5. Leave the resulting layer to dry for 15-30 minutes.
  6. Roll the rolled cake into a roll, cut with a sharp knife into strips of the desired thickness.
  7. If you are not going to cook the dish right now, then spread the semi-finished product on paper to dry.

How to make homemade noodles in different colors

To prepare homemade noodles of different colors, you need to include vegetable components of the desired color and get the result as in the photo from the best pasta manufacturer. For a green color, add spinach along with other ingredients. Turmeric or boiled carrots will give a yellow and orange color. tomato paste or beets will give the paste a red tint. When adding chopped herbs and spices, you get a semi-finished product "speckled".


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Today it seems to all of us that noodles are one of the most primordial Russian dishes, one of the most popular, that dishes with noodles have always existed. Yes, not so. You may be surprised, but the first mention of noodles dates back to the 16th century, and before that, if noodles were known, they could not boast of special popularity and prevalence. According to V. Pokhlebkin, the Russians borrowed noodles from the Tatars, but gave it their own special flavor. And already in the 17th century, noodles became not only one of the most common dishes in everyday Russian cuisine, but, having gained popularity, fell from the table into folklore. What are the mere teasers about the Vladimir townspeople who chop noodles with an ax! We, the descendants, spoiled by the delights of many cuisines of the world, cannot be surprised at all with noodles. But you can easily seduce with noodles, and seat at the table with just the aroma of properly cooked noodles even now. The main thing is that the noodles are homemade, cooked with love and care. Let's try to find out and remember how to cook homemade noodles today.

At first, the most superficial glance, cooking noodles is not fraught with any special secrets. Well, really, is it difficult to mix flour, salt, egg and water, roll out the resulting dough, and cut it into noodles? Even a child can handle it, many will say. And they will be wrong. In the preparation of noodles, every step is important. Correct and accurate selection of verified ingredients, long and thorough kneading of the dough, proper rest of the dough and its rolling, correct cutting and drying. Only knowing all the subtleties of cooking will allow you to fully enjoy truly delicious, strong homemade noodles. Violation of the technology most often leads to obtaining a soft, strangely blurred substance in the soup, which you can’t call noodles or dare to bring to your mouth.

And how many dishes you can cook if you managed to chop the right homemade noodles! Soups are traditionally prepared with noodles, here we are waiting for healing chicken noodles and unusually tasty and fragrant duck noodles, breathtaking noodles with forest mushrooms and sweet milk noodles. But homemade noodles are not suitable for soups alone. Put it in lamb fat, and serve it with tender lamb ribs, boil it in a strong broth, and at the last moment put it on a baking sheet with a roasted pig, put it in a pot, pour it with milk, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake it in the oven. For a long time you can list dishes that noodles will decorate with themselves, and new taste will give them. And add to the noodles fragrant herbs, and spicy vegetables, and fragrant spices, and you yourself will be surprised at how endless the number of unique flavors that such simple, familiar homemade noodles can please you.

Today, Culinary Eden has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important secrets and tips, as well as several time-tested recipes that will easily tell novice housewives how to cook homemade noodles.

1. Like most other dough products, the noodles are rolled out on a board using a rolling pin. V. Pokhlebkin strongly advised using for these purposes a wooden board 50x75 cm, preferably carved from linden, aspen, birch. But the connoisseur of Russian cooking scolded plastic boards, rightly believing that their elasticity and pliability are incomparable with the corresponding qualities of a wooden board. However, plastic boards are, of course, more hygienic. Any rolling pin is suitable for rolling out noodle dough, although the rolling pin is monolithic, you will surely find it more convenient. On the other hand, the European rolling pin will require you to apply much less effort when rolling out the dough. For cutting noodles, you can use ordinary sharpened table knives, but it is most convenient to use round dough or pizza knives. Such knives are both straight and curly - allowing you to cut the noodles of the original wavy shape. Those who often cook noodles can be advised to purchase special mechanical or electric machines that will allow you to easily roll out thinly and evenly cut the dough into noodles.

2. The choice of flour for making noodles is most often limited only by your imagination. The point is that, unlike Italian pasta or pasta, noodles do not require a certain type of a certain type of flour at all. Superbly tasty noodles can be made from wheat, buckwheat or oat flour. Noodles are especially tasty, in the preparation of which two to three different types flour. The same can be said about the type of flour. Good noodles can be made from first grade flour, and from coarser flour. Noodles turn out great if you add a little flour of the second grade to the flour of the first grade or finely ground semolina in a coffee grinder. But unlike pasta, when preparing noodles, eggs are necessarily used, often completely replacing the entire liquid part of the dough with them. The task of the eggs is to make the dough as strong and dense as possible so that it does not fall apart in the water.

3. Let's try to knead the simplest noodle dough. Take a glass of sifted wheat flour, pile it on a board, make a small indentation on top and pour in one egg. Cold egg, this is important! Then add a couple of tablespoons of ice water and immediately start kneading your dough, trying not to spill the liquid onto the board, but mix it all with flour. Knead the dough for as long and as thoroughly as you can. Even if it seems to you that there is not enough liquid, that there is too much unsoaked flour left, drive these impressions away, and try to keep yourself from wanting to splash extra water. At most, you can add another spoonful of ice water, everything else should be done by the strength of your hands. The stronger and more thoroughly you knead and knead the dough, the smoother, denser and more elastic it will turn out. Ready dough wrap with cling film and leave in a cool place for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the dough will completely rise, ripen, become elastic and soft.

4. Is your dough ready? Now you have to roll it out and cut noodles out of it. Sprinkle the board with flour, put a dough ball on it, flatten it a little with your hands, sprinkle with flour and start rolling it out using a rolling pin rubbed with flour. First roll out gently from the center to the edges, trying to give your dough a rounded shape, then roll it out, leaning as hard as possible on the rolling pin, trying to roll out the dough as thinly as possible. When the thickness of the dough sheet reaches a couple of millimeters, again begin to be especially careful, trying not to tear the thin dough sheet. The thinner you can roll out the dough, the better. Remember that even two-millimeter noodles will swell when boiled and turn into a poorly cooked sticky four-millimeter piece of dough.

5. Rolled out? Subtle enough? So almost everything is ready! It remains only to cut our noodles. If you are using round or special shaped knives, then just start cutting the noodles to the thickness you need for your goal. If you want to cut traditional Russian noodles, then first let the dough sheet lie down for 10 - 15 minutes and dry slightly. Then gently dust the sheet with a thin, even layer of flour. Carefully roll the test sheet prepared in this way into a tube, gently flatten it, and then cut it across and slightly obliquely into thin, elegant rings no more than two to three millimeters thick with a very sharp knife. Unfold the finished noodle rings and scatter relatively loosely on a tablecloth or woven towel and let them dry slightly, sometimes gently stirring them. Now your noodles are perfectly ready to be used in any dish you like.

6. Noodles from other types of flour are prepared in exactly the same way. Let's try to cook the most delicious and popular Russian noodles from wheat and buckwheat flour. Mix and sift together through a sieve one cup of wheat flour and a quarter cup of buckwheat flour. Leave another quarter cup of wheat flour for sprinkling. Pour flour into a slide on the board, make a well in the center of the flour slide and pour one a raw egg and three eggshells of ice water. Knead a tight dough, wrap in a towel and let rest for 15 minutes. Roll out the finished dough into a layer no more than one millimeter thick and cut thinly.

7. Rolling and chopping noodles is only half the battle. Now we need to cook this noodles deliciously. Let's start with traditional Russian chicken noodles, which is quite rightly attributed even medicinal properties. Cook a strong broth from two liters of water and 700 gr. Chicken. Remove the chicken and strain the broth, return to the pot and bring to a boil. Add one finely chopped onion, two bay leaves, two to three saffron stamens, salt and black pepper to taste. In a boiling broth, pour the pre-prepared wheat noodles and cook until tender for five minutes. At the end of cooking, add two tablespoons of parsley, one tablespoon of dill and two minced garlic cloves. Remove from heat and serve immediately. boiled chicken submit separately.

8. More fragrant and tastier than noodles duck is difficult to find, such noodles will easily decorate even festive table. Prepare noodles in advance from one and a half cups of wheat and half a cup of buckwheat flour. Thoroughly rinse and scrape one duck, weighing about two kilograms. With a sharp knife, remove the subcutaneous fat near the neck and tail. Pin up duck skin with a fork in several places, put the duck on a roasting rack and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰. Don't forget to place a baking sheet under the duck! Roast for 30 minutes until the duck is browned and most of the fat has been rendered out. Divide the finished duck into 10 parts, place in a saucepan, add one whole carrot, one onion, one parsley root. Fill everything with 1 ½ liters hot water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1 ½ hours, regularly skimming excess fat from the surface. Boil the noodles until cooked separately and discard in a colander. When the duck is ready, remove the vegetables, take out the pieces of duck, and strain the broth. When serving, put in each plate a serving of noodles, a piece of duck and pour boiling broth over everything. Serve chopped dill or parsley on plates separately.

9. Fragrant mushroom noodles made from dried porcini mushrooms will remind you of a cold winter sometimes about a warm mushroom summer. One cup of dried porcini mushrooms, pour 1 ½ liters cold water and leave for two hours. Remove the mushrooms and rinse from sand and litter, and strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Chop one white part of a leek, one onion, one parsley root and one celery root into large pieces. Pour mushroom infusion into a saucepan, add vegetables and mushrooms, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over low heat under a lid. Remove the cooked vegetables, remove the mushrooms and cut into thin strips. Boil the noodles separately until cooked in the amount you want. Combine in a saucepan mushroom broth, chopped mushrooms and boiled noodles. Bring everything together to a boil, season with salt and pepper, and remove from heat. Before serving, add a piece of butter to the noodles and sprinkle with chopped dill.

10. For a real delicacy has always been revered in Russian at home noodle loaf, noodles. And it's not that hard to make it. Make thin noodles with two cups of wheat flour. Bring one liter of milk to a boil, add the noodles and cook until tender for 4-5 minutes, then drain in a colander and cool slightly. Pour half a glass of raisins with plenty of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, and drain in a colander. Lightly beat three eggs with a fork. Mix noodles, raisins and eggs. Put the resulting mixture into a greased baking dish and place in the oven, preheated to 170⁰. Bake until golden brown for 30 minutes. Before serving, drizzle the noodles with melted butter.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more new and interesting ideas, tips and recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook homemade noodles.

Noodles are pasta in the form of elongated flour strips. Used in various dishes many countries, as it is combined with many products. Noodles originated in northern China.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Egg noodle contains a large number of vitamins (A, E, PP), macro- and microelements (manganese, iron, potassium), amino acids (threonine, histidine, lysine, cysteine, aspartic acid). It is well absorbed and can serve as a dish to restore the strength of an organism weakened for one reason or another.

Beneficial features:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxic compounds.
  2. Improvement of the stomach.
  3. Favorable effect on the brain.
  4. Help in the fight against depression.
  5. Increase the protective properties of the immune system.
  6. Help in the recovery of the body after suffering serious illnesses.
  7. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Maintaining blood cholesterol levels.

Despite the many benefits, the product should not be abused. The dish is contraindicated in people with a slow metabolism and obesity. Also, do not use the product for people who have gluten intolerance.

Food preparation

It takes about an hour and a half to prepare. Most of the time is spent kneading the dough and resting it.

Noodles at home can be made in different shapes, for cooking you will need the main components: sifted Wheat flour, egg, water, salt. The type of flour is not important. Eggs can be used not only chicken, but also quail, duck, turkey.

As for water, some recipes omit it or replace it with vegetable oil.

How to cook homemade egg noodles?

In order to make 7-8 servings of egg noodles at home, you should take:

  • 7-8 Art. spoons of flour (with a slide);
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • Art. l. water;
  • one egg;
  • a pinch of salt

Step by step cooking homemade noodles in the photo:

  1. Break the egg into the sifted flour, add a tablespoon of warm boiled water, a few drops of olive oil, salt. Mix the ingredients and knead the dough. Put the flour mass on the surface, which should be lightly sprinkled. Start kneading the dough, adding flour if necessary.
  2. As a result, the flour mass should be dense and elastic. Wrap in a towel or wrap with a film, leave for 10-15 minutes.

  3. Roll out each part separately. First, the ball should be turned into a cake, then rolled out in a thin layer. It is recommended to sprinkle the rolling pin and the rolling board to avoid sticking of the dough.
  4. This stage of cooking involves cutting the resulting cakes into strips. Then they need to be stacked on top of each other and cut into strips.
  5. There is another cutting option, more economical in time. To do this, fold the layers on top of each other and roll up in the shape of a tube. Next, cut the product.
  6. finished product spread evenly over the surface to dry.

Nutritional value of 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 55 g;
  • fat - 2 g;

Calorie content - 303 kcal.

cooking options

Egg noodles without water

To prepare the product without water, it is advisable to use homemade eggs, but store-bought ones are also suitable.


  • one chicken egg;
  • a glass of flour;
  • salt.

Recipe for homemade egg noodles:

  1. First you need to sift the flour. Make a slide out of it, in the center of which make a recess, break an egg into it, salt a little.
  2. Mix ingredients. When the dough becomes thick, transfer to the table (previously sprinkled with flour), start kneading until a homogeneous, elastic and smooth mass appears.
  3. Next, cover the resulting mass and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  4. After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into several parts, roll each into layers about two mm thick.
  5. Then sprinkle the cakes with flour and roll in the form of a roll.
  6. After that, you can cut pieces of arbitrary width, which you need to expand and lightly sprinkle.
  7. In the event that the product is prepared for long-term storage, the pieces should be spread evenly on a surface sprinkled with flour and left to dry at room temperature.

Fold the finished product into a bag or container.

Homemade noodles with milk

For cooking you will need:

  • 80 ml of milk;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a couple of st. l. rast. oils;
  • 150-200 g flour.


  1. Break the egg, liquid ingredients into a deep bowl, salt, stir. Gradually sprinkle in the sifted flour. Knead the dough, then wrap it in a bag or a clean towel, set aside for one hour.
  2. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the flour mass in a thin layer and leave until it dries completely (about 60 minutes).
  3. After the lapse of time, make strips of any width from the dried layer, then lay them in layers on top of each other and cut thinly.
  4. Mix carefully with your hands. Then lay out on a surface to dry (you can use a large board, tray or baking sheet). Leave for 24 hours at room temperature. From time to time, gently mix the product with your hands.

There is also the option of cooking pasta without drying.

egg noodle recipe for bread machine

Required components:

  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 60 ml of warm water;
  • 10 gr. salt.


  1. The first step is to place all the ingredients in the bread machine. Select the mode for kneading the dough (each model has a different name for the mode).
  2. The flour mass in the bread machine is kneaded for about twenty minutes.
  3. The finished dough should be left for 25 minutes, before that cover with a film or towel.
  4. After the time has passed, the mass is divided into four parts, each of which is rolled into thin layers.
  5. Sprinkle each cake lightly with flour and leave to dry slightly.
  6. Then wrap each rolled layer in the form of a roll and cut into thin slices, which must be separated from each other and dried (you can use an oven heated to 70 degrees).

Arrange the finished product in storage containers or cook immediately.

Video recipe:

Egg noodles with spinach

To make colored pasta at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of flour and fresh spinach;
  • one egg;
  • salt and ½ teaspoon olive oil.


  1. First you need to rinse the spinach well, you can fill it with water and leave to soak for five minutes, then wash the leaves under the pressure of water.
  2. Boil water, salt (two liters - ½ tbsp. table salt). Place the spinach in boiling water, cook for a couple of minutes (to give a more saturated color and softness of the greens). It is not worth keeping in boiling water longer, otherwise a swampy shade will appear.
  3. After the time has elapsed, transfer the spinach to a colander in order to drain the excess liquid from the glass, cool. The result is about 80 grams of boiled greens.
  4. Grind the spinach leaves together with the chicken egg in a blender to a pulp.
  5. Next, sift the flour, make a slide with a recess in which you need to shift vegetable puree, mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  6. Then you need to pour in the oil and salt.
  7. Start kneading the dough until elastic and smooth. Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes in a bag or towel.
  8. After a while, you can roll out the cake, and then roll it up. Cut the folded layer into slices 1 cm wide, carefully unfold each.
  9. Lay out on a surface to dry.

It turns out homemade green noodles. The finished product can be prepared immediately.

Egg noodles with curry

Required components:

  • 100 grams of flour;
  • one egg;
  • salt;
  • a third of a teaspoon of curry.


  1. Mix the sifted flour with the egg, add the rest of the ingredients. Start kneading the flour mass.
  2. Cover the kneaded dough until smooth with a film and leave to “rest”. Then roll out thinly, roll into a roll and cut into narrow strips.
  3. Unroll sliced ​​plates and place on a drying tray.

Dried curry product can also be left for long-term storage or cooked immediately.

Noodles on quail eggs

For cooking, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also quail or duck.


  • five quail eggs;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 100 ml of vegetable fat;
  • salt.


  1. Beat quail eggs in a bowl, mix with fat. Then gradually add the flour sifted through a sieve. Knead the dough.
  2. Then leave the flour mass to lie down, covered with a bowl or towel for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, roll into thin layers, each roll up and cut into plates.
  4. Put the pasta on the table, dry a little.

The product is ready.

Video recipe:

Noodles on duck eggs


  • 300-350 gr. flour;
  • three duck eggs;
  • a couple of st. l. warm boiled water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt.


  1. Beat duck eggs with water and salt. Gradually add the sifted flour while stirring. Knead the dough.
  2. Leave the kneaded flour mass for a third of an hour, wrapped in a towel.
  3. After 20 minutes, roll out the dough into thin cakes. Roll each into a roll, then thinly slice.
  4. Carefully unroll the noodles, spread evenly on a floured surface. Leave to dry.

Store in containers or prepare immediately.

Depending on the thickness of the pasta, the cooking time varies from 7 to 12 minutes. It is recommended to add to the water, in addition to salt, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. This will prevent sticking.

Cooked homemade noodles must be thrown into a colander so that excess liquid can drain. If olive oil was not added during cooking, you can put a piece of butter after cooking.

What to serve with?

Noodles with beef and vegetables

To prepare the dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 gr. beef meat;
  • 200 gr. pasta;
  • carrot;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a couple of sprigs of cilantro;
  • 2 - 3 garlic cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon of ginger;
  • 2 - 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • tsp sesame seeds;
  • table salt (to taste).


  1. Cut beef meat into slices, put on a frying pan heated with fat. Fry until light browned.
  2. Then add soy sauce, ginger, large pieces of garlic.
  3. Cook pasta in salted water.
  4. Place chopped onion, pepper, cilantro in the pan to the fried meat. Fry for ten minutes.
  5. Add sesame seeds and pepper, salt.
  6. Put boiled noodles into the prepared meat and vegetable preparation. Mix well. Cook for another five minutes.

with minced meat

Required components:

  • 300 g of pork meat;
  • 4 heads of onions;
  • 200 gr. pasta;
  • 2/3 tsp ground pepper;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • 6 art. l. tomato sauce / pasta / ketchup;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rast. fat;
  • salt.


  1. Cut pork and onion into large pieces, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Fry in a frying pan heated with oil, then simmer for ten minutes under the lid. The components should be mixed periodically.
  3. Then add ground pepper, bay leaves, salt. Mix well, after 2 minutes turn off the heat.
  4. Boil noodles with a little rast. fat and salt. Place minced meat in a bowl with pasta, mix. Close the dish with a lid.
  5. At this time, chop the onion heads, put in a pan with onions. Pass until light golden.
  6. Then add the pepper cut into thin slices, salt, pepper, mix. Cook for about five minutes, then lay out tomato sauce(you can use homemade lecho).
  7. Mix the ingredients, simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  8. Transfer the vegetable mass to the noodles with meat, stir well.

Put the finished dish on a plate, decorating with fresh herbs.

With mushrooms


  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 250 g egg noodles;
  • onion head;
  • carrot;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Chop washed and peeled vegetables with mushrooms. Put on the pan. Fry, constantly stirring the mass.
  2. Pour in the cream, add spices, salt. Mix the ingredients. Leave to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cook pasta with salt, then add a small amount of butterfat.
  4. Next, put the pasta to the vegetable preparation, warm up for a couple of minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

With seafood


  • 400 g pasta;
  • 4-5 art. spoons and 1 tbsp. l. - butterfat and vegetable, respectively;
  • bulb;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • 50 g of ginger root;
  • half a stalk of celery;
  • ½ st. dry white wine;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 250 g of seafood (you can use a frozen cocktail);
  • fresh greens;
  • salt (to taste);
  • bay leaf.


  1. Boil pasta until done.
  2. Melt butter, mix with pasta.
  3. Defrost seafood. Peel the shrimp, put on a separate plate.
  4. Fry in a pan with butter for about 1-2 minutes on each side of the scallop. Serve with shrimp.
  5. Peel and wash vegetables. Onion and garlic, chop the ginger into small pieces, cut the celery stalk into slices.
  6. To the butter remaining after frying the scallops, add vegetable oil, put the onion mass. Pass for 5 min.
  7. Then put the pieces of garlic, ginger and celery. Mix the ingredients, simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Pour in wine, add bay leaf, pepper, salt. Mix and boil.
  9. Next, lay out seafood (except shrimp and scallops). Cook 5-7 min.
  10. Peel tomatoes and seeds, cut into cubes. Place on the workpiece. Stir, bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for about 3 minutes.
  11. Then lay out the shrimp with scallops, chopped greens. Gently mix the ingredients, turn off the heat.
  12. Pour the pasta with the prepared preparation, mix.

The dish is ready.

With Chiken


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 500 g pasta;
  • 100 g of carrots and onions;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 75 ml soy sauce;
  • chicken egg;
  • a pinch of ground ginger and coriander;
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

  1. Chop the peeled carrot into large slices, onion into half rings.
  2. Cut the washed chicken meat into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water. Add butterfat.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with the addition of soy sauce and pepper, then pour into a heated frying pan.
  5. Next, place the pieces of breast, carrot, ginger, onion, coriander. Cook for about ten minutes. with strong heating.
  6. After that, put pasta to the meat with vegetables, add soy sauce. Stir, simmer another 5 minutes.

The dish is ready.


Egg noodles can be served with various sauces.



  • a teaspoon of finely grated ginger and frozen oil;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • under Art. a spoonful of honey and wine vinegar;
  • 3 tsp starch;
  • garlic;
  • ½ st. dark soy sauce.


Combine all ingredients, mixing thoroughly. Pour into a small saucepan, bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid and set aside. Keep refrigerated.


  • 150 g ham or bacon;
  • a glass of heavy cream;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg grated.


Put the bacon cut into small cubes into a preheated deep frying pan. After it is lightly fried, pour in a glass of cream, simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Then add the grated cheese, chopped garlic (with the help of a garlic press), spices, mix. After the cheese has melted, the sauce is ready.

Video recipe:


  • 3 tbsp. l. olive and butter fat;
  • 30 gr. dried white mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • 600 gr. tomatoes.


  1. Soak mushrooms in boiling water for 60 minutes. After the lapse of time, transfer them to a sieve so that the glass is excess liquid. Strain the resulting broth.
  2. Cut dried mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Put the chopped onion into a heated frying pan with olive oil and butter. Pass until transparent.
  4. Then put the mashed tomatoes, mushrooms and broth into the pan, salt and pepper.
  5. Cook the sauce on low heat for 40-45 minutes, stirring constantly.

Video recipe:


  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • a couple of teaspoons of flour and butter;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 0.5 tsp table salt.


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Then add flour. Mix the components until a homogeneous mass.
  2. Slowly pour in the milk, whisking constantly.
  3. Beat until the mass thickens.
  4. Then put the grated cheese into the pan. Cook until cheese melts, then remove from heat.

The sauce is ready.



  • 200-220 grams of oysters, boiled or pickled;
  • 20 ml of water;
  • 50 ml, 15 ml - light and dark soy sauce, respectively;
  • a tablespoon (with a slide) of granulated sugar.


  1. Peel, wash the oysters, remove from the shells, cut into small pieces, place in a bowl for cooking.
  2. Fill them with mixture. soy sauces. Add water, sugar. Mix.
  3. Cook on low heat until liquid is reduced by 1/3.
  4. Beat the mass with a blender until a thicker consistency.

The sauce is ready.



  • 100 grams of soybeans;
  • a couple of tablespoons of meat broth;
  • Art. l. flour;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.


  1. Boil the beans, grind into a puree.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting mass, salt. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.

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